Day 60 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 60

I’m happy to say that I completed all of my goals yesterday aside from the water… the easiest one. The September playlist has already been released and I’ll be posting my latest @TheRingOfDOOM video shortly. I kicked off #100DaysOfStickersWith206LizPartDeux yesterday and today will be the first day of #100DaysOfTheRingOfDOOMvideos. These 100 Day projects help me to stay on track on the days when I wonder why I’m doing all this. I already have 100+ sticker photos so that will be easy but the video one will be my big challenge. Looking forward to seeing how my videos evolve over the next 100 days. I don’t think I’ll be uploading them to Facebook anymore cuz they are d-bags.

Today I’ll be working an extra long shift (Only 8 hours! Usually the shifts are 4 hours.) at the pizza spot so I’ll rake in even more dough. Looking forward to seeing the first direct deposits come through so I can pay my bills weeks before they are due like a boss. The gig economy is rough to say the least and causes all of us to say yes to jobs that aren’t paying us what we’re worth because every penny counts. In the past month, I’ve turned down three great gigs (two of them tours) in favor of health/dental and some form of stability. I’m prioritizing this creative work now so I will have something to come back to when I return from the many tours I plan to go on in the future. The post-tour depression is too real when you’ve worked yourself into solitary confinement and have been returning “home” to squat in your 10x10 art studio for the last 11 months. I’ll figure this shit out eventually as long as I keep on doing, working smarter, working harder, and hanging out with actual people who want to see me succeed.

Someone asked me on Reddit if they could use my flamingo sunset collage as their Soundcloud song image and I’m not sure what to say about it. I know I should get paid if someone wants to use my art but this is my first time in this situation so it’s tricky. At this point, I’m thinking about dropping my PayPal link in the reply and saying yes with the condition that I will use the image myself someday… fuck it, I’m going to say no. This artist only has three songs and no other social media presence so I don’t think I want to open the door to random Reddit messages from this person. If someone did want to use the image in the future (myself included), I’d rather it be someone I know… or would like to know. I’m not going to be that nice anymore. I still have 20 Organic cotton blank black tote bags that are in need of an image and maybe that is the one.

Today I did things in a different order so I’ve already completed a few of my goals. It helps to have some sort of structure to the day when you’re trying to get a lot of things done… duh Liz. I’ve abandoned the 90 minute work blocks for a bit and just keep on working when I feel so inclined. I may get back into it but first I want to see what I accomplish over the next week without the blocks.

The September Spotify Playlist has arrived!


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Go to work and kick ass

7.     Work on next @TheRingOfDOOM video

8.     Start November playlist

9.     Fold laundry

10.  Post September playlist and promote

11.  Post Day 1 of #100DaysOfTheRingOfDOOMvideos


Jessie Reyez “Apple Juice” 2018  She’s so rad.

Day 59 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 59

Yesterday I worked and spent most of the rest of the day attempting to relax. I can’t stop thinking about how much I want to go back to Portland to make more photos. One of my would-be favorite shots from Burnside has my finger in it so my perfectionism won’t let me post it. I’ll be heading downtown to take some photos this afternoon before work because there are some spots I haven’t photographed in too long. I’ve been procrastinating the completion of my video from the beach like a dumbass. If I really want to do myself a service, I’ll start my next two 100 Day Projects today so I can feel like I’m making progress in life. Even though I’ve never made a penny off my websites, they have led to every opportunity in the music industry I’ve ever had so I know it is worth it to keep going.

Favorite photo from my field trip.

Favorite photo from my field trip.

Sometimes I think I don’t have the entrepreneur gene but then I remember that my cousin and I created our own newspaper when we were around 10 and had actual subscribers. We hand typed every issue ON TYPEWRITERS and charged 25 cents each; it was called the Market Street Reporter. I believe I have one or two in my storage unit somewhere (I’ve had most of my belongings in storage for almost two years now). The truth is that I haven’t pulled the trigger on most of my ideas because I doubt myself AND because I still feel weird about using DOOM’s likeness and making money from it. I have asked them in the past if they’d like me to stop but they asked if I would send them what I was working on. The zine I had just made was crude and unimpressive but I sent it to them anyway. No response from that but I totally get it. When you know you’re going to be sending whatever you make to your one of your favorite rapper’s teams, the stakes feel higher. I still want to make the photo-graphic novel and videos because it’ll help me to learn new skills and develop the story. At one point a French duo called NowFutur created a DOOM mix called Origins Of The Villain using samples from his songs and his original sources to create a video project that inspired DOOM to have them open for him at some of his European shows. Anything is possible if I make the thing and vice versa.

My trip to Europe feels so far off now because it is. Unless I can get some sponsors, I won’t be able to go until the spring. That would give me time to hopefully earn enough to pay for my dental work (even with my insurance) and raise the funds for the trip itself. Ideally, I’ll also be able to have enough to live somewhere when I get back. I’ve already got the Skyscanner alerts set so I can hopefully get the ticket for under $500 like last time. The trip won’t magically happen in the spring, I will have to make it happen with small steps every day. I’ll be seeking out a sublet situation once I earn the fundage… soon. So excited for the paychecks to start flowing. I don’t plan on living alone so it should be pretty affordable. Usually I just want to hide in my room and make stuff anyway so I’m a great roommate.

The sad photo with a finger in it.

The sad photo with a finger in it.

Sometimes writing this blog makes me feel like I’m just talking about the things I want to do instead of just doing them… because it is true. I enjoy the act of writing and would love to keep doing it, I just can’t let it take up so much time that it replaces creating the rest of the art I want to make. Even though I know where I want to go, the route is still blurry. All I know for sure is that I won’t get anywhere if I don’t keep finishing stuff. I didn’t complete any of the things I wanted to yesterday so my goals remain the same but I added a walk.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Go to work and kick ass

7.     Make a video from the footage I got yesterday at the ocean.

8.     Finish September Spotify playlist

9.     Go for a walk and make some new photos.


Gorillaz “Tomorrow Comes Today” 2001  If I keep on putting it off until tomorrow, I’ll be running in place forever.

Day 44 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 44

When I woke up I knew that today was the day that would truly begin my next adventure… or it could be the day that I gave up on my dreams. So I posted the video I worked on for at least eight hours yesterday and shared it on Craigslist, Facebook, and Twitter. In the ten minutes that has passed since I posted it, I already have a buyer who is offering cash; I haven’t responded yet for many reasons but mostly I am terrified to meet a stranger and exchange over $10,433 and then try to walk somewhere with all that money… alone. I’ll need some backup on that for sure. I also still need the car until at least tomorrow so I can finish moving out of my studio. This will work and I’m so excited to be free of the car but I still need it for a few more days. I’ve given myself a deadline and it is now.


