Day 53 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 53

Today is my orientation and first day of work at the pizza spot. Very excited to have a job with free food again and 59 days until I get to sign up for health and dental insurance. Yesterday I completed 11 of my 13 goals. I did not get all my Instagram photos in and I didn’t make any new @TheRingOfDOOM photos. So far his newest body has only been photographed in my old studio and I really want to make his first photo shoot next level amazing. Perfection is the killer of progress though. Gotta just DOOM it! I made five new photoshopped promo images for yet to be released playlists and travel posts last night and I can’t wait to share them. I realized that I can recycle the thousands of photos I’ve made so far on my previous adventures and still be a latergram travel blogger/photographer. Excited to continue to make photoshop collages, they’re rad because there is no mess to clean up when you’re finished and I can use images of anything for free.


Super excited to start earning money again. I have always been a workaholic but when you know exactly what you’re working toward, it is easier to get through the difficult spots. I’ve really enjoyed writing every day because it helps me to work through my bullshit but also because I’ve always really loved the process. I really hope that others are inspired to speak up about their pain because I know that so many of us are feeling alone in our struggles. Being 100% honest about the epic journeys in our brains will draw all the best people to us and vice versa. Can’t wait to meet a bunch of new people today. It’s always interesting to me to see how long it takes for me to disclose that I almost always have a fictional character and a tiny skateboard with me. I may need to try to push these blogs out faster so I can get more done in a day but I’m grateful for the time I’ve been able to spend on them so far.

I already released @TheRingOfDOOM 00013: CONTEMPTIBLE CAPITOL OF CORRUPTION here on my website today via YouTube and I uploaded it to Facebook last night as well. If I disappear, it is because Cheeto and his cronies are mad at me for making the video… know this. The video was 100% made on my iPhone with footage I gathered in DC while on tour with Dessa and I also included anti-Trump photos from all over the US. I attempted to airdrop it to my laptop so I’d have more options for text but my almost at capacity 2013 Mac is still rejecting the arrival of large video files. I’m getting better with every video so I can’t wait to see what I’ll be making in a month or even a year from now. If we wait to have fancy equipment to make videos/photos, we may be waiting forever. Just DOOM it.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Go to orientation/work

7.     Work on September playlist


Gabriel Teodros feat. Otieno Terry – “Everything Comes To Light”2018 

Day 50 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible.

Day 50

It is hard to know what to do with myself all day. Yesterday I ended up sleeping all day because I had only gotten a few hours of sleep the night before due to coffee abuse/anxiety. I know I’m supposed to be nice to myself right now but it’s hard not to feel that the nicest thing I can do for myself is to seek out ways to earn money all day. My stomach is still jacked up from not eating full meals for so long and anxiety about what I’ll make happen next. I’m on Day 2 of no coffee and because my routine is so off, I almost forgot to write this blog this morning. I lack the ability to relax and feel good about it because it feels irresponsible to do anything other than pursue money when you’re in debt. I do not want my life to be about the pursuit of money so it’s a tricky one.


I’ve been researching work to live opportunities all over the world, national park jobs with employee housing, as well as media jobs in New York. I have never had an office media job before but I would love the opportunity to impress people on a global level even if I need to purchase a whole new wardrobe with money I don’t have to do so. Moving somewhere will not change the contents of my brain but it would separate me from those who have taken advantage of my kindness in the past. I used to work seasonally (ski resorts in winter/marinas, summer camps, Alaskan hotels etc. in the summer) and I’d love to do that again if I can create the right opportunity for myself. It was a great way to learn about a new place from the locals, save money, and to meet tons of like-minded people from all over the world. It would be a completely different experience as a 40 year old but I’m willing to give it a shot. I would work almost any (legal) job anywhere in the world aside from Seattle but I still believe that my @TheRingOfDOOM idea will be the way I help the most people (myself included) once I’m able to focus my energy on it. International work visas cost more than I currently have but there are some rad opportunities out there like working at the hostel near Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland, working for a European festival company that runs events like the Running Of The Bulls and Oktoberfest, infinite freelance travel writing jobs, and tons of opportunities I have yet to research.

