Day 4 of The Long Game... Moving Out

Even though I’ve officially retitled my blog as The Long Game, I remain as delusionally optimistic as ever. The Long Game of working soul-less hourly jobs to pay for a tiny box to live in and keep unnecessary objects feels like poison these days now that I’ve had a taste of a more fulfilling life. I’ve already rented a storage unit and started moving my belongings to their new padlocked home. I am leaving for my next adventure with my travel buddy on New Year’s Eve. Before I lock all my art away for the winter, I’ll be having an end of the year sale for a couple days in case anyone failed to get rad local art gifted to them this holiday season. I plan on making a video commercial for this sale as one of the many ways I’ll get over my phobia of appearing on video.


A few days ago, I was able to do my first TheRingOfDOOM wheatpaste at the Pike Place Market Art Wall with the assistance of a new friend… after finding out that this was 100% legal, I just HAD to do it. There’s so much potential with pasteup art, I seriously can’t wait to see what I do next. It was rad to learn how to create the art that has inspired me so much and to see it photographed by others. At some point I WILL get to create a collage that will be scanned, turned into giant sticker form, and permanently attached to the side of a huge building… tell your friends.


Another one of my favorite things that happened recently is that I left TheRingOfDOOM collage art at Pike Place Market and posted a short video about it on my Instagram story and TikTok. The Instagram story went mostly under the radar as usual but as I write this, the TikTok video of leaving my TheRingOfDOOM collage with him on garlic toast surfing through asparagus has already reached 28,300 pairs of eyes, has 4,775 likes, and has earned me 300+ followers. I realize that this is a very BS 2019 statement but it is another piece of proof that GaryVee knows exactly what he’s talking about. TikTok is NOT just for the children.


I’ve completed a couple MFDALI pieces in the last few weeks but I’ve been more focused on creating art that is fully mine. The first of which was a pink/purple 11”x17” analog collage made with my extensive collection of magazine cutouts. I even completed a time lapse video of the creation process and shared it on my IGTV and YouTube channel. I really love being able to look back on how I made something because it comes together in my mind like a predestined puzzle I’m assembling one piece at a time. The response for this collage was so great that I’ve already granted permission for a Seattle-based musician to use the image as album art and completed five more color based 11”x17” collages to make a set of six (pink/purple, green, orange, blue, red, and black/white). 

The inspiration for the color pool project came shortly after I completed an analog collage using multiple images of Raphael’s School Of Athens painting. After staring at the mild colors of classic art for so long, I wanted to drown in hot pink paper for a few hours. The School Of Athens collage time lapse video was the first time I used iPhone’s iMovie app’s voiceover feature and it was way easier than I thought it would be. The completed video can be found on my IGTV, YouTube, and below. 


Looking forward to sharing more details about my upcoming adventure when the time is right… stay tuned.

Day 72 of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

As happens with life when one neglects to document events on a regular basis, so much has happened since I wrote last. Yesterday was my first physical therapy appointment after a meniscus injury that left me unable to walk for two and a half weeks. I’m happy to report that I’m almost walking normally again and that I’ll be returning back to my glamorous pizza delivery job tomorrow. This knee injury blessed me with the opportunity to clock out from my apartment manager job for the first time since October and help me to realize that even though it puts me in a good place financially, remaining on call 24/7 for part time wages is a total racket. There are infinite other ways to make money and I will seek them out while delivering the fuck out of delicious locally sourced pizza. As someone who has already declared that they’ll never again be a cog in another corporate machine again, working for the real estate industry was never going to last long.


This is the paragraph where I reveal my excuses for slacking the last few months…  I recently spent six weeks in the first relationship I’ve had since I got divorced seven years ago, procrastinated too much, lacked focus, and temporarily lost total hope of my creative endeavors (multiple times) so I have not completed as many of ninety minute work blocks as I hoped I would by July 10, 2019. I’m currently working through my 170th ninety minute work block of the year and have unearthed renewed motivation to barrel forth with this now likely impossible mission to complete 1111 ninety minute work blocks by the end of December 31. The plus side of falling behind is that every single work block gets me closer to the financial and creative freedom I’m working toward even if I don’t make it to my lofty goal.