I learned so much about myself AND iMovie while recording the footage and editing this video. It feels 100% like I’ve just hit the ground running and that I have so much work to do right now… because I do. It is not time for me to write about what I hope to do with the rest of my day; it is time for me to do it… right now.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Take final items out of art studio so I can be finished using my car forever.

7.     Visit a BECU location to ask what paperwork I’ll need with me to sell the car.

8.     Mail off sold eBay item.

9.     Figure out how to respond to the people who already want to buy my car and find someone willing to be there when the transaction goes down.



Télépopmusik – “Breathe” 2001  I discovered this song way too late but we’re living happily ever after together from here on out.

Day 40 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 40

Here we are eight days away from my departure and I’m still reeling in my thoughts about how I actually plan to make this happen. I greatly aspire to earn some sort of grant or large chunk of money (in addition to my Bumbershoot check & deposit return on my studio) but for the most part I MUST learn how to make money remotely very soon. There are infinite ways to do this in 2018 but the key to all of them is either reaching out to those creating these opportunities or kicking so much ass that they come to me. Both of these require immediate action that I am ready to take.


Last November while en route back to Seattle from Minneapolis after the second leg of Brother Ali’s The #OwnLightTour I felt the call to find a place to make art. I found that place, made the art, and learned infinite things about myself in the process. I had spent six weeks before the tour exploring the US in my Subaru (sleeping in my car 90% of the time) and found the hardest part was finding a place to just be and create. My world changed drastically with the first leg of the tour and I now find myself unable to settle for anything remotely normal again because I have experienced the pure joy of a rap tour. I love the art I made over the last nine months more than I thought I would but I discovered that if I chose to go all in on this particular talent, I’d be spending most of my time alone sorting, cutting, and gluing tiny pieces of paper. I will make art until my last day on this planet but that is not the path that will make me the happiest.

The happiest moments of my life have all been related to my love of music and art. Every opportunity I’ve created for myself was rooted in me showing the world the things I love the most. My interest in the Seattle Hip Hop scene inspired me to start my own music blog back in 2009 that would later serve to be my resume and continue to show the world what I’m all about. By showing the website I had curated to the right person, I was able to immerse myself in the music world and work my way through the ranks at a shocking speed. My (not) secret goal was always to learn exactly how the music industry is working and who the key players are so I could create a path around the mainstream. Seattle is too small for me to tell the story of my music career fully at this time, but, I will say that the white men in power in the music industry are worse than I originally thought and that jumping off the corporate music ladder headfirst into poverty was one of the best decisions I ever made. It is 1000% times better to get hired by the artist’s team directly even if the job offers only show up sporadically. The best thing I can do for both myself and the artists I hope to help reach their maximum potential is to create opportunities for all of us to shine on a global level. One more show at a small bar that is solely attended by other musicians will not help them to get out of struggle mode. I’m sure we can all agree that music is art; so why is it that visual artists can make millions off one piece of art when musicians can inspire millions with one song art and receive very little or no compensation? The answer to that question if fairly obvious to those who are paying attention, but, what is important is what I hope to do about it.


Seattle is a wonderful city but all the signs are telling me that it is time to move on. Every step I take above my own bullshit shows me that the only thing holding me back is me; this is obvious to everyone to knows me. I believe so strongly that I MUST go to Europe right now that I’m abandoning all stability and ridding myself of most of my material possessions to make it happen. Yes it is kind of crazy but this is the perfect time to quote Seal, “we’re never gonna survive, unless we get a little crazy.”

After an epic hour and a half conversation with my youngest sister (who just got an MPC!!!) just now, I’ve resolved to make it a priority to try to sell my car before I go and to ask for help doing so. Releasing this vehicle will free me from more than just financial burden, it will close the door on the residual effects of my marriage. I could not be happier to have learned the lessons I did being married to the wrong person but the lessons I learned by being brave enough to get divorced are much more valuable. Letting someone else choose what I prioritized was stupid and six years after my happy divorce, it’s time to slam the door on all that bullshit and take my life in the direction I want to go. Before I met my ex my goal was to figure out how to move to London and it has taken me sixteen years to get back on track. It’s time to go.

I’ll be figuring out how to formally get rid of my car in the coming days but the pricetag is $10,741 to break even on my beautiful 2012 Subaru Outback. Still trying to figure out how to monetize the fact that Ariana Grande (and too many rappers to name) has been in my car but not really. (Side note: sending all my love her way, anyone who blames her for the death of Mac Miller is an asshole.) I cannot wait to see how I take action towards my best life in the next week. I plan on ripping my shell off and showing myself and the rest of the world what I can do when I’m no longer afraid and it’s going to be fucking awesome.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) - LISBON

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Tidy up my sister and brother-in-law’s place and pick them up from the airport

7.      Start packing up my studio so I can move most of it to my storage unit tomorrow.

8.       Listen to my own brain and take notes



Nas – I Can 2002  This is a perfect example of how a song can be a banger while also having an excellent message.

Day 36 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 36

Yesterday was my first day of housesitting and I was not even close to being as productive as I hoped I would be less than two weeks away from departure for Europe. When I wake up in my tiny studio, there are limited options for what to do with myself so working hard to escape the box is always the obvious option. Now I sit here typing at a table that would take up half my studio, thinking about making hash browns from scratch because I can. Normally I would just eat almonds, toast, or something else super fast. That said, being around all this free food since the beginning of Bumbershoot weekend has shown me how hungry I’ve been over the last month or so. Eating the bare minimum to stay functional so you don’t have to pay for more food is not that tight; food is so good (understatement of the forever). Even though I’ve been broke for years, I’ve never applied for food stamps because I feel so lucky to live the life that I do. I usually make too much money to qualify for assistance on paper but because my bills are so high, the food money is not there and/or I’ve just been prioritizing good credit instead.