I really don’t know what direction to take this blog anymore and I’ve definitely thought about retiring it but then there would be zero chance to help others… still trying to help others even when I’m not sure how to help myself. My creativity is squashed by long-term struggle mode at this time but I must find a way to turn this broken heart into art or something useful. I still want to be a travel blogger but I can’t afford to travel and I have yet to find a way to monetize the music blog I started in 2009 or this website so I have a long ways to go (pun 100% intended). I’d still love to go back on tour with more good-hearted musicians if the pay was a living wage. This workaholic is in serious need of a mentor. I still believe all the things I want to do are possible but I’ll need to be more patient to make them happen in the best way. 



1.     Drink 64 oz. water +

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Apply for at least three jobs in other states

5.     More research on how to use my creativity to make a living

6.     Finish this blog.



Sevdaliza – “Soul Syncable” 2018

Day 48 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 48

Words cannot describe how much I would have loved to get on a plane in a few hours. Every plan for my whole life centered around making this trip happen today; had I known I wouldn’t be able to pull it off, I may not have started this blog and shared myself crashing into this wall of childhood trauma. I can only hope that by continuing to be honest with myself and the few people that do read this, I’ll be able to inspire them to do things the right way as well. I am still 100% intent on Achieving The I’mPossible but I have a lifetime of unfinished internal work that needs to be done before I can even get close to my infinite potential. There are so many reasons why I did not go… the most blatant being that I only have $50 to my name right now and a combined total of approximately $40,000 in debt. I know what needed to be done to make it happen but I did not do it because I was scared to reach out. Due to my trust issues and my long history of working for people who have not compensated me fairly (cause and effect?), I’m resistant to reach out to anyone when I need something. When any of us need money as much as most of us do, we all settle for less than we deserve. This is the way the fixed system is supposed to work. I have definitely worked for some great people with beautiful intentions over the last few years but none of them were able to pay me a living wage; I still hold those people close to my heart even if the feeling is not mutual. I could not be more sure that creating opportunities for artists all over the world to break out of struggle mode is the best possible plan for my life. Unfortunately, I have been operating in struggle mode myself for so long that the courage I must find to make it happen is buried under decades of unaddressed issues.

One of my favorite @TheRingOfDOOM photos.

One of my favorite @TheRingOfDOOM photos.

Had I already received my Bumbershoot check, I might be getting on the plane today. I’d still be broke but I’d be in the place I most want to be and be surrounded by interesting people and have tons of new things to photograph. I will never know if my epic plan would have worked because it never truly began. My delusional optimism led me to believe that I’d be creating such good content that someone would offer me an advance on a photo book deal, a travel show, or a much needed opportunity to learn; I did not make this content because I was too lost in my own head to do it. I have resolved to address my childhood traumas and figure out how to live a healthy life but at this exact moment I am a 40 year old single woman, buried in debt, with only $50 that has already been spoken for, and a fractured heart. I would be homeless right now if my family wasn’t offering me a place to sleep. I weeped my way through painting the art studio I’ve been squatting in for ten months (that made me even more depressed instead of saving me money) last night and talked to my Dad for the first time in too long. He pointed out I was not being kind to myself by trying to assemble my best life in such a short amount of time and that attempting to tackle buried childhood traumas in the days before I leave on a two-month solo I’mPossible mission is a terrible idea. If I’m not being kind to myself, no one else will either. I cannot save the world by sharing messages of love with an underground Hip Hop soundtrack if I can’t figure out how to make enough money to eat three meals a day.

