Day 25 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 25

First of set of six purple wave glass coasters pre-resin.

First of set of six purple wave glass coasters pre-resin.

The best decisions I’ve ever made in my life were made around 4am with my eyes wide open. Last night was to be the night before my first real Monday of my recently acquired 9-5 but instead it turned out to be the night I decided to quit being scared and dive all the way into life headfirst. The only thing I’ve ever been sure about was that I wanted my life to be a good story so I quit the 9-5 and constructed the plan to make this trip happen at the crack of dawn. This two month adventure in Europe will be the best story I’ve ever told and the photos I will make will be some of the most beautiful my timeline has ever seen. I’ve heard that giving up on your big dreams happens more than a few times along the journey to success so I’m right on track. The six work blocks I completed yesterday were mostly spent on Spotify, my website, and collages.

Now that I have only 23 days until I leave for Europe, it is time to get down to business and start liquidating all the stuff that’s been sitting in my storage unit for a year and a half. Today I’ll be venturing to sift through my unnecessary belongings and put them up for sale. I have barely worn shoes in there I haven’t worn in over five years and endless other items that can help me to make this trip happen if I get them on eBay and someone actually wants to buy them.

VHS for a bundle deal on eBay.

VHS for a bundle deal on eBay.

 So on this day that would have been my Monday, I plan on focusing at least two (if not four) work blocks to listing stuff on eBay for a big sale that’ll end next Sunday. I won’t be writing about the big steps I take beyond eBay until after I do them so I can be sure I’m being about it and not just talking about it anymore. There are infinite ways to make money and I’ve hardly tried any of them. This is when things will start to get interesting, I leave in just over three weeks for two months in Europe and I can’t wait to show you how I make it happen. Stand by while I actually attempt the I’mPossible…


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     2-4 blocks of ebay

7.     Collage Cleanup Session

8.     Travel Section Website


Heart – “Straight On” 1978  I’ve had more than a few moments with this song over the years but now it is time to make it my anthem. It took me just over 40 years to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and I the only option I have at this time is to run directly towards my biggest dreams. The fact that the song was released the year I was born is a lucky coincidence.

Day 23 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 23

I have yet to work a full week at my new 9-5 but today is my first “Saturday” in years. While there is a lot to learn, my new job is very low stress and the kind of job you can release after clocking out for the day; an ideal situation for someone working toward a larger goal. It does feel good to speak with humans on a regular basis again but I can't help but wonder if I’ve given up or have gifted myself a more reasonable timeline. The last two days I worked 12 hours and sadly only completed four 90 minute work blocks; factoring in eight hours of sleep each night and transit time, I wasted at least 12 hours doing nothing. It is embarrassing to not complete my goals and write about it but I still just watched movies when I got back to my spot after work last night. Maybe I needed to relax but when I have so far to go to become a financially stable adult, relaxing feels irresponsible.

Shortly before the purple piece at the top was accidentally resined to the table. 

Shortly before the purple piece at the top was accidentally resined to the table. 

For the last five years since I quit Whole Foods, I have never been sure if I’d be able to pay my bills every month. As of two days ago, I now know I’ll be able to make those payments if I just keep going to work every day and remain frugal. That said, at this rate I won’t be able to afford dental work for at least a year (way too long when fillings came out months ago) and I still wouldn’t be able to pay for a real place to live (Bezosian Rent Warfare). Starting this new job clouded over my plans for the next few months and I must fine tune my trajectory if I hope to accomplish anything. In the past, I would have gone on a spacecruise to the ocean to mull over my next moves but I’d have to spend money I don’t have to make it happen. Thus lies the curse of the upside down car loan; can’t afford to get rid of the car and can’t afford to drive it.

Since I’m not working today, I hope to accomplish the goals I did not complete the last few days and to make some new art. I must strive to remember every day how good it feels to cross an item off my To Do list, even if it’s something so ridiculous as film scenes of your cardboard box movie at the foot of Bezos’ Balls (check!). Trying to decide if I should get up early to write my blog before work or will myself to do it every day when I get back…


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Collage work block

7.      Spotify work block

8.     Finalize list of outdoor shots for TROD video and gather/create props



U2 – “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” 1987  I would never call myself a U2 fan but some of their older music still pulls me in. In addition to creating a beautiful song, filming this video on the streets of Vegas made thousands of people smile. I hope to be able to make the kind of art that can affect people the way this song/video affects me and I’ll never get there if I don’t create art on a daily basis. Knowing that the world needs creators more than they need cogs in a fixed machine keeps me on my path when I feel like giving up.

