Day 31 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 31

At 31 days into writing about how I hope to go to Europe and never work for corporations again, I find myself getting ready to go work at an evil corporation’s music festival. On the scale of immoral ways to earn money, working for a corporation is really not so bad (in the eyes of most of the world) and like I said yesterday, I’m actually working for a company contracted by AEG so I can justify it in my brain. That said, I’m gonna have so much fun and have 1000 reasons to smile just on this first day alone. It’ll be a great weekend; very much looking forward to meeting and working with this New York-based video team; the man in charge has worked with Nabil and Hype Williams (wicked awesome).


Yesterday my push to relieve myself of stuff in my storage unit turned into a whopping $10.60 via selling three CDs and one dress. They recommended I head to a different music store because they just bought 800 earlier in the day, that sounds like a task for Monday. I did sell another CD today for $2 on eBay, a still in plastic Luniz CD so I’m that much closer; LOL. While I was out, I brought my large collages into a small art gallery/shop in Ballard and asked them what they thought of my art. He gave me some great advice and told me he thought it was cool; so now I must continue to figure out how to translate that into $$$.

The absolute best thing I did yesterday was actually set up my Patreon. It’s live and ready to go as I write this. I’ll still be making a Patreon specific video but for now I used the Lisbon travel video I finished a few days ago because there’s actually footage of me speaking to the camera. I’m excited to see how this develops and I hope others like the idea of an original collaged postcard every month. I would absolutely love to receive one so it seems like the perfect choice. It’s kind of crazy how confident I am that @TheRingOfDOOM can bring so much joy to people’s lives, must stick with it! All the best people will tell you never to give up on your dreams, it is only those who’ve allowed themselves to be sucked into the system completely that will tell you to take the safe route.

It’s hard to know if I should make a plan for myself if I don’t happen to raise enough money for this trip. I’ve already ditched Plans B-Z, I have a plane ticket, and I can see myself filming @TheRingOfDOOM at Portishead Bay; there is no turning back. Even when I don’t have any, money feels like it’ll be there when I need it most (almost laughable with a mouthful of cavities but I’ve made my choices and I’m okay with them). All of my brainpower should be focused on what I want to do, NOT what I’ll do if Plan A doesn’t work out. At this point, the only way I wouldn’t go is if the government stopped me from getting on the plane for some illegitimate reason. The amount of money I need to make this two month trip happen is minimal because I plan on staying in hostels or cheap Air BNB’s; approximately $5000 would keep my bills paid, have a roof over my head, and eat minimal food. This is approximately the cost of living in Seattle for two months (if I paid Bezosian-warfare rent) and extremely small change for investor types. Since my entertainment is literally walking around the city taking photos, my costs are low. I could not be more excited for this adventure and can’t wait to make art in Bristol.

I’ve linked my Patreon again here and I’d really love to make and send you a postcard from Europe. Thanks for reading, I love you.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Survive The Festival via remembering to eat.

4.     One Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool



Evidence – Throw It All Away 2017   Evidence totally gets it. Here’s hoping we cross paths in Europe as we’ll be there at the same time.