Last night during a 90 minute block of internal/external organization, I came up with a plan to help me take action when I’m unsure of which creative endeavor to pursue at that moment. I wholeheartedly believe that all of my artistic pursuits are worthy (on most days anyway) and that if I move forward on them, I will feel like I’m making dramatic progress toward my goals and be even more inspired. I’ve split my work blocks into four different groups that I will (try) to take action on every day for the rest of the year. The categories are Analog Collage, Loud Daytime Art/Organization Projects, Photoshop/Computer Projects, and Writing Projects. If I wake up and already know which of my endeavors I want to work on, then I’ll jump into action but if I’m unsure of which project to move forward with, I can pull one of my ideas randomly out of its envelope and start on it immediately. If I feel like I don’t want to work on that project, it may be time to abandon it completely. Getting my Mary Poppins on and turning my daily routine into a game has already proven its efficiency at inspiring me to stay on task. Almost ALL of my big art ideas are in these envelopes so I’m looking forward to seeing which of my procrastinated projects I unearth next. I started this updated version of my life game just last night and already completed two collages and put in some work on a picture frame I’m collaging to look like it is made of wood.


Since the writing work blocks have been neglected the longest and have the potential take me directly where I want to go, I’ll be doing that block first thing after I chug a bunch of water, eat breakfast, do my physical therapy, get dressed, and take my vitamins. If I feel so inspired, I’m allowing myself the opportunity to do an analog collage block first thing instead because the goal is to start flexing my creative muscles first thing on a daily basis (writing or visual art). A few of the writing projects I’ll be drawing for are completing a blog post, updating my MusicVideoPedia bio, finalizing a music post, rewriting the About page on my website, rewriting another Aesop Fable so it is wholesome and inspiring, writing about one of my Alaska or Tahoeadventures, writing the story of a dream from an MF DALÍ project, artist interview research or action, work on TheRingOfDOOM series plan, complete a travel blog post, storyboard a TheRingOfDOOM episode featuring mini Galaxian game, and updating the home page on my website (and many more… hopefully soon on channel 444). I see no reason that my Netflix account should continue to be getting more action than my website; I’m not getting any younger.


The Loud Daytime Art/Organization projects include stuff like completing a resin pour, recycling/donating something from my storage unit, a ninety minute apartment organization/cleaning block, making a new clay character, new TheRingOfDOOM diorama, prepping more stickers to be mailed to magazines, fellow weirdos, and galleries, decorating my bathroom, painting something, going to put WD4D on my squeaky trunk, and repairing old art so it is show ready. It’s been a few months since I completed a resin pour so I’m looking forward to making more 3D collage weirdness; I’ll never get where Dustin Yellin is if I don’t glue! These louder projects prove most fruitful when attempted during daytime hours so I’ll be tackling these two before I go to my night job on a daily basis. The Analog Collage and Photoshop/Computer work blocks are much quieter so they’re more ideal for post-pizza shift endeavors.

Of the Photoshop/Computer blocks, I’m most excited to create more Spotify playlist images, update my website’s art gallery, complete a new MusicVideoPedia promo image, make new TheRingOfDOOM logo, continue to add videos to MusicVideoPedia, complete more Spotify work blocks, create an image for NON MusicVideoPedia, update my web shop, and to re-edit my Sun Ra video. When building an empire of weirdness, there is no finale to the computer work To Do list… every minute is worth it!


Of the four envelopes, the one most padded with ideas is the Analog Collage collection. The amount of unfinished but worthy collage projects I’ve left unfinished or are resolved to begin is uncomfortable and moving forward with them just may end up being what life is all about. A few of the collages I’m looking forward to completing are 30 minute landscapes, MF DALÍ images, bejeweled animal characters, aquarium collage, rap collage, random image file pull (examples… pink skies, outer space, blue, lips, water, mascara wands, chairs +++), creating a collage from one of many shelves of magazines/books, complete a tiny framed art piece, work on tiny 4 squared TheRingOfDOOM collage for Pike Place mini art show, more work on giant TheRingOfDOOM photocollage, covering round table top with green pieces to be resin sealed, collage made with one whole comic book, collage with Space Needle, and to start gluing images to my thrifted breadbox. Until I take action on my ideas, they’ll just be another item on an unfinished list… now is the time to just DOOM it dammit!


I’m looking forward to seeing how long this recent birthday will drive and focus my effort; it often has a similar inspiration push to that of New Years. As Douglas Adams (A Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy) revealed to us, the answer to the big life question is 42. Since I’ve just turned 41, this means I’m currently in my 42nd year on the planet which I’ve convinced myself must be the year in which I double down on my efforts to spend every single day working toward creating the life I want for myself. My 41 years on this planet so far have shown me that I will not be content to live a life laid out for me by tradition and that I must curate exactly the life I want to live or settle for a lifetime of suffering in the lower middle class.


Loyle Carner feat. Kiko Bun + Rebel Kleff - “You Don’t Know” 2019… rappers with accents for the win; always.