Day 22 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 22

Even though I only worked a half day, yesterday was my intro to the empty feeling one has after working 9-5. Needless to say, my original goals were pushed aside. I had previously forgotten I had added yoga to my to do list but I still have only just stretched. I didn’t drink enough water, or work on T-ROD movie, or work on a Spotify list, or post twice on Instagram. Lame. My first work block of the day is gonna be a little wonky for a bit. My goal will be to post my daily blog before I go to work so that when I get back to the studio, all I’ll have to do is work on my craft.

Today is already my Friday so after work today, I’ll be experiencing my first “weekend” in years that I’ll work all the way through. At this time, I’m realizing that I need to fine tune what my new plan is. Still gonna dream of a cash windfall (and take steps toward) so I can photograph the art Indian Giver is blessing Paris with as we speak and utilize the French I’ve been learning on the Duolingo app but in the meantime, I’m going to keep slowly building my foundation. Knowing that all my bills will be paid with one job (if I remain in this “living” situation) feels mostly good but I can almost visualize the photos I’d get to take in London/Paris/Copenhagen/Rotterdam and my heart hurts for everyone who would’ve seen them. Technically, I still have two years to accomplish my five year goal of getting paid to go to Europe.

Looking forward to developing a routine but it may not be time for that just yet. My favorite thing I DID do yesterday was to sign up to potentially make money with Medium and post a few of my best pieces on Reddit. It was super easy to make the change so we’ll see what happens with that.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     30 Minute Yoga YouTube Video

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Finalize plan of footage to capture in Seattle, gather props, pack bag

7.    90 Minute Collage Block



Ama Lou “Wire” 2018  The video Ama Lou released for this song is a three pack with "Wire" as the last song. 

Day 20 Of Delusional Optimist’s Guide To Achieving The I’mPossible

Day 20

The only goal I did not reach yesterday was to put any items for sale on ebay. My weak excuse is that most of the items I have at this time have failed to sell on ebay multiple times and that my attempts to flip stuff online ended up as a plastic tub of shit no one wants… like an R. Kelly cassette, or an Alaska commemorative spoon, or an eight headed mink stole. It should come to no surprise to me that I choose things (music, thrift store items) that do not make a profit but are awesome (Underground Hip Hop). Example, not a fan of Bieber or Grande but I love Taylar Elizza Beth and 10.4 Rog. Instead of eBaying, I spent time at the Laundromat and under Bezos’ Balls with @TheRingOfDOOM’s cardboard box apartment.

The sunset collage I almost didn't finish because I don't love the colors turned into one of my favorite pieces. I plan on turning it into a Spotifly playlist image so I can see it often.

The sunset collage I almost didn't finish because I don't love the colors turned into one of my favorite pieces. I plan on turning it into a Spotifly playlist image so I can see it often.

As I reach the end of all my big collage projects without any more large frames in my possession, I’m reminded that I still have around 50 small and imperfect thrifted frames leftover from #100DaysOfTheRingOfDOOMcollages. I much prefer making large pieces but as I say to myself all the time, I must use what I have. There’s lots of things I prefer to do, like eating at delicious restaurants and spacecruising to the ocean whenever, but if we always did what we prefer to do, we’d just be laying on the couch watching Netflix in a diabetic coma from too much ice cream and chocolate. I still would prefer to take photos of Street Art (and everything) in Paris than building a solid foundation out of hourly wages but if I don’t take actions towards large sums of money, they will not arrive.


Over the next few months, I hope to become as addicted to finishing stuff as I am to coffee. Sometimes when I find myself leisurely gluing tiny pieces of water, I think about the sense of urgency that kicks in when I’m working for others and I start gluing faster. I currently have 201 drafted blog posts on my old blogger site, a fully drafted Hip Hop Crossword/Activity Book, way too many hours of @TheRingOfDOOM footage, 80 belt buckle blanks, 50+ tiny frames, 20 blank reusable bags, 800 button blanks, 147 uncompleted To Do lists, thousands of photos to sort into books/zines, and more than one storyboarded iphone movie (among other projects). When I finish all this stuff, I get to see what I’ll do next but the procrastinator in me wonders if all these projects should be finished. For someone who got many A’s on papers written the night before they were due, it is way too easy to put things off when there is no deadline. The time frame created by my plane ticket to Europe (I still have it) on September 17 may have been permanently replaced with an 18 month timeline (at least) so the sense of urgency/panic has turned into a marathon instead of a sprint. I keep thinking about where I should be as a forty year old but then I remember that I must not give a fuck about shoulds; I must fine tune my goals so I can work my way through them.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     30 Minute Yoga YouTube Video

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Pour resin on current projects.