The same three people who inspired me to think this big have all mentioned that getting our heads right must be the first step in any situation. Because I have a tendency to see what I want to see OR because so many of us are struggling with the same issues, it often feels like they’re addressing me directly in their podcasts, videos, and social media posts. I’ve been studying these three people for at least two years (or more in one case) so I know how to tackle creating the career I want but I still have no idea how to tackle the root of all my failures that is preventing me from suiting up for the game of life. Knowing the problem does not solve it but it is the first step. Shoutout to Chase Jarvis, Tim Ferriss, and Gary Vaynerchuk for all the inspiration and guidance. I have so much love for these people even though we’ve never met and I would leap towards a mentorship or job with them or any other person whose intention is to help their employees live their best lives.

I truly want my life to be a good story. Fortunately, the best stories have a ton of conflict and obstacles for the main character to learn from. Yes, going to Bristol to drink the water and have a transformation is a fucking awesome story but I’m not in a position to tell it at this time. I created an entire universe for a character I made out of clay and I will tell the story when the time is right. I’ll continue to develop the legacy of @TheRingOfDOOM on Instagram and my website (and many other ways) but this exact miniseries will have to wait. The photo-graphic novel WILL be amazing once I get the clarity but at this time I am not in a position to work solely on my creative ventures even though it is all I see for my future. The story of a woman who is tackling her issues head on so she can live her best life is relatable to at least half of the world and that is currently my story. I wanted to seek out messages of love all over the world because I have not truly found the love of self I need to survive this crazy world. The Messages Of Love photo book WILL be something that will bring joy to people’s lives but I cannot make it happen on $50 total when my bills every month are $1200 (without paying any rent).

I was hoping to make epic shit happen in Bristol TOMORROW but instead I will make epic shit happen in my own head every day until I’ve reached the light. Because my goal is to figure out how to work remotely and to be creative, I can literally do this from anywhere in the world WHEN I’m able to truly begin. I wanted to set myself up for my best life in the $295 art studio I just moved out of but the effects of living somewhere I wasn’t supposed with no kitchen or shower made me too depressed to figure out how to make enough money to eat. I prioritized paying my bills over all else and I still ended up starting a debt relief program. In the last few weeks, I wanted to save all my money for bills so I ended up being too hungry to go on the long photography walks I love so much and without the gas money to drive anywhere. One cannot live on nuts, cheese, and Clif Bars if they hope to be clear-headed and healthy enough to walk 10 miles a day.

I do not know what will happen next but I’ll continue to write anyway because I can still inspire people to live their best life even if I’m not at Giant’s Causeway filming an episode of my travel miniseries on my phone. The people we love most on this planet have been brave enough to share their troubles and souls with us. We are all divided if we are stuck in our own head and we must work together to find our common ground if we’re to overthrow the demons in our own heads and in our government. They want us to be poor and needy so we’ll accept the meager wages being offered to us and do as we’re told but I cannot do that anymore. I allowed myself to remain broken and I never tried to fix me until now. I have no idea how to do it but as with most things, hard work, patience, reaching out, and watching how-to-videos on YouTube will help us learn what we need to learn. I WILL find a way to earn a sustainable income in a way that I’m not morally opposed to soon by working smarter AND harder and share it with you as it’s happening.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Hang out with a friend and talk about the realest shit.



Air – “Universal Traveler” 2004  I’ll be traveling through the universes of my brain until further notice.

Day 46 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 46

The car is clean and all of my stuff is in storage less the items I’ll be taking with me to Europe. Unfortunately, I was unable to find backup for my mission to sell my car so I’ll be enlisting the help of the people at BECU today by way of politely asking them to watch me like a TV while the transaction goes down. Those warning me to ask for more money so I could negotiate were right but I am not a haggler, even if I should be. There we go with the shoulds again; I don’t really want to be good at haggling because I know firsthand that it is hard to ask for what you’re worth and even harder to not accept less when you need the money… cough, job search.

Me in the year 2000 with the ski doctor who helped me one of he many times I hurt myself snowboarding.

Me in the year 2000 with the ski doctor who helped me one of he many times I hurt myself snowboarding.