Basically, the summary of yesterday was that I ate all the delicious leftovers in the place and now I want to spend all day cooking because I haven’t been able to for so long. It has been over a year and a half since I had daily access to a real kitchen so it is not surprising that all I want to do today is eat. As I write this I hear GaryVee telling us all that sometimes we have to eat shit for a few years so we can eat caviar for the rest of our lives. Don’t get it twisted, I’m not into caviar so for me it’s more like… eat shit for a few years so I can eat enchiladas, vermicelli bowls, and sushi for the rest of my life but the same principle applies. [2 paragraphs in, I’m realizing I should have eaten breakfast before writing this, LOL]

My favorite thing that I did do yesterday was put together my photo portfolio. The bright blue photo album from the 70s is one of the best things I found during my short stint as someone who dug through the by-the-pound bins at the Goodwill Outlet; so good I couldn’t sell it. I have yet to print a few of my best photos but overall, every page in the portfolio is whoa and I cannot wait to see my photos in an oversized coffee table book or framed on a wall… here’s hoping someone else will feel the same way.

Today I will tackle laundry, watching Patreon videos, finish the first layers on my purple coaster set, study 4Culture website, and work on writing my Lisbon travel blog. I’ll also eat tons of delicious food courtesy of my generous sister and brother-in-law; love you guys. Some of it I will do while watching the giant television but I will be more productive if I listen to music instead… as always.

Not everyone can relate to my tunnel vision for my goal and the things I’ve abandoned to make it happen. Ultimately, we have no need for most of the luxuries we currently feel are necessary for life and I have chosen differently than most. Of course it would be nice to have a big fully stocked house but as a single person, I don’t need that much space or that much of a financial burden. As a happily divorced person, I know that same house and the jobs one must work to keep them can feel like a cage if not cohabitating with the right person. Life really is a Choose Your Own Adventure book and mine reads differently than most, I wouldn’t have it any other way.




1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     2 Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) - LISBON

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.      Finish collaging purple coaster set.

7.       Study 4Culture site and other grant options

8.      Watch too many Patreon videos so I can learn how to make mine better

9.      Do laundry in this house and not in a Laundromat, wooooo!

10.    Work on Lisbon post.



Frank Ocean – “Nikes” 2016  I don’t believe I have ever owned Nikes (I know it’s weird but so am I) but now I would buy all Nike everything if I could. Football means nothing to me but Colin Kaepernick is still one of my heroes and I could not support his actions more. In addition to being the best branding move I’ve seen in a minute, the actual photographs of Mr. Kaepernick and Serena Williams used for the ads are beautiful. Shoutout to Nike, Serena, and Colin for inspiring all the best people and reinforcing our crazy dreams to make the world a better place. You amaze me, thank you.

Day 33 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 33

Yesterday’s “work” shift for the video team filming Bumbershoot was another truly wonderful day. Once again, the people I reconnected with brought joy to my caffeinated heart and learning from professional ass kickers is always wicked awesome. I maintain my stance that I have one of the best jobs at Bumbershoot and couldn’t be more excited for what today will bring. I completed one 90-minute work block of daily blog/Instagram before work and was able to show some rad people how great of a worker I am.

J. Cole sharing his soul on stage at Bumbershoot.

J. Cole sharing his soul on stage at Bumbershoot.

This morning, I officially let the keepers of my art studio know that I’ll be moving out before I leave for Europe. Feels weird to know that I won’t officially have my own place to go when I get back in two months but my world will then be too large to confine myself in a 10x10 cube anyway. I’ve had zero contact from Carter Subaru in Ballard where I bought my car after reaching out to them and I’m more than disappointed that they did not respond at all. When you spend $36,000 somewhere, returning your email is kind of expected. I still love that damn car even though I’ve never been in a position to own it but whatever happens with it I’ll never spend another dollar at their dealership again. Still maintain that if I could somehow monetize that Ariana Grande has been in my car, all my financial troubles would be over. Mostly, yet not really kidding.

King Of Ballard AKA Grynch On The Mural Stage

King Of Ballard AKA Grynch On The Mural Stage

In the month of September, I completed 158 ninety-minute work blocks. This works out to be 237 hours and/or 7.6 hours per day (no weekends when you must create a career for yourself). The progress I made on my art in this time amazes me and I can’t wait to see how it evolves over the next few years. I spent the least amount of time on things I was doing just for the money; in hindsight it was foolish but I maintain that playing it safe is a terrible idea (as I write this I can almost hear The Don Gary Vaynerchuk telling me to be practical). One of the epic waste of time surveys I did on Swagbucks recently that earned me a whopping one penny asked if I had gambled in the last 30 days. I answered no but really I’m gambling on myself every day because I know the odds are stellar.

I’ll be housesitting a bit over the next two weeks so my routine will be different but it will be nice to have a whole kitchen for a while. I plan on using the time to strategically repack my storage unit with only the things I love enough to keep in boxes for years (such a ridiculous statement), releasing the rest via sales/donations, and seeking out ways to fund my trip. The reaction I get when I tell people about my storyboarded @TheRingOfDOOM miniseries that starts with him drinking the water in Bristol reinforces that I’m attempting something truly unique that can bring joy to so many people’s lives. I couldn’t be more confident that I am the ONLY person trying to do this exact thing so technically I have a monopoly on all things @TheRingOfDOOM related but it’s 100% on me to learn to communicate my ideas so others can get a clear view of what I plan to accomplish. Communication has never been one of my strengths but as with everything, one gets better with practice.

Stoked for these guys that they got to go to perform at Red Rocks as their trio with Grieves, Greater Than, a couple days ago with Atmosphere and Evidence. These are some great humans.

Stoked for these guys that they got to go to perform at Red Rocks as their trio with Grieves, Greater Than, a couple days ago with Atmosphere and Evidence. These are some great humans.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Remember to eat.



Rhye – “Open” 2013   Still having a moment with all things Rhye. I first posted this song back in March 2013 in a compilation of Music Videos Featuring Confetti and it has maintained currently overplaying status to this day.

Day 31 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 31

At 31 days into writing about how I hope to go to Europe and never work for corporations again, I find myself getting ready to go work at an evil corporation’s music festival. On the scale of immoral ways to earn money, working for a corporation is really not so bad (in the eyes of most of the world) and like I said yesterday, I’m actually working for a company contracted by AEG so I can justify it in my brain. That said, I’m gonna have so much fun and have 1000 reasons to smile just on this first day alone. It’ll be a great weekend; very much looking forward to meeting and working with this New York-based video team; the man in charge has worked with Nabil and Hype Williams (wicked awesome).


Yesterday my push to relieve myself of stuff in my storage unit turned into a whopping $10.60 via selling three CDs and one dress. They recommended I head to a different music store because they just bought 800 earlier in the day, that sounds like a task for Monday. I did sell another CD today for $2 on eBay, a still in plastic Luniz CD so I’m that much closer; LOL. While I was out, I brought my large collages into a small art gallery/shop in Ballard and asked them what they thought of my art. He gave me some great advice and told me he thought it was cool; so now I must continue to figure out how to translate that into $$$.

