TheRingOfDOOM 00053: Underwater Intervention

TheRingOfDOOM went underwater as an ambassador for off planet extra terrestrial family and left with a bunch of new friends. Video was made with handcut images from two identical Jacques Cousteau books and my water image collection.

Theringofdoom 00052: dalínian portal

The latest stop motion adventure from my MF DALÍ is up and ready to view on YouTube and here below. TheRingOfDOOM goes on an adventure in the portal network of Dalínia but it turns out to be a Timeloop. We’ll see how long it takes him to emerge into TheRingOfDOOM 00053?

TheRingOfDOOM 00051 Time: The 4th Dimension

In this episode of my video series TheRingOfDOOM goes on an adventure to pick up his Dalínian time machine. I made it all with a stop motion app and my MF DALÍ collages. I also used some of my pre Dalí collages in the beginning to show his journey into his Dalínian dream world. Working on a sequel to this adventure because obtaining a time machine is always just the impetus of the rest of the story.


This is short and awesome. So much potential with collage stop motion animation but I get hung up on what story to tell.


Earlier this summer, the months of quarantine almost literally ejected me from my apartment to go on a road trip. I ended up staying here at the Redlight for a few days in Truckee, California near Lake Tahoe before heading back home.


Time to use all the footage on my phone! I made this timelapse a couple years back when I followed my internal compass to LA to go to Beyond The Streets and Low End Theory. It was an excellent idea, I know I’ll be back again soon.

TheRingOfDOOM 45: Woodsy Quarantine

Filmed this one a couple summers ago and it’s been fermenting on my camera roll ever since. Time to let it all go free…

THeRingOfDOOM 00044: Pike Place PortAls

Filmed this a couple years ago and it’s been maturing on my camera roll ever since. It was the pre-mask era for everyone but TheRingOfDOOM and DOOM himself. Time to share all the things I’ve seen and done while pursuing my art empire.

TheRingOfDOOM 00043: Tahoe Skate Seasion

I filmed this earlier this year while visiting Lake Tahoe to escape my apartment. It’s the first time I’ve appeared in one of the videos but this one is definitely better because I am in it. You’ll see…


TheRingOfDOOM and I went up to the mountains yesterday to sit by a stream and gather our thoughts and let the MF DALÍ Art take some deep breaths in nature.

Soon this stream will be covered in snow so a pilgrimage was definitely in order.

TheRingOfDOOM 00040: Triptych Mystic

The latest TheRingOfDOOM video was filmed on a hilltop in the Mt Baker area. The triptych was made using hand cut Salvador Dalí images as usual. Hoping to cover the gas and food of the journey with the sale of this piece. Thanks for supporting our adventures! We love you!

TheRingOfDOOM 00039: South park grinDline skate session

TheRingOfDOOM and I recently returned to the South Park Seattle skate park designed by Grindline. It looks different every time we go so we’ll definitely be back. So many Seattleites have left their mark here, this place is rad!
