Day 6 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 6

I completed all of yesterday’s goals aside from stretching. It’s too easy for me to get all caught up in starting the next 90 minute work block instead of taking care of myself because I know how much can be done in one day when I really try. I could definitely move a bunch of stuff to make it happen but my studio is so small that there really isn’t a place to lay on the floor in here so it never really feels like I can stretch all the way out. That said, I always feel lucky to wake up in this 10x10’ box (that I’m not supposed to wake up in) because even though I’m more in debt than I’ve ever made in a year, I’m in a better place than most of the people on this planet.

3D Aquarium Collage just before adding another layer of resin. 

3D Aquarium Collage just before adding another layer of resin. 

As each day passes, I’m loving the progress happening on all of my projects. I finally tapped into the self-discipline required to get up every day and make my own work schedule. Even though I can see exactly how few people are reading these blogs, documenting my process helps motivate me on a daily basis. Still considering trying to get a job or becoming available for the catering gigs again but the system is broken; working these jobs feels like treading water in one place forever. The knowledge that even if I work every day in a “safe” job, I still won’t be able to pay my bills and would remain in debt is less than inspiring. Prove me wrong! There are lots of people in Seattle I’d love to work for but I respect them too much to run off to Europe for two months after they’ve spent time training me. When a single piece of art can be sold for millions of dollars, spending eight hours a day doing anything else at this time feels pointless (delusional optimism at its finest). My blind faith in my own potential is causing me to make some very interesting choices these days.

Yesterday I storyboarded @TheRingOfDOOM pilot for Adult Swim, fleshed out the dialogue, made a list of props I need to make, and a list of places I’ll shoot. I’ve only storyboarded one other video (shown below) and I still think its one of the best things I’ve ever made. Most of my other videos were made with random iPhone footage that I weave into a story during the editing process. Pretty sure I’ll be doing all the dialogue in my own voice because I’m terrible at reaching out and everything moves faster when I do it myself. Definitely nervous about that but I’m nervous about a lot of stupid things. The process of making this video will be hilarious and the end result will have infinite potential to reach everyone I hope to reach. Hoping to finish it this week so I can send it to Adult Swim and DOOM with my series proposal. How many people do you know that have written a series proposal after reading a how-to guide and sent it to a TV network with a completed pilot episode? If I’m not just gonna taco about dreaming biggest, these are the things I must do.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the improbable questions I should be asking and I now realize that I should be asking more than ten (or even 100) people A DAY instead of just one if I really hope to make something happen in the next forty something days. Still haven’t added it to goals for some stupid reason. At this time, my legit plan to get my art in front of people who can help me is to walk right into museums and galleries with my best work and ask them what they think about it. Most of my favorite pieces are still unrefined because I haven’t tackled the mission of figuring out how to make the over-resined edges pretty as shown below. Any guidance on that one is welcome.

Unrefined edges on resin projects needing a solution.

Unrefined edges on resin projects needing a solution.

5 Ways I Could Potentially See This Europe Trip OR Getting A Real Place To Live Actually Happening (roughly same amount of money): I'M ATTEMPTING THE TOP 3 FIRST

1.     I sell enough of my own art at a good rate to make it happen with my own money.

2.     I get a series offer and they pay for the trip.

3.     I pitch the idea to publications and they pay me to document my journey

4.     Patreon and offer actual vlogs to people who contribute

5.     Get a loan or another credit card (WORST POSSIBLE OPTION)


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all four blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Resin pour on all projects and start some new pieces while it is drying

7.     Make the villain required for my pilot episode out of clay and other props



Bjork – “Human Behavior” Directed by Michel Gondry 1993 

So many ways to be a human…