The absolute best thing I did yesterday was actually set up my Patreon. It’s live and ready to go as I write this. I’ll still be making a Patreon specific video but for now I used the Lisbon travel video I finished a few days ago because there’s actually footage of me speaking to the camera. I’m excited to see how this develops and I hope others like the idea of an original collaged postcard every month. I would absolutely love to receive one so it seems like the perfect choice. It’s kind of crazy how confident I am that @TheRingOfDOOM can bring so much joy to people’s lives, must stick with it! All the best people will tell you never to give up on your dreams, it is only those who’ve allowed themselves to be sucked into the system completely that will tell you to take the safe route.

It’s hard to know if I should make a plan for myself if I don’t happen to raise enough money for this trip. I’ve already ditched Plans B-Z, I have a plane ticket, and I can see myself filming @TheRingOfDOOM at Portishead Bay; there is no turning back. Even when I don’t have any, money feels like it’ll be there when I need it most (almost laughable with a mouthful of cavities but I’ve made my choices and I’m okay with them). All of my brainpower should be focused on what I want to do, NOT what I’ll do if Plan A doesn’t work out. At this point, the only way I wouldn’t go is if the government stopped me from getting on the plane for some illegitimate reason. The amount of money I need to make this two month trip happen is minimal because I plan on staying in hostels or cheap Air BNB’s; approximately $5000 would keep my bills paid, have a roof over my head, and eat minimal food. This is approximately the cost of living in Seattle for two months (if I paid Bezosian-warfare rent) and extremely small change for investor types. Since my entertainment is literally walking around the city taking photos, my costs are low. I could not be more excited for this adventure and can’t wait to make art in Bristol.

I’ve linked my Patreon again here and I’d really love to make and send you a postcard from Europe. Thanks for reading, I love you.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Survive The Festival via remembering to eat.

4.     One Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool



Evidence – Throw It All Away 2017   Evidence totally gets it. Here’s hoping we cross paths in Europe as we’ll be there at the same time.

Day 30 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 30

The days that I go to my storage unit usually feel like a big waste of time. It can be tricky to get down to business and just put stuff on eBay when you’ve just been reunited with your long lost CD collection or music machine you thought was broken. The question that keeps making me actually list the items is, “if I end up finding a way to stay in Europe for a year or so via Patreon (or however it works out), will I be glad I’ve got this CD in a box across the world?” Or ”in what situation would I actually ever use this”  (works great for old CDs). Some of the CDs I actually kept because (the opposite of delusional optimism) after the apocalypse, streaming music services may be dead but we can rig up bicycles or rivers to make energy to power CD players. I actually pictured myself smiling next to a fire listening to a Jenny Lewis CD in a post-apocalyptic setting yesterday, so I’m keeping that one (among many others).

Taking these Pez dispensers and paper cutout Of Gandalf to Europe to use as props in @TheRingOfDOOM’s movie about returning the ring to MF DOOM cuz if I don't do it, no one else will.

Taking these Pez dispensers and paper cutout Of Gandalf to Europe to use as props in @TheRingOfDOOM’s movie about returning the ring to MF DOOM cuz if I don't do it, no one else will.

 Yesterday I mailed my first order of this round to someone I realized I already knew. I love that it’s not surprising to me that I would know someone who would buy 90s rap cassettes on the internet. I seem to have used up my free auction listings so I started listing CDs at a Buy It Now price to see if they moved faster. I sold Kanye’s College Dropout for $2.99 just a few hours after it was listed and will be mailing that off today. I am raising some money slowly but I’m thinking pennies so that’s what I’m getting. When you start using the apps that pay you two cents for watching 20 minutes of videos, you know you’re on the wrong track. Most of us wouldn’t even take two seconds to bend over and pick up a penny but I still made $1 on Swagbucks yesterday without really trying. Upon further reflection, since most of the things I sell on eBay will likely only sell for a few dollars (if at all), it is a much better use of my time to see if the bookstores, music stores, and clothing stores want to buy my items, get rid of the rest, and get back to making art. I haven’t made any new art in over a week because I’ve been so focused on raising money a few dollars at a time. This is how poor people stay poor. My time would have been much better spent marching around Seattle’s artsiest areas with my creations asking galleries if I could put one of my pieces in the next Art Walk (way too late on that one but may still try). Yesterday’s efforts (including my one eBay sale) totaled $74 AND I relieved myself of three boxes of books I’ll never have to carry again.

All that said, since I have yet to sell any art (because I haven’t really showed it to any one), the best way for me to make money right now is to work. So I said yes to the random job offer that floated my way yesterday via email. While I resisted working Bumbershoot at first because I vowed to never help make the evil corporate music empire look good again, I said yes to the offer yesterday to be a PA for the team doing the video at Bumbershoot. Since I’m being paid by someone who is being paid by AEG, I’ve justified it morally but the truth is that I’d be in a way better situation financially if I wasn’t so romantic about how I make my money. It is important how we make our money and I have chosen to vote with my dollar AND my labor against corporations (steps off podium). That said, I’m sure I will have a fabulous time and learn a lot. I love that I get to learn from a professional video team again in the weeks before I head to Europe to make movies on my iPhone. The only other time I’ve worked for the video team at an event was when I was randomly offered to work the Tom Petty Show last summer a few days before taking @TheRingOfDOOM on a credit card funded video tour of the US (one of my duties that day was to stand next to someone in case they needed something while filming Tom Petty in the hallway/blessed). Still amazed by the people that pop into my life and when they choose to appear. Shoutout to a former boss lady for the recommendation.

Ultimately, it will be great to see the hundreds of people I expect to see again at Bumbershoot this weekend and the paycheck will take some pressure off. I always have fun working festivals and love to see how many miles I walk throughout the weekend. Sometimes I forget how good I am at this sort of work and how flattered I used to be when asked to work alongside my heroes. It still hurts sometimes when I see the show calendar of people I won’t be working with but then I remember that the best people will hire me directly if it was meant to be. Nothing felt better than being hired directly by Tyler, The Creator’s team at Sasquatch and those are the jobs I love to say yes to. All inner turmoil about morality aside, my favorite memory from the last time I worked Bumbershoot was when El-P did a double take when he saw my Quasimoto shirt (it’s the little things, still never met him even though we have mutual friends).

A few of the too many imperfect belt buckles I’ve made.

A few of the too many imperfect belt buckles I’ve made.