I’ve already let the potential buyers know where they can find me today if they’re interested in the car and I’ll be heading out after I write this to post up outside BECU and push buttons on my phone until it is gone. BECU closes at 1pm so after I sell the car, I’ll have time to tackle the repainting/cleaning of my studio. When all goes well, I’ll have all my ducks in a row to leave by the end of the day… aside from money of course. I should be getting my Bumbershoot check before I leave so all my bills will be covered for the month… when I no longer have to pay for the car. The money will show up, I believe!

I am not looking at this Europe trip as a vacation. Of course it will be fun but jobs should be fun. It is truly an attempt at the one thing I want to do the most. You don’t wake up a 40 year old divorcee and decide to settle on anything less than what you want the most. I’m confident that once I’m able to focus on the mission ahead, I’ll be able to fine-tune my vision so others can see it too. I know what I want to make but I’ve been prioritizing making money the slowest way possible instead… like a dumbass. Even though the man in the video below has worked with Donald Trump, he still knows how to money better than I.

I did sell my first piece of art from my website yesterday to someone who reached for her dreams and it worked out wonderfully. So happy she was the first buyer for my art! I must go make my life happen right now… the clock is ticking.

One of my creations that is hibernating in my storage unit.

One of my creations that is hibernating in my storage unit.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.   Sell my car!

7. Repaint my art studio so I will never need to go back again.

8.  Remember to eat. (way too easy to just keep working when you know what you’re working toward.


Wax Tailor feat. Aloe Blacc – “Time To Go”2012  No really, it’s time to go. I have to go make my life happen… now.

Day 45 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 45

Yesterday was extremely productive but my biggest challenges are still ahead. At this moment, my art studio is empty aside from the stuff I’ll use to clean the place up. After I write this, I’ll take my last load of stuff to my storage unit and be left with only the suitcase and small backpack I’ll take with me to Europe. The final carload is mostly art I believe will raise in value the further I run with this adventure. I did receive an offer to buy one of my pieces but it worked out to approximately $1/hour so I’ll be holding onto that until further notice. I love making art but it is not yet my greatest skill. This adventure is about betting on my talents and creating the best job for me.

Approximately 19 years ago, I spilled Newcastle beer all over this jacket and have left it in storage ever since. I finally tackled the stain on my past and will be wearing it t proudly soon. Yes, this is a metaphor for life.

Approximately 19 years ago, I spilled Newcastle beer all over this jacket and have left it in storage ever since. I finally tackled the stain on my past and will be wearing it t proudly soon. Yes, this is a metaphor for life.

I could not be more aware that there are many things I SHOULD be doing but all of those things would serve only to keep me broke for years and living a life that someone else controls. We all know that having one job in Seattle (especially in the music industry) will not earn someone enough money to live a healthy life. I’d need to work three jobs for multiple years to get where I know this project could be next week if I’m able to effectively share my vision with those in a position to help. While of course there are examples of people who have accomplished great feats by taking the long route, I believe most of them would agree that the best move in any situation is to work smarter, not harder. It has already been proven that it is 100% possible for people to create careers for themselves in which they’re able to work remotely and travel at the same time. This is the most direct route to success; this exact road that I’m on right now will lead me directly to the people that inspire me the most and put me in a position in which I can create opportunities for artists all over the world. If I follow the route I SHOULD take, I will inspire no one and not be in a position to help the people I admire in the ways I know I can for many years… in addition to being super depressed because I succumbed to the pressures of conformity again.  