Day 68 of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

If you’ve been paying attention, you may have noticed that I haven’t written a blog post in a couple months. Shortly after I wrote my last entry, I found out I had pneumonia which was not that tight to say the least. I had just started a new job that required me to go back on my resolution to never work jobs just for the money again (plus living with family in a temporary situation) and my soul was in pain. I do not recall being that sick… ever. I was so out of commission that I didn’t even go to the Evidence show; if you know me well, you know how I feel about Evidence. I’m in a better place than I was a few months ago mentally and physically but I still have a long way to go to Achieve the I’mPossible. Still firmly stuck in my own way but I’m holding my metaphorical shovel as I write this and I’ve made great progress over the last few months.

Intergalactic AirBNB - 12”x12” Paper Collage and 3”x3” sticker

Intergalactic AirBNB - 12”x12” Paper Collage and 3”x3” sticker

A few weeks after I was diagnosed with pneumonia, I got a job managing a micro studio apartment building that offered “free” rent as part of the compensation. The job and place to live could not have appeared at a better time. I won’t go into detail about what it is like to manage this building because I’ve had tenants tell me they’ve looked at my website. I will say that on a daily basis, I feel even more inspired to get my shit together art-wise so I can start my next chapter ASAP. This is the first employment I’ve had in which people hate me just for doing my job. I’ve never demanded much from my building managers so the requests I’m getting from people and the messes I’m cleaning up are truly shocking to me. I prefer jobs in which I am able to clock out so I can allow my brain time to embrace creation mode. That said, this job has allowed me to work on my own personal boundaries and to get better at saying no and for that I frickin’ love it.

Paper Collage On Wood (pre-resin)

Paper Collage On Wood (pre-resin)

Jumping back into the two job lifestyle has been a rough transition but for the first time in my adult life, I know that my bills will be paid if I just keep on going to work. Managing this apartment building and delivering pizza throughout 2019 will ensure that I will be out of debt and actually have money in my savings account in just over a year. A year seems like forever at this point but it will give me time to make art and further fine-tune my car singing. Hanging out with someone other than @TheRingOfDOOM might also be a good idea. I’m making myself go out into the world at least once a week this year because it is it’s own reward. Photo walks don’t count because for the most part I remain in my own little universe and have little human interaction. There’s no need to spend so much time alone on this planet with billions of people on it.


I do enjoy writing every day but at this time I’m still learning how to manage my apartment building management duties and have yet to reprioritize daily blogging into my routine. At this point, I prefer to just do the stuff I want to write about because I’ve already been procrastinating too long. For the most part, I’m finally able to work on my own art after I get home from my second job every night. Inspired by not wanting to put holes in the walls of my tiny 164 square foot micro studio, I started a collage project to decorate my place with art that can be taped to the wall. I have a bunch of 12”x12” square pieces of paper that I’m turning into spacescapes for @TheRingOfDOOM so he can tour the neighboring galaxies while I’m at work. I even made one of my favorite landscape squares into a sticker and magically found some of the stickers on the streets of Seattle already. The stickers are for sale on consignment at Statix and in my webstore. I’d really love to create album art so I’m gonna run with the squares idea for a bit.

@TheRingOfDOOM and Ten Hundred At Statix

@TheRingOfDOOM and Ten Hundred At Statix

 These days, I’m all about using what I’ve got instead of getting new stuff. Every time I move, I become hyperaware of how many boxes of art supplies I have and it inspires me to start creating. Since one of my goals is to spend some quality time in Europe, I’m hoping to pare down my stuff drastically over the next year so I don’t have to store too much. Before I go, I hope to pay off ALL my debts less my student loans… including the almost $10K I still owe on my car… so that all I have to pay for while I’m out of the country is my phone bill, car insurance, and storage unit. The crazy part about it is that it is totally possible if I have the inner strength it will take to continue this daily grind. Hoping the photo walks, new favorite songs, collage making, amazing Seattle people, and never-ending supply of art books from the library will distract me from my wanderlust. This year, I’ll do everything in my power to make my 2020 vision come true in the best way possible.


Lorine Chia - “I Just Want To Live” 2016 One of the gems on my latest Spotify playlist, Noctember.

Day 58 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 58

Field trips are always a win. I drove to Cannon Beach, Oregon by way of Portland so I could get some Pok Pok Wings and a few photos at Burnside before making iPhone magic at the Goonies Beach. I have so many more photos to take in Portland; fortunately, I re-met someone at LoFi who can show me some of the best spots I haven’t found yet. I know I’ll be back soon; it is impossible for me to resist field trips and goldmines of Street Art.