 The only goal I did NOT complete yesterday was working on setting up my Patreon, likely the one thing that will help me the most. I have been studying the art of Patreon and believe I have come up with some great rewards people may actually want. The video portion, as expected, is the part I’m slacking on the most. As of now my rewards are looking to be…

$1  - Access to photo feed of images not on Instagram

$5  - Access to vlog (I’ll be seeing too many beautiful things to not do it)

$10- Included in the polls about photos to be printed, destinations, zine themes etc

$25- Collaged Postcard mailed from wherever I am at that time

$50- 6 photo prints mailed

$250- Original handmade collage photo zine mailed

$500- Local snack pack of 12 items – one of a kind analog collage

$1000- photo book of city/theme of your choice

$5000- large framed collage shipped to you

The higher priced tiers would include all the items of the lower tiers. I love this idea of a collaged postcard so much and would really love to get something like this from a traveling artist. When I market it in the right way to the right people, it will work. Any feedback on this is welcomed! I thrive in situations where people are expecting things from me and would genuinely love to be a working artist traveling in Europe. And so it will be…

My daily blogs will be shorter and my goals will be limited for the next three days while I work the festival but they’ll probably include some great photos and interesting stories. Then on Monday, I'll get to mail off whatever has sold from this round of eBay sales. 


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Go to Sonic Boom, Buffalo Exchange to relieve myself of more stuff I don’t need.

7.      Email two favorite Seattle gallery owners about showing them my work for feedback and to Museum Crash with TheRingOfDOOM

8.     Find out if I can pro-rate my last month in my studio so I can pay less if possible.

9.     Tidy up studio so I can move around well again.

10.    Make some art dammit!



Gerry Rafferty – Right Down The Line 1978  I’m having a revival with this song after doing the final edit on my Adult Contemporary playlist. I see the ideal scenario for playing this song is with the windows down in the desert (this may have actually happened). Haven’t listened to this song enough yet to notice what it’s about, I’m usually too busy swaying my head and holding my heart.

Day 29 of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 29

Cassettes I'm selling on eBay at their inflated sentimental rate of $99.99 for the first round because I love them so much. When I debated if I loved them more than I'd love to be in Europe, I listed them immediately.

Cassettes I'm selling on eBay at their inflated sentimental rate of $99.99 for the first round because I love them so much. When I debated if I loved them more than I'd love to be in Europe, I listed them immediately.

Happy to say that the only goal I didn’t complete yesterday was to go for a walk. I’ve heard walks are supposed to be for exercise but I much prefer to walk as means of exploration and photography. Going for a walk starting from my studio is not fun anymore because I’ve spent too many years in this area… nothing is new here. At this time when I debate going on a walk, I always just get going on the next work block instead. I do have many more photos and videos to take before I leave Seattle in a few weeks, but I have work to before that happens.

I’ve had the misfortune/fortune to have my surviving credit card suffer from fraudulent use. This is only a good thing because it happened before I leave the country, I have to wait 7-10 days for a new card. It was to help me finish paying for this months bills so today I’ll be scraping together as much cash as I can find to make those payments by the 1st. Still remain confident that working hourly is a waste of time because it could never add up fast enough to be worth my effort. Since I sell mostly inexpensive things, my eBay endeavors tend to be extremely small change but the bonus side of that is that with every item I sell, I have one less thing to leave in my storage unit. Still likely a waste of time but I’d rather list stuff on eBay than serve whiskey to people who should stop drinking.



-       I finalized one sale already because someone made an offer for twice what I was asking for some rap cassettes; leaving the studio today to mail it off!

-       3 of my 61 items for sale on eBay currently have bids.

-       9 of my items have watchers

I've been taking hundreds of photos like this lately... feel free to pay me to take photos of your products. I'll make them look cooler, I promise.

I've been taking hundreds of photos like this lately... feel free to pay me to take photos of your products. I'll make them look cooler, I promise.

As you can see, I have a long way to go but once I publish this, I’ll be heading out into the world to scrape together as much funds as possible to put directly into an ATM. I remain confident that these earthly money troubles are almost behind me but for now it’s time to liquidate my assets (this mostly means media). It is completely obvious to me and anyone paying attention, that my troubles are 100% of my own making but that was my choice to make. Still loving that I’ve allowed myself to go this far on my creative journey and I can’t wait to see how I make this happen.

One of the items I was intending to sell was my Roland SP555. The last dozen times I turned it on, it just shut itself off again but when I turned it on a couple days ago, it was working almost as well as when I first got it. I ended up spending a full 90 minute work block loving what I made on the music machine but I still don’t have the means to extract it from the buttons and onto a computer. The only music I’ve ever made was this collage of quotes from movies/songs that tells the story of my failed marriage. It’s totally a downer but I had to let that story out to move onto the next thing. Now that the 555 works again, I might love it enough to keep it locked up while I’m having adventures but that sounds more stupid every time I say/write it. So much easier to let it go when I thought I’d be able to make a few bucks from someone who knows how to fix them instead of giving up something that actually works.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Head to storage unit with boxes of stuff ready to store. Sell least favorite books/music at Half Price Books and see if anyone wants to buy any of the clothing I’ve had sitting around. Put money directly in the bank. Look for more items to sell on eBay.

7.     Collage cleanup

8.    Try to sell SmartTV on OfferUp or Craigslist

9.    Coinstar

10.   Spotify work block

11.    Lisbon writeup

12. 90 minute block of setting up Patreon for launch on the 1st.



Joey Bada$$ - “Paper Trail$” 2015  You can earn more money but you can never get time back. I know that if I decide to keep my earthly possessions and set myself up for stability right now, I’ll regret it when I’m older. I’ve never been more ready to do something in my whole life (obviously I don’t count financials into this).

Day 28 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 28

I feel like I got a lot done yesterday even though it didn’t fall exactly in line with my goal list. I didn’t go for a walk, drink enough water, or stretch because I was too excited about finishing up my travel video for Lisbon. I ended up spending four 90 minute work blocks editing, uploading, and fine-tuning the video. I had no intention of making the footage into a travel video so it ended up looking like a fan video sandwiched in between the only footage of myself speaking to the camera. I did not grind away at my finished collages with the metal file or work on any new collages. I did list one item for sale on eBay but I’m gonna have to kick way more ass to make this happen.

Detail of my Giant’s Causeway collage, can’t wait to see it in person soon.

Detail of my Giant’s Causeway collage, can’t wait to see it in person soon.