That said, I am 100% willing to be proven wrong on this. I will happily consider any full time job offers almost anywhere in the world if that one job would pay me enough to live in that city. I’m qualified to do 1111 things in the music industry, have a UW History Degree, excel in customer service, and have been creating content for my own website for nine years so far. In a perfect world, I SHOULD be able to find a job like this easily but America is broken. Those paying attention know it’s not actually broken, it is fixed in favor of white rich men in suits. I intend to seek out all the ways that artists can make money outside of the hourly wage system that has kept all of us in struggle mode for too long. If I have ever shown an interest in you or your art, I’m doing this for you. In 2018, there are people who make millions of dollars a year playing video games, many professional travel vloggers, and millions of online businesses. Following a traditional route with all this technology is not only stupid but also a means to stay exactly where we are. So of course I SHOULD get a job in the system with health, dental, and a 401K but if I did that the only person that would win is the company I worked for. Thanks to the wisdom of Elle Luna who wrote a book called, The Crossroads Between Should And Must, I’ve spent a ton of time figuring out what I MUST do. I MUST go directly to Bristol in a few days and start being the change I want to see in the world because it is the best way to help everyone I love the most… myself included. I MUST continue to jump over the obstacles I’ve created for myself to reach the life I know is possible because life is too short not to. I believe so strongly in myself and that there are people out there who will recognize my infinite potential and help me make this happen that I’m going for it right now without a safety net. The ROI on Liz Rowe is off the charts and someone in a position to help will soon realize it. Five years ago, I cashed in my 401K at Whole Foods so I could dive directly into the music industry and it worked so well that within three years I was hiring people to work alongside me at giant music venues. I’ve been on the direct payroll of some of the most successful musician in the world since I quit the corporate music industry at the end of 2016 and I’m just getting going.

An example of the random ish in my storage unit.

An example of the random ish in my storage unit.

After I write this, take my final carload to my storage unit, and clean out the car that has been my best friend for six years. I’ll be facing the challenge of reaching out to someone who can be with me during the car sale transaction. I am so resistant to asking for help that I only own items that I can lift myself AND fit in my Subaru. When I went to BECU yesterday, the person was awesome and let me know that it is totally possible to complete the transaction in the bank so I feel a lot better about attacking this mission solo but it’s still a bad idea. I’d love for the buyer to be able to test drive the car but the thought of getting in any car with a Craigslist stranger alone makes me wince. While I try to live my life unafraid of bad people, they do exist and I’d be a fool to tackle this mission alone.  


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool ; I’ve been slacking on this because my mind is on all of the logistics for at least one or two more days.

6.     Take final car load to storage unit.

7.     Clean car inside and out.

8.     Reach out to someone who can advise on this car selling matter.

9.     Respond to the five people who have expressed interest in my car and try to sell it TODAY.

10.    Just DOOM it.



Carly Simon – “You’re So Vain” 1972   I know I’m not the only one that reads random posts on the internet and spends too much time thinking about whether the vague comment is a direct attack on their life mission OR a sign of support from those who haven’t told you to your face that they believe in your mission. I am 100% guilty of doing both of these things. If there actually are people out there who don’t want me to succeed, they’re rooting against someone whose whole goal in life is to create opportunities for underground artists and they might be an asshole. Every second we waste thinking about those who are telling us what we SHOULD or SHOULD NOT do is a second we could have spent working towards our goals. I’ve been listening to the advice of people who are living the kind of life I want to live and extracting what applies to my situation and it has led me right here… on my way to put all my stuff in a storage unit, releasing the financial ties that have bound me to a life I don’t want, and ready to go all in on my strengths. Carly Simon is a number 1 boss lady and it’s a classic but this song is kinda weak.

Day 44 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 44

When I woke up I knew that today was the day that would truly begin my next adventure… or it could be the day that I gave up on my dreams. So I posted the video I worked on for at least eight hours yesterday and shared it on Craigslist, Facebook, and Twitter. In the ten minutes that has passed since I posted it, I already have a buyer who is offering cash; I haven’t responded yet for many reasons but mostly I am terrified to meet a stranger and exchange over $10,433 and then try to walk somewhere with all that money… alone. I’ll need some backup on that for sure. I also still need the car until at least tomorrow so I can finish moving out of my studio. This will work and I’m so excited to be free of the car but I still need it for a few more days. I’ve given myself a deadline and it is now.