7.     Make at least one small framed collage and start next coaster set.

8.    Clean Cheeto rain out of cardboard box movie set and gather props needed for rest of the             scenes.

9.    Make tiny bowl of ramen out of polymer clay, resin, and actual ramen.

10.   Spotify work block

11.    90 Minute block sorting photos by city/artist for books/zines



Seinabo Sey – “Younger” 2014 Until Death Becomes Her turns into our reality, none of us are getting any younger so we may as well just DOOM it.



Did you know I have a YouTube playlist with almost 100 animated videos on it? I’ve had Animated Videos Part VII drafted since mid 2017 so it’s no longer fresh but like I’ve said before, one of the best things about music is that the first time you hear it, it is new to you. I will be finalizing a new post of more current animated videos soon. Here’s one of my favorites from the playlist that is best consumed on SmartTV or whatever device you have close to you.

Day 13 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 13

While I did get a lot done yesterday in six 90 minute work blocks, I was all over the place with the goals. Failed on the water goal but I did have tea and juice (lame). No actual walk or ten minute block of stretching; I prefer two minutes at a time in between work blocks but my body would likely prefer more. Completed all the website and Instagram posts and shared on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Medium, Pinterest, and Vero (not sure if Vero is working out for anyone). I spent more time than I thought I would working on an upcoming music post; once I start down the rabbithole of internet digging for music, I seem to find better stuff the longer I look. Still trying to figure out how to package 40+ music videos for easy consumption but they’re all too good not to share. It may or may not be The New Hotness Vol. 13 as a continuation from my old website; time will tell. I did not pour resin yesterday because I spent two 90 minute work blocks gluing water on the big collage instead. While it would be nice if it was already done, if I pour the resin earlier in the day, I get more done on the next set of collages (sunset) while it is drying. I’m in full procrastination mode on filming the series pilot. I prefer to work on video projects when I don’t have the option to make resin art. Since I have a little over a month until I leave, collage time is precious… <--- Excuses. No official Spotify work block but I was able to add some songs to the new playlist that I discovered via YouTube. My food situation is currently on point though (brushes shoulder).

@TheRingOfDOOM shortly after surgery; scarred but recovering nicely in his cardboard box apartment.

@TheRingOfDOOM shortly after surgery; scarred but recovering nicely in his cardboard box apartment.

So far this month I’ve completed 67 ninety minute work blocks. That is 100 and a half hours of work towards my biggest life goals in twelve days. That works out to be only 8.375 hours per day. It may seem like a lot or a little, depending on who you are, but I know how much time was wasted in between work blocks so I plan on doing even better this week. Still not officially hustling. I made a few potential daily timelines to see how short my breaks would have to be to fit in more work blocks. I’m shooting for 8 work blocks (a new personal record) today so I will try skipping the walk and actually doing a short yoga video instead. My food restock yesterday has made it so there really isn’t anywhere I need to go today... unless of course I get crazy and leave to make the video.

As of today, I’ve only sold two pieces of my own art. Both were zines and one was sold to my sister and the other to a friend. I’ve got a long way to go if I hope to have a sustainable art career but I know I’m on the right path… just gotta keep creating and sharing. Finishing stuff and putting it out into the world feels more awesome than procrastinating; must cement this into my brain.


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

4.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

5.    Pour resin on all projects and work on sunset piece -1-2 blocks

6.     Add more items to website store – 1 block

7.     One work block organizing studio to make room to stretch

8.     One 90 minute clay work block to make props/new character etc.



Snoh Aalegra – “Sometimes” 2017  She released a video for the track a couple weeks back but the song originally appeared on her album FEELS last year.



Did you know that this show with Astro King Phoenix, ZZ Top’s Drummer’s Drum Machines Manager’s Band, and Dex Dynamite Saga (Dex Amora, J’Von, & Zuke Saga) is one of the achievements I am most proud? It was one of the first shows I booked for The Crocodile Back Bar in 2014. The large version of Mad Max’s poster was stolen out of the light box, it was that dope. While small shows are fun and a great way for artists to work on their live performances, I don’t want to book shows until I can offer the musicians large amounts of money.


Day 12 Of Delusional Optimist’s Guide To Achiving The I’mPossible

Day 12

I did pretty damn good on my goals yesterday but did not complete them all. The one goal I did not even attempt was to go for a walk; I got more done as a result. I had a few false starts on 90 minute work blocks in which I got distracted researching the people who are liking my work on Instagram and other social media sites. Once I realized that I actually had some followers on Spotify that weren’t related to me, I felt the urge to spend more time making playlists. These days there is such a thing as getting paid to be a pro-style playlister.