I had forgotten how much I love being at LoFi for Stop Biting. When I got divorced, I went there almost every Tuesday for a few years because the place was always filled with the best humans. I remain addicted to being in rooms with people nodding their heads in unison. I knew I’d get a bunch of hugs if I went and I was right. It’s always worth it to go out into the world especially if you’re feeling down.

Starting a full week of work today but the shifts are so short that it will fly by. Haven’t heard back about the dog walking job just yet but for now the free time to write/create is awesome. I plan on kicking off a 100 day @TheRingOfDOOM video project soon because I know it’ll help me to learn and to start churning the videos out faster. I’ll also be posting another 100 stickers because if I don’t, the photos will ferment in my camera roll forever. Procrastinating for no reason other than it is my natural state…

I’ll be introducing some new characters in my next @TheRingOfDOOM video that crack me up already. I’m going to have to start doing voices for them soon because the limited text options on my iPhone’s iMovie are not cutting it. I’ll likely use a filter for some of the character’s voices so I can still do the whole thing myself. I love working with other people on creative projects but it goes so much faster if I don’t have to wait on others. That said, there are a ton of people I’d love to make videos with… soon.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Go to work and kick ass

7.     Make a video from the footage I got yesterday at the ocean.

8.     Finish September Spotify playlist


Everything Is Recorded feat. Sampha “Close But Not Quite” 2018

Day 57 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 57

Headed to the ocean today to answer its call. I usually spend over an hour and a half writing but today I’ll share this video I made on the beach in Manzanita, OR a few years ago and hit the road.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Drive to the ocean to take photos of my art and have a fabulous time


Aim “Cold Water Music” 1999  Pretty sure this has already been a song of the day but I make the rules here…

Day 55 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 55

Yesterday I worked, went to a show, and spent some time next to Lake Washington. After work, I went to see some of my favorite Minneapolis people at Barboza and got to hang out with one of my favorite rap friends. The best part about being around underground rappers (or any artist really) is that they can totally relate to the post-tour depression and the emotional wear-and-tear of putting your art into the world. Dessa was at the show too because she had her sold out book release event for “My Own Devices” at Third Place Books earlier in the day. So happy to know that woman! Her new book is amazing and it’s extremely helpful to hear/read stories about women that have worked towards their dreams and made them a reality. I have so much love for everyone I’ve been on tour with.


My favorite thing about this job is that it is the easiest possible version of all the driving jobs I’ve had in the past… and I make more money doing it. The customer interaction of a pizza delivery is usually less than one minute and it’s awesome seeing how fast the tips add up. The fact that I don’t have to learn a new skill to be good at this job will help keep my brain open for all the video projects I’ll be kicking off soon but am still procrastinating for some reason. Still haven’t heard back about the dog walking job but it’ll be nice to have time to go on photo walks and make stuff before AND after I go to work. This one job will earn me more than enough money to pay my bills, live in a place with roommates, and to save some money… in only 4-5 hours a day. Triple bonus, I don’t have to serve drunk people!

Tomorrow I’m going to pilgrimage to the ocean. It always helps me to focus my ideas and another plus is that it gives me time to catch up on the podcasts of my favorite people. It’ll be a day in which I eat all my favorite foods and test drive the September playlist before I release it. All of my playlists are road trip tested before I post them; if a song comes on and I’m like, “what the fuck is this,” I know it’s gotta be deleted. That’s usually when it becomes obvious that I’ve added the song just because I like the person and/or they are from Seattle. That Alt-J/Goldlink song I posted yesterday really does it for me. As I write this my Hip Hop playlist has 96 followers. Most of them are due to a Reddit win; but I think the rad playlist image I made with a photo of Outkast from an old Fader magazine is part of the reason it’s kicking ass. I have a bunch of new Underground Hip Hop mixed in with the classics and now has over 670 songs and growing almost every day. Here’s hoping some of the underground artists actually get to see some fundage from the list.

The thing about quitting coffee is that it helps me to realize where my energy is coming from. When I drink coffee I have a ton of energy, when I don’t I seek that fuel from the actual nutrients I need to survive. I haven’t had any caffeine withdrawal headaches and it has been a week since I quit. Usually by the time I finish my blog, I’m no longer sitting but instead poised as if I’m ready to start a race at the edge of my seat because my coffee has kicked in and I’m ready to fly. Now I feel more like I’m ready to take a nap. The thing about the giant can of coffee I had been working on for the last two months is that I never measured the coffee, I just put a bunch in there and poured water over it; recipe for jet fueled panic attacks. I have quit coffee at least four times over the last five years and it gets easier to quit with every relapse because it makes me feel so crazy inside that I must quit. Time to finish the writing portion of the day and move on to the next…



1.     Drink 64 oz. water (I’m crushing this goal already)

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Add 20+ more songs to September playlist so I can test drive it tomorrow and delete the weakest links to get the playlist to 111 songs.