Three weeks left until I depart and I have so much to do. Most of it isn’t that fun but it’ll be worth it when I’m getting on that plane. Now that I’ve opened up my world on a global level, Seattle seems way too small for what I have in mind for myself. I feel so strongly about making this adventure happen, I’m willing to give up everything I have to see it through. I hope to have everything I own contained in one storage unit by the time I leave. This includes letting go of my car… the big one. The blue book value is the closest it’s ever been to not being an upside down car loan so the time is now. Even if I end up coming back to the US, I hope to live somewhere in a city where I don’t need a car… like New York, somewhere along the light rail in Seattle, or somewhere else I haven’t considered yet. If/when I decide to get another car, it will have tinted windows and most likely it will be a van so I can better use it to go on adventures.

I’ll be creating a Patreon account over the next week or so and I can’t wait to share all the rewards I’ve come up with. One of the rewards will be access to watching my vlog, a big step for me because I’m camera shy but facing my fears has worked out well every single time so far. Documenting my daily excuses has proven to be very eye opening and I would recommend the threat of public humiliation as a motivator to anyone (may not work if you’ve stopped giving too many fucks).

One of my favorite things I learned yesterday is that once I get to 400 followers on a Spotify playlist, I can apply to get paid to be a curator that filters through new music via Playlist Push. At 68 followers on my Hip Hop playlist, I still have a long way to go but since most of those appeared overnight, I have faith I can make that happen slowly but surely if I focus my efforts. I fell asleep halfway through my sixth work block yesterday while adding new songs to playlists. My favorite thing about making playlists is that it makes my life better so I’m scratching my own itch (something my heroes say will get me everywhere).



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     At least two blocks of listing items on ebay first before I work on fun stuff

7.     Collage cleanup

8.     Lisbon post...



Alex Da Kid, H.E.R., Rapsody – “Go” 2018  This is one of my most overplayed tracks so far from my upcoming September playlist still under construction. 

Day 24 Of Delusional Optimist’s Guide To Achieving The I’mPossible

Day 24

 @TheRingOfDOOM with his new ramen bowl, spoon, knife, and chopsticks.

 @TheRingOfDOOM with his new ramen bowl, spoon, knife, and chopsticks.

Yesterday I beat my former record of eight 90 minute work blocks in a day and completed nine; that is thirteen and a half hours working toward my big goals. I did not go for a walk so that meant I was able to maintain focus on tasks and spend zero dollars. I did not do any analog collage but I did finish three Photoshop work blocks in which I completed a bunch of new Spotify playlist images. My latest addiction is seeing my own art all up in the Spotify; I’d love to make album art someday soon. Finally posted another playlist on my website this morning. I started the Make Something playlist back in 2015 and have listened to it while creating ever since; it has the most followers out of all my playlists (12 whole followers!). My bag is packed and ready to go on a photo expedition to get more footage for the next TheRingOfDOOM video as soon as I gather the energy.

One of the other things I completed yesterday was the photoshopped promo image for the writeup of my Porto adventure. It would have been slick to write about my European adventures as they were happening but I wasn’t ready yet. I have way too many great photos and weird stories yet to share and I’m looking forward to seeing how my travelogues evolve. Still mulling over my decision not to apply to work with Rick Steves, the job was selling tour packages over the phone but it still would have been great to learn from that Jedi Master. Can anyone name ANY travel show guides that are women? We may need someone to step up (raises hand).

The collage on the left was made before I learned the pro tip used on the collage on the right. The left collage needs to be cleaned up with a metal file and sandpaper and the one on the right only needs the tape peeled off to be "perfect." So glad …

The collage on the left was made before I learned the pro tip used on the collage on the right. The left collage needs to be cleaned up with a metal file and sandpaper and the one on the right only needs the tape peeled off to be "perfect." So glad to learn this new skill.

 Even though the smoke over Seattle has cleared, I’m still feeling the urge to be a hermit. This is nothing new but now that I work five days a week and have some daylight left when I complete work, it’s easier to justify staying in and being productive. I can always take pictures tomorrow after work. While I am 100% confident all the best things will happen to me outside of this tiny box; when I’m inside it I’m usually working towards my goals and not spending any money. I WILL MAKE AN ANALOG COLLAGE TODAY or at least start one. Every new image I make blows my own mind so I must keep it up. One of the best things about working on my Spotify lists is that I have new music to listen to while making stuff so today is gonna be a good day.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.      Analog collage block

7.      Spotify work block

8.      Instagram work block to prep for work days

9.      Free Photo Book work block



Sevdaliza – “Hubris” 2017  Since I heard “Human” last year, I’ve had a steady flow of new favorite Sevdaliza songs and today it is “Hubris.” Wishing there was a video for this gem but “Human” is worth your time as well.

Day 23 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 23

I have yet to work a full week at my new 9-5 but today is my first “Saturday” in years. While there is a lot to learn, my new job is very low stress and the kind of job you can release after clocking out for the day; an ideal situation for someone working toward a larger goal. It does feel good to speak with humans on a regular basis again but I can't help but wonder if I’ve given up or have gifted myself a more reasonable timeline. The last two days I worked 12 hours and sadly only completed four 90 minute work blocks; factoring in eight hours of sleep each night and transit time, I wasted at least 12 hours doing nothing. It is embarrassing to not complete my goals and write about it but I still just watched movies when I got back to my spot after work last night. Maybe I needed to relax but when I have so far to go to become a financially stable adult, relaxing feels irresponsible.

Shortly before the purple piece at the top was accidentally resined to the table. 

Shortly before the purple piece at the top was accidentally resined to the table. 

For the last five years since I quit Whole Foods, I have never been sure if I’d be able to pay my bills every month. As of two days ago, I now know I’ll be able to make those payments if I just keep going to work every day and remain frugal. That said, at this rate I won’t be able to afford dental work for at least a year (way too long when fillings came out months ago) and I still wouldn’t be able to pay for a real place to live (Bezosian Rent Warfare). Starting this new job clouded over my plans for the next few months and I must fine tune my trajectory if I hope to accomplish anything. In the past, I would have gone on a spacecruise to the ocean to mull over my next moves but I’d have to spend money I don’t have to make it happen. Thus lies the curse of the upside down car loan; can’t afford to get rid of the car and can’t afford to drive it.