One of the videos my inspirators posted lately reminded me that it is more than okay to go all in on the things I’m already good at. Still wanna finish this damn video but I should not neglect the things that come easily to me. I’ve been making playlists since dubbing songs from the radio onto cassettes in the 80’s and making collages feels more like putting together a puzzle these days. Thanks to my decades of playlisting, my Mom can recognize Phife Dawg's voice when she hears it; priceless. Whether you know it or not, my good taste in music is likely why you even know who I am. Sending the music blog I started in 2009 to the right person eventually led to working alongside the most famous musicians in the world and curating events in which artists are able to perform in front of an audience for the first time. Even though filtering through new music can be painful, it is always worth it when gems are discovered. Finding a new favorite song is one of the best feelings in the world.

I did get five products for sale on my now fully functioning website shop yesterday. It makes the most sense to cut out the middleman early if it works out (I just don’t feel like an Etsy person). Squarespace does charge a 3% transaction fee but I don’t see a way around that just yet. The process inspired me to unearth the zines I’ve completed and print some out. They’re just awesome enough not to be too embarrassing and I’m more than okay with showing my progress. I’ve completed three 100 Day Projects over the last couple years which would also make great zines/books if I actually put them together.




Today I’m going to make resupplying myself with healthy food my number one priority. I tend to go the cheapest route possible but that usually ends up being pasta. Creativity will get me everywhere when it comes to that one.

Since tomorrow is another Monday, I’m gonna get back into using my alarm clock. I’ve been allowing myself to sleep as much as I want but I can sleep on the plane to Europe on September 17. My natural bedtime is around 4:30 AM so eight hours of sleep has me waking up after noon. Feels weird to set an alarm when I’m my own boss and I have nowhere specific to go but self-discipline will get me everywhere… plus I love weird stuff. Not sure yet what my wakeup time will be but there’s no reason I shouldn’t be able to work on my projects for at least 12 hours a day if I use my time wisely. I definitely spend too much time checking all my social media sites in between work blocks because I love researching what posts people like the most.



Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Resupply Food

7.      Finish water layer and pour resin

8.     Get everything ready to film pilot tomorrow

9.     Another 90 Minute Spotify work block



Charlotte Day Wilson – “Nothing New” 2018  Her song “Work” from 2016 is the cut too. This will definitely be on my upcoming August playlist but it has also been added to my Give Slow Jams A Chance playlist; linked below.

Charlotte Day Wilson - "Work" 2016



Did you know I have a thing for time lapse videos? One of my favorites is this video captured while driving across the super long Astoria-Megler Bridge in Astoria, Oregon.

Day 11 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 11

Detail of 12 layered @TheRingOfDOOM 3D water collage.

Detail of 12 layered @TheRingOfDOOM 3D water collage.

Completed almost all of yesterday’s goals; I failed to drink enough water and didn’t formally stretch even though it’s easy. I’m loving the resin projects I have under construction but I can’t wait to see what I make next. While I do love the end result of multi-layered water, gluing tiny pieces of paper on the same board does get a little tedious. Since I’m using what I’ve got and trying to not buy more art supplies, the art I make over the next week will likely go through a few phases. For example, I absolutely love making art with space striped skies but I’m almost out of space stripes so I had to move onto moonscape skies. I love the way the moon sky art is turning out but I only have a few photos of the moon left. Currently in possession of just enough sunset photos to make one piece so whatever I make next will likely be something completely new. I will probably always come back to the water and will continue to search through the many boxes of old magazines I have to make it happen. It’s definitely time to reach out to a local art professional to ask if my art is as good as I think it is; I’ll love it no matter what they say but reality must rear its head eventually.

I’m not loving these colors but every piece is hand cut from a magazine photo from a sunset. Had to see what it looked like... detail of a piece still under construction.

I’m not loving these colors but every piece is hand cut from a magazine photo from a sunset. Had to see what it looked like... detail of a piece still under construction.

During my research about selling art, I came across a video that said the biggest mistake artist’s make is not having a shop/store on their website. Seems like a no brainer but I realized I do not have my art for sale anywhere. While I do have an Etsy page for my water belt buckles, patches, and zines, none of my non-wearable art is for sale anywhere. I’ve wanted to have an art show for quite awhile but reaching out is hard these days (even though it’s really just tapping fingers on a screen or having a conversation). I’m also still making the art I’d want to have in a show… excuses.

Today Sub Pop is having a 30th Anniversary concert at Alki but I will not be in attendance. I love what they have built and overflow with respect for the artists performing (Shabazz Palaces is #1 in my book) but I much prefer to work at these kind of events. I know my time would be better spent working towards my lofty goals and taking care of myself.