I learned so much about myself AND iMovie while recording the footage and editing this video. It feels 100% like I’ve just hit the ground running and that I have so much work to do right now… because I do. It is not time for me to write about what I hope to do with the rest of my day; it is time for me to do it… right now.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Take final items out of art studio so I can be finished using my car forever.

7.     Visit a BECU location to ask what paperwork I’ll need with me to sell the car.

8.     Mail off sold eBay item.

9.     Figure out how to respond to the people who already want to buy my car and find someone willing to be there when the transaction goes down.



Télépopmusik – “Breathe” 2001  I discovered this song way too late but we’re living happily ever after together from here on out.

Day 34 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 34

Last night when I got home from working the last day of Bumbershoot at 3am I drafted what would be today’s blog if it wasn’t so viciously honest. Instead I will summarize the 760 word passion filled rant by saying that the people in my work history who know they’re not following Spiderman’s uncle’s advice are visibly shook when they see me. The ones who are genuinely good people who just happen to work for the corporation had nice things to say and I think they're awesome. My greatest discovery since I double backflipped off the corporate ladder into credit card poverty is that when you work for well-intended leaders who are truly good at what they do, they’ll literally starve if you don’t have what you need to do your job well…  in addition to paying a livable wage and providing you with ample tools to reach your infinite potential.

SZA's image in the fountain at Seattle Center.

SZA's image in the fountain at Seattle Center.

Thankfully, the fact that I was working at the festival helped me to rise above my social anxiety and meet some people I’ve been too intimidated by to speak to. I got to spend time with an artist I’ve been inspired by yesterday because I simply said hi and told him how much I admired his work. The half an hour or so we spent walking around the festival woke me the fuck up and I realized that I’ve been neglecting my superpowers. As always seems to be the case, the universe brings people into my life when I need them the most… and I needed to speak with a lot of people to feel the way I do today. Spending so much time in solitude over the last year and a half was exactly what I needed at the time but some of the people I met this weekend reminded me that I have already proven my ability to change people’s lives for the better in a 10 minute conversation or less because I see only their infinite potential. This is why I must wield my superpower on a global level and pursue this trip to Europe as if it is my only option for survival.

Terrible image of the amazing SZA onstage at Bumbershoot. 

Terrible image of the amazing SZA onstage at Bumbershoot. 

On that note, I have seven sold eBay items to ship out today if the post office is actually open for the holiday (Google isn’t sure). I am releasing sixteen of my favorite DVDs so that I can ensure my own life will be movie-worthy. Unfortunately, most of the items I own are only important to me and don’t have much value in a seller’s market so the money I’m earning is not adding up to much. I now have TWO WEEKS until I leave for Europe and still lack the fundage to even pay for my monthly bills because I’m so optimistic that this will work out, I’ve mostly abandoned hourly wages. I have accepted four shifts for a catering company next week purely for the money; it will add up to very little but every dollar counts (as I write this I’m remembering that if I think hourly, I’ll get hourly; if I think large chunk of money, I’ll get a large chunk of money… shit, LOL).


Sadly, @TheRingOfDOOM has not been photographed in more than a week and The Vulcan Of Amazonia project has been procrastinated for over a month. I do have some footage of he and Eddie’s cardboard box apartment under Bezos’ Balls but I realized that I’ve likely been neglecting it because my whole schtick is to shine light on the good things. It could not be more important to raise awareness about the damage Amazon and Vulcan have done to the city but it hurts my heart to spend my time seeking out and highlighting the effects of villainous capitalists; they get enough press (because they own it). I have more than a few photos to make of the best parts of Seattle before I leave and it is a beautiful day outside (and inside).



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Prep and attempt to mail eBay items.