Since I’m not working today, I hope to accomplish the goals I did not complete the last few days and to make some new art. I must strive to remember every day how good it feels to cross an item off my To Do list, even if it’s something so ridiculous as film scenes of your cardboard box movie at the foot of Bezos’ Balls (check!). Trying to decide if I should get up early to write my blog before work or will myself to do it every day when I get back…


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Collage work block

7.      Spotify work block

8.     Finalize list of outdoor shots for TROD video and gather/create props



U2 – “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” 1987  I would never call myself a U2 fan but some of their older music still pulls me in. In addition to creating a beautiful song, filming this video on the streets of Vegas made thousands of people smile. I hope to be able to make the kind of art that can affect people the way this song/video affects me and I’ll never get there if I don’t create art on a daily basis. Knowing that the world needs creators more than they need cogs in a fixed machine keeps me on my path when I feel like giving up.

Day 21 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 21

Yesterday while cleaning the Cheeto rain out of @TheRingOfDOOM’s cardboard box apartment, I learned about another cheese poof metaphor. Even when the Cheetos have been cleaned up, they’ve left a permanent grease stain on the box itself, I’ll go ahead and directly relate that to the grease stain Trump/Bezos is leaving on our country and then move on to something else.

Resin El Wire Creation

Resin El Wire Creation

I poured the resin on the three small pieces I’m currently almost finished with and also poured the first layer of my weird resin, el wire, creations. Recently, I made my first free-standing (battery pack attached) @TheRingOfDOOM lights because I felt so inclined. Once I get some batteries, I’ll be able to leave them places at night for lit up photo ops and it will make me smile. I didn’t start any new collages because I spent two full work blocks making tiny bowls, cups, chopsticks, spoon, knife, and big serving bowls out of polymer clay and baking them in my toaster oven.

Once I finished with the polymer clay, I realized that I have moved into a phase in which I must be an early bird again and that a sixth work block would have me staying up too late. Today is different than the rest will be but without going into detail just yet, I will say that I do now have a 9-5. It’s not Monday-Friday but I’m excited to only work eight hours in a day and to see what it’s like to be done working at 5pm. Since I will be working today, I’ll have to reevaluate the number of goals I set for myself because most of the day will be spent making money. Excited to be able to breathe again (due to having a steady flow of money coming in but also the smoke from the fires has Seattle wheezing).



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     30 Minute Yoga YouTube Video

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.      Spotify work block/ Collage

7..     Finalize list of outdoor shots for TROD video and gather props



ABRA – “DIAMONDS AND GOLD” 2014  Every few months I have a new favorite Abra song, happy to have arrived at “DIAMONDS AND GOLD.”


Did you know that the first music video list I published was a collection of Music Videos With Famous Actors and Actresses back in January 2013? The boring name turns out to make it much easier to find my posts on Google for the win. This is one of the best music videos ever made.

Day 19 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 19

Yesterday’s long walk rejuvenated my excitement for my camera roll and also made me feel extra 40 (ouch). It’s been weeks since I went on one of my ridiculously long walks so I tried to keep it mellow but still ended up walking 6.5 miles. When traveling overseas or exploring a new city, I typically walk an average of 9 miles a day but confining myself to my art cubicle has made me out of shape. When I was at the bottom of Capitol Hill looking up, I suddenly remembered how hungry I was and felt the irresistible draw of the food I’d already purchased in my mini fridge. The photos I got amaze me and I have more than a few places in Seattle I plan on photographing in the very near future.

Almost completed 3D Aquarium collage. iPhone doesn’t know which layer to focus on. 

Almost completed 3D Aquarium collage. iPhone doesn’t know which layer to focus on. 

I may have finished my large 3D water collage. I’d love to keep adding layers forever but it is getting heavier and more expensive to create with every pour. Very excited to flex my newly acquired knowledge about how to keep the edges pretty but I have a ton of work to do to fine tune the pieces I’ve already completed. Grinding down epoxy resin with a metal file turns out to be one of those things best done outside so I’ll likely be sanding edges at a park near you soon.

There were five work blocks completed yesterday because I don’t count walking and taking photos due to loving it too much. I spent at least an hour rolling around on my foam cylinder willing my back to realign itself which likely will help me more than anything else I did yesterday. I was blessed to remember that I have an envelope of photos of flamingos so I’m a little more excited about my sunset collage. For the most part, I’m not into the dusty pastels of sunset photos but when flamingos are added, my genetically caused bobblehead of approval sets in. Since Sundays mean nothing to me, I have every intention of kicking more ass today than for the last five days.

Still under construction sunset collage...

Still under construction sunset collage...


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Add another layer to small resin projects and work on sunset piece

7.     Use my new Target Gift Card to purchase last of supplies for filming storyboarded video.

8.     Put at least five items for sale on ebay.

9.     Spotify work block



Quantic – “Time Is The Enemy” 2001  I discovered this song way too late but it has recently made it’s way into my currently overplaying rotation.



Did you know I made a @TheRingOfDOOM coaster set? The infinite possibilities of epoxy resin has me looking at everything in a new way. I have a few more coaster sets ready for art but I’ll always love my first (this does not apply to every situation) the most.

First @TheRingOfDOOM Coaster Set

First @TheRingOfDOOM Coaster Set

Day 8 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 8

3D Resin Art Under Construction. Adding more layers of water to make it look like the waterfall on the left is closest and the one in the center is furthest. 10"x10" on thrifted wood.

3D Resin Art Under Construction. Adding more layers of water to make it look like the waterfall on the left is closest and the one in the center is furthest. 10"x10" on thrifted wood.

Almost drank enough water yesterday and only printed out my photoshop villain (haven’t cut him out and put him on a stick yet); more props to make. Six 90 minute work blocks were completed. I got all caught up gluing water onto collages because I truly believe that I am a Fine Artist who happens to photograph her art on the street that just hasn't made any money yet. I added another layer to all of my resin projects so they’d be ready for a new layer today. I’ve been studying Street Artists for a few years now and finally realized that I’ve already found a legal way to be one myself. I must be able to travel internationally if I want to shine light on art all over the planet so breaking the law isn’t something I do. Technically, my art has already appeared in some of the most interesting museums and galleries in the world so anything is possible…

@TheRingOfDOOM and Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night at MOMA, NYC

@TheRingOfDOOM and Vincent Van Gogh's Starry Night at MOMA, NYC

@TheRingOfDOOM and Shepard Fairey art at Beyond The Streets in LA.

@TheRingOfDOOM and Shepard Fairey art at Beyond The Streets in LA.

@TheRingOfDOOM and an Andy Warhol piece at MOMA, NYC

@TheRingOfDOOM and an Andy Warhol piece at MOMA, NYC

@TheRingOfDOOM and a Banksy in London.