I did reach out to two Seattle entrepreneurs about working for them yesterday and I would sincerely love to see that happen. I let them know about my Europe plans so they’d know in advance that I plan on leaving for two months. Even though I must work towards an art career right now, I also must eat and pay my bills; it’s a thing. There are more than enough hours in the day to work for another and to work for myself. Few things are better than working with a great team toward a common goal, here’s hoping that works out.


Throwing this out there… if I received a job offer that would allow me to live alone in Seattle, keep my car, have health/dental, pay off my debts, finally buy some new clothes, and still be able to afford food, I’d seriously consider putting off the Europe trip until a later time. It’s kind of crazy that those things are extravagant in Seattle for a UW graduate. Even when I worked every day for others, I still didn’t make enough money to live and prosper in Seattle because I have chosen to work in the low-paying music industry. I am fully aware of the mistakes I made that kept me from being profitable and would do (almost) all of it over again the same way cuz I learned so much. I would 100% go on tour again (with the right artists) at a moment’s notice because that is the end goal of all this selling art business anyway.


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Work on resin projects

7.     Set up the store on my website with at least five pieces.



Stimulator Jones – “Soon Never Comes” 2018

This song is also on the Stones Throw playlist I created to pair with the S.T. word search you haven’t seen yet. My love for all things Stones Throw runs so deep that I’d drop everything to move to LA at a moment’s notice to work on their team. I once drove all the way to LA from Seattle to attend a Release Party for their documentary, Our Vinyl Weighs A Ton because they’re that awesome.


Did you know I made a macro music video for Damon Albarn’s “Everyday Robots” with footage of an ant hole I captured on my iPhoneSE? It is my second most popular upload to date because of a Reddit win. My most viewed is the footage I got of @TheRingOfDOOM up front at a Joey Badass/Schoolboy Q show.

Day 10 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 10

Yesterday’s goals were not met because I opted to live life instead. I was able to reconnect with some family I hadn’t seen in too many years, see my 18 month old nephew walk across a room smiling (very new skill), and connect with some friends on Capitol Hill. It was a good day, pretty sure I didn’t drink enough water, my walk was only back and forth from my car, I did not stretch,  and I did write the blog post but have yet to share it on Medium. I did fit in two 90 minute work blocks when I got back to the studio which were spent gluing water. Still want to glue some more water onto the big collage before adding the next layer of resin. Every time I wonder if I should just call it done, I glance over at the 12+ layered water collage I finished a few weeks ago and keep gluing. Can’t wait to see how my art evolves.

Leaving a trail of handcut water confetti everywhere I go...

Leaving a trail of handcut water confetti everywhere I go...

My first 90 minute work block is usually spent making my first Instagram posts and starting the blog. The second block is typically posting the blog, adding the links, posting it on Medium, and sharing the post on all my social media sites. I usually have time in the second work block to tackle some of the many drafted Music, Travel, and Photography posts. If I actually completed everything I’ve started, I’ll get everywhere I want to go and beyond. I’ve been procrastinating the filming of the pilot because there is so much potential with the story, I don’t want it to suck. I must make it anyway because I’ll never get better if I don’t actually make videos. My plan is to bring the entire cardboard box apartment with all the props inside out into the city to shoot the video because that’s the kind of stuff I do. 

No further responses from the auction houses but maybe they’re reading this now trying to research the individual who dare reach out to them directly. If so… hey guys, I’d really love to help the world be a better place with my art and you have it in your power to make it happen very quickly. Since I know you specialize in secondary art sales, I’ve sold the piece to my friend and bought it back again so it’s ready for auction. I’ll happily split the profits of my biggest 3D water collage with the ACLU when it sells for more than a million at your auction. With my half, I intend to help artists get out of struggle mode by investing in their creativity and paying them what they deserve to create art that will inspire others to work towards their dreams as well. Since I’m lucky enough to wake up in the morning and choose to do anything, I may as well try to help the most people possible in the shortest amount of time.


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Finish water layer on collages and pour resin/ start new sunset piece

7.     Go to Vermillion for The Jam



Suff Daddy – “Pattern Select”  After finally watching this video for the first time, I just added it to my list of Music Videos with Mercedes so today is going very well.

It’s also on my severely overplayed but always enjoyed Inner Spacecruise playlist.



Did you know I started @TheRingOfDOOM project as a stop motion video project? Technical difficulties and the figurine falling into the sand turned it into a photo project. I still have this original soft clay figurine (although it remains smooshed from sitting on it too many times) and also a large canvas photo of this photo from when my ring still had the rhinestone.

One of the first @TheRingOfDOOM dioramas.

One of the first @TheRingOfDOOM dioramas.