7.    Brainstorm new Patreon video

8.    Take at least one photo of @TheRingOfDOOM with some Seattle Street Art

9.    Collage clean up session



Tom Petty – “You Got Lucky” 1982   Following the trail of the happiest people in the music industry has repeatedly united me with the video team. My last day as a Runner when I met the blissed out traveling videographer of a famous rapper, my shifts with the documentary team at the Tom Petty show last summer, and working with the LiveXLive team this weekend has been a triple message from the universe that I have loved the combination of music and video since I first as exposed to MTV (in it’s actual music video era) as a child. This Tom Petty music video was the impetus of my long-running themed music video list addiction. While watching these visuals, I realized how many music videos I’d seen that take place in the desert; this led to hundreds of music video lists on my old Blogger site grouped together by random thing instead of genre. The thousands of videos I posted on my website were my foot in the door of the music industry that got lucky when I found it. My goal continues to be to create a path around the mainstream corporate vultures for truly talented, socially aware artists that make music I love listening to. Upon further reflection, I’ll say that it is the musicians/artists that got lucky when I found them; the music industry’s luck is running out.

Day 33 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 33

Yesterday’s “work” shift for the video team filming Bumbershoot was another truly wonderful day. Once again, the people I reconnected with brought joy to my caffeinated heart and learning from professional ass kickers is always wicked awesome. I maintain my stance that I have one of the best jobs at Bumbershoot and couldn’t be more excited for what today will bring. I completed one 90-minute work block of daily blog/Instagram before work and was able to show some rad people how great of a worker I am.

J. Cole sharing his soul on stage at Bumbershoot.

J. Cole sharing his soul on stage at Bumbershoot.

This morning, I officially let the keepers of my art studio know that I’ll be moving out before I leave for Europe. Feels weird to know that I won’t officially have my own place to go when I get back in two months but my world will then be too large to confine myself in a 10x10 cube anyway. I’ve had zero contact from Carter Subaru in Ballard where I bought my car after reaching out to them and I’m more than disappointed that they did not respond at all. When you spend $36,000 somewhere, returning your email is kind of expected. I still love that damn car even though I’ve never been in a position to own it but whatever happens with it I’ll never spend another dollar at their dealership again. Still maintain that if I could somehow monetize that Ariana Grande has been in my car, all my financial troubles would be over. Mostly, yet not really kidding.

King Of Ballard AKA Grynch On The Mural Stage

King Of Ballard AKA Grynch On The Mural Stage

In the month of September, I completed 158 ninety-minute work blocks. This works out to be 237 hours and/or 7.6 hours per day (no weekends when you must create a career for yourself). The progress I made on my art in this time amazes me and I can’t wait to see how it evolves over the next few years. I spent the least amount of time on things I was doing just for the money; in hindsight it was foolish but I maintain that playing it safe is a terrible idea (as I write this I can almost hear The Don Gary Vaynerchuk telling me to be practical). One of the epic waste of time surveys I did on Swagbucks recently that earned me a whopping one penny asked if I had gambled in the last 30 days. I answered no but really I’m gambling on myself every day because I know the odds are stellar.

I’ll be housesitting a bit over the next two weeks so my routine will be different but it will be nice to have a whole kitchen for a while. I plan on using the time to strategically repack my storage unit with only the things I love enough to keep in boxes for years (such a ridiculous statement), releasing the rest via sales/donations, and seeking out ways to fund my trip. The reaction I get when I tell people about my storyboarded @TheRingOfDOOM miniseries that starts with him drinking the water in Bristol reinforces that I’m attempting something truly unique that can bring joy to so many people’s lives. I couldn’t be more confident that I am the ONLY person trying to do this exact thing so technically I have a monopoly on all things @TheRingOfDOOM related but it’s 100% on me to learn to communicate my ideas so others can get a clear view of what I plan to accomplish. Communication has never been one of my strengths but as with everything, one gets better with practice.

Stoked for these guys that they got to go to perform at Red Rocks as their trio with Grieves, Greater Than, a couple days ago with Atmosphere and Evidence. These are some great humans.

Stoked for these guys that they got to go to perform at Red Rocks as their trio with Grieves, Greater Than, a couple days ago with Atmosphere and Evidence. These are some great humans.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Remember to eat.