@TheRingOfDOOM and a Banksy in London.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what my big goals should be. Thinking too small is what holds most of us back. Since I’ve put myself in a position to try for any goal I wish and I’ve been hashtagging #dreambiggest, my idea lists are getting whoa. What if I put all my efforts into selling a piece of my art for more than a million dollars? This happens every day, why not me? If I think Etsy, I’ll get Etsy; if I think selling art at Christie’s Auction House where the most expensive painting in the world was sold, all I need is one sale to save not only myself from poverty and get some dental work but to also be able to invest in artists I believe in (my goal in this life). When YouTube researching “How To Sell Your Art For Millions,” the general idea is to think very big, do not limit yourself regionally, build up a good reputation, create demand, and to get your art in front of people who can actually purchase it. I’ll still work on small pieces and create art for those of us who aren’t millionaires yet but starting today, I will start sending my art to the people who are making the biggest stuff happen. There are links to the auction houses on their websites so why not try? I’ve got a few people in Seattle I plan on reaching out to as well but I won’t name them just yet.

Someone asked me how much I want to sell the piece I took a photo of at Gasworks yesterday and I told them $10,000. It seemed like a lot until I remembered that it is a truly unique piece that took over a month to make that is already worth millions. I have yet to hear a response. Since I’ve invested in photographing Street Art around the globe, I’ve been able to put myself on the radar of some of the most successful artists and curators in the world. I’m now able to post photographs of my art next to the water in Seattle alongside gallery, museum, and Street Art from all over the world. When I was taking photos of @TheRingOfDOOM at Beyond The Streets, a security guard let me know that I was already on their radar by way of saying… “when you go to Venice, tag us in those photos too. We love that stuff.” The only way they would have known I was going to Venice after Beyond The Streets was if they were already following my journey on Instagram; I’m on the right path. May as well try going in a straight line instead of taking the long way around imaginary obstacles. Musicians and artists all over the world will benefit when I actually pull this off; so why the f*** not?


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Finish creating/collecting props for TheRingOfDOOM pilot.

7.     More layers of water on freshly resined projects.

8.     Emails to Christies and Sothebys with photos of art and links to this blog.



Royksopp – “Remind Me” 2001  I listened to this song on repeat for at least an hour while working on and dreaming of selling my 3D Aquarium Collage at Christies for millions. My research showed me that Andy Warhol used to play songs on repeat while creating as well so I’m in good company there.

DID YOU KNOW? (I’ve done so many weird things you don’t know about yet)

Did you know that I’ve been sorting music videos into random categories unrelated to genre for years? I have hundreds of music video lists on my old website and on YouTube; they range from Music Videos with Special Effects, Horses, Blue Lighting, Elevators, Bathtub Scenes, and many many more; one of my favorites is Music Videos with Rotating Heads. The links here will take you to the original blogger posts and the YouTube playlists. Here’s a few of my favorites from the Rotating Heads list…

Stay weird y'all. I love you whether or not you're reading this and I hope you take the time to figure out what your big dream is. 

Day 6 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 6

I completed all of yesterday’s goals aside from stretching. It’s too easy for me to get all caught up in starting the next 90 minute work block instead of taking care of myself because I know how much can be done in one day when I really try. I could definitely move a bunch of stuff to make it happen but my studio is so small that there really isn’t a place to lay on the floor in here so it never really feels like I can stretch all the way out. That said, I always feel lucky to wake up in this 10x10’ box (that I’m not supposed to wake up in) because even though I’m more in debt than I’ve ever made in a year, I’m in a better place than most of the people on this planet.

3D Aquarium Collage just before adding another layer of resin. 

3D Aquarium Collage just before adding another layer of resin. 

As each day passes, I’m loving the progress happening on all of my projects. I finally tapped into the self-discipline required to get up every day and make my own work schedule. Even though I can see exactly how few people are reading these blogs, documenting my process helps motivate me on a daily basis. Still considering trying to get a job or becoming available for the catering gigs again but the system is broken; working these jobs feels like treading water in one place forever. The knowledge that even if I work every day in a “safe” job, I still won’t be able to pay my bills and would remain in debt is less than inspiring. Prove me wrong! There are lots of people in Seattle I’d love to work for but I respect them too much to run off to Europe for two months after they’ve spent time training me. When a single piece of art can be sold for millions of dollars, spending eight hours a day doing anything else at this time feels pointless (delusional optimism at its finest). My blind faith in my own potential is causing me to make some very interesting choices these days.

Yesterday I storyboarded @TheRingOfDOOM pilot for Adult Swim, fleshed out the dialogue, made a list of props I need to make, and a list of places I’ll shoot. I’ve only storyboarded one other video (shown below) and I still think its one of the best things I’ve ever made. Most of my other videos were made with random iPhone footage that I weave into a story during the editing process. Pretty sure I’ll be doing all the dialogue in my own voice because I’m terrible at reaching out and everything moves faster when I do it myself. Definitely nervous about that but I’m nervous about a lot of stupid things. The process of making this video will be hilarious and the end result will have infinite potential to reach everyone I hope to reach. Hoping to finish it this week so I can send it to Adult Swim and DOOM with my series proposal. How many people do you know that have written a series proposal after reading a how-to guide and sent it to a TV network with a completed pilot episode? If I’m not just gonna taco about dreaming biggest, these are the things I must do.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the improbable questions I should be asking and I now realize that I should be asking more than ten (or even 100) people A DAY instead of just one if I really hope to make something happen in the next forty something days. Still haven’t added it to goals for some stupid reason. At this time, my legit plan to get my art in front of people who can help me is to walk right into museums and galleries with my best work and ask them what they think about it. Most of my favorite pieces are still unrefined because I haven’t tackled the mission of figuring out how to make the over-resined edges pretty as shown below. Any guidance on that one is welcome.

Unrefined edges on resin projects needing a solution.

Unrefined edges on resin projects needing a solution.

5 Ways I Could Potentially See This Europe Trip OR Getting A Real Place To Live Actually Happening (roughly same amount of money): I'M ATTEMPTING THE TOP 3 FIRST

1.     I sell enough of my own art at a good rate to make it happen with my own money.

2.     I get a series offer and they pay for the trip.

3.     I pitch the idea to publications and they pay me to document my journey

4.     Patreon and offer actual vlogs to people who contribute

5.     Get a loan or another credit card (WORST POSSIBLE OPTION)


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all four blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Resin pour on all projects and start some new pieces while it is drying

7.     Make the villain required for my pilot episode out of clay and other props



Bjork – “Human Behavior” Directed by Michel Gondry 1993 

So many ways to be a human…