Rhye – “Open” 2013   Still having a moment with all things Rhye. I first posted this song back in March 2013 in a compilation of Music Videos Featuring Confetti and it has maintained currently overplaying status to this day.

Day 32 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 32

Until last night, I had forgotten the feeling one gets when they watch one of their favorite artists purely as a fan. The last five years of working with musicians has been a beautiful experience that I plan to continue but the heartbreak of working for those who cannibalize music, musicians, music fans, and their own employees left a mark on my soul that won’t go away. Watching Rhye’s performance at Bumbershoot yesterday reminded me why I dove headfirst into the industry and why it’s important that I stay on my wonky path. Even though I was technically working the festival, for most of Rhye’s set I was able to stand in the fan area and get all swoony about a band I truly love. Mike Milosh has chosen his team well and I could not have been more impressed by the man himself. Here’s hoping I’ll get to tour with them someday soon. Since someone on the Rhye team liked my Adult Contemporary playlist promo image on Instagram a few days ago, we’re practically already best friends (LOL). That said, if you’re reading this Mr. Milosh, I’m actually very qualified to go on tour with you and I will no bullshit be one of the best tourmates you’ve ever had... or we could just date instead if you prefer.

Rhye onstage at Mural Amphitheater at Bumbershoot.

Rhye onstage at Mural Amphitheater at Bumbershoot.

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned throughout my entire life is the importance of knowing when to say no. Had I said yes to the first opportunity to work Bumbershoot, I would have worked at least a 16 hour day if not more and been a stressball. Oddly enough, I do strangely enjoy those long days but because I was patient and because I’ve kicked so much ass in the past, I ended up with less than twelve hour shifts in which my main task is to go to the photo pit in front of the stage and hand fans hats, shirts, and bags. Fortunately, this only takes a few minutes because fans want everything that is coming from the stage area, I am free to take photos right next to the damn stage, catch up with friends I haven’t seen in awhile, and watch Rhye.

A clown doing his thing on stage. Not a fan but it would be stupid not to photograph the dude.

A clown doing his thing on stage. Not a fan but it would be stupid not to photograph the dude.

Other than meeting and working with a team that travels worldwide to video events, making actual money, and reconnecting with some of my favorite people in the world, I did not do anything I could count as a work block. Since I didn’t post anything on Instagram yesterday, my first work block wasn’t a full 90 minutes. I did not bring @TheRingOfDOOM with me yesterday but he was with me in patch form on my sweatshirt. Even though I’m pretty sure no one cares and some of my most popular @TheRingOfDOOM posts have been created while flexing the power of my credentials working music events, it seems tacky to photograph my fictional character while working. It is exactly this morality that keeps getting in my way but I’ll keep running with it. I haven’t even posted some of my most epic @TheRingOfDOOM moments because I worked too closely with the artist and their team to post a photo taken of them without asking their permission specifically. I have at least fifteen minutes of footage of @TheRingOfDOOM sidestage with Kaytranada and a few photos of him sidestage with Tyler, The Creator. Kaytranada once held @TheRingOfDOOM in his hand in the front seat of my car and told me that Madlib gave him the DOOM ring right off his finger (one of my favorite memories ever). I would only want to post a photo of @TheRingOfDOOM and Tyler if he was seriously fucking with the idea; oddly enough I do believe he’d think it was dope because he’s also a DOOM fan. These are the experiences that prevent me from settling on a job purely for the money. That said, I did let the catering company I sometimes work for that I’m available to work for the next two weeks so I can be guaranteed some fundage for my trip.

Ludacris doing his thing onstage at Bumbershoot.

Ludacris doing his thing onstage at Bumbershoot.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Remember to eat.



Rhye – “The Fall” 2012  Like most of us, I incorrectly assumed that the older woman in this video was the singer of Rhye but seeing the magical intro of this song coming out of Mike Milosh’s mouth woke me the fuck up and instantly made me a superfan as written above. This song will likely always make my heart feel funny and I love that.