7.     Pack bag to bring to the ocean. Supplies for photo shoot etc.

8.     Go get a new Discover Pass so I’m ready to roll tomorrow.


Gavlyn “Already Know” feat. Dizzy Wright & Jarren Benton (Prod. By DJ Hoppa) 2018

Day 39 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 39

As the day of my departure gets closer, I’m getting even more confident it will all work out. It must. Being on this side of the art community makes me realize why people appreciated me so much when I was in a direct position to create opportunities for them in the music industry. It surprised me that people were shocked that I responded to their emails but now I see why. So many people don’t even reply when you reach out directly even when it is a good business practice to do so. Artists appreciate honest feedback even if it is letting them know they’re not yet on the level they need to be. I know I’ll forgive those who have yet to respond like I have forgiven those who did not tip me but when faced between choosing to shine light on people who have helped create opportunities for me and those who haven’t, the choice will be easy. Seattle is really damn small and rarely does being Seattle-famous add up to anything but I am actively working on changing that… which is why I know I will succeed.


It can be tricky to not dwell on the reasons one believes they are not succeeding. Every second spent thinking about who/what we believe is holding us back is a second not spent thinking about how to achieve our goals. I have not succeeded yet because I have not been able to communicate my ideas to the right people even with my white privilege working for me. It is because I am simultaneously trying to hide and change the world at the same time that my progress seems to have stalled out (not true, progressing every day). It is also because I have been afraid to put myself back in a position in which people reach out on a daily basis for help that my calls to the world are still ringing. Only by fine-tuning the messages I want the world will receive will I get closer to achieving my goals. My goal is to make the world a better place by highlighting the artists intent on creating art that unites us and gives us a reason to smile on a global level… including myself.

Yesterday’s adventure to the woods was exactly what I needed but did very little to suppress my desire to wander. I often forget that before I bound myself to another that I was a very happy seasonal worker. I worked at ski resorts in the winter and spent my summers employed at resorts in Alaska and summer camps/marinas in Lake Tahoe. From the moment I first went to Alaska at the age of eighteen, I knew that I was not meant to sit at a desk and that I would seek out adventures until my last days on this Earth. The music scenes are not that crackin’ in these remote locations so that can either be seen as an opportunity or a barrier depending on one’s attitude. Depending on what opportunities I create for myself while in Europe, I will most likely return to the mountains after/if I head back to the states. Wandering around the Alpental ski resort yesterday brought back tons of great memories from my era as a snowboard instructor and I finally recalled that the only reason I left was because my ex wanted to. 


’ve spent at least six hours over the last few days doing things that must be done but that aren’t that fun… like talking with the people at Americor about my debt relief program (even though everyone I’ve spoken with is a truly awesome human), freeing up space on my computer because it was like nah, and attempting to organize my photos and videos. Technical difficulties have held me back from so many things (#1 example is making music) and at this very moment, I’m successfully moving videos from my newish phone to my laptop for the first time. Good things happen when you try.

Over the next week I will finish my Patreon video and send it out into the world. I will sum up my plans to change the universe in under two minutes and motivate people to rally behind me because I must. I want to work my ass off for people who acknowledge my efforts and are classy enough to compensate me for all that I bring to the table. That person could be me if I make it so but I know that with the right team, this project could be much bigger than myself and @TheRingOfDOOM and the sooner I figure out how to draw that team to me, the better.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) - LISBON

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Further research on successful Patreon videos and storyboarding my own.

7.     Post a video on YouTube because I need practice!!!


Mac Miller feat. Anderson.Paak – Dang 2016  I’ve had a soft spot for Mac Miller in my heart since the day I drove him and Ariana around in my Subaru a few years back (shortly after this song came out). My favorite thing about our short time together is that he was convinced we had met before; so much so that he stayed in the car for over a minute after his friends got out to investigate where we could have met. Sadly, I could not remember if we had because at that time in my career, I was driving so many artists around that I did not recall. We’ve lost some of our greatest heroes because we could not see that they needed help through our admiration and awe even when they were telling us with their art. Sending all my love to those who feel the pain of this loss, love you Mac. 

Day 25 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 25

First of set of six purple wave glass coasters pre-resin.

First of set of six purple wave glass coasters pre-resin.

The best decisions I’ve ever made in my life were made around 4am with my eyes wide open. Last night was to be the night before my first real Monday of my recently acquired 9-5 but instead it turned out to be the night I decided to quit being scared and dive all the way into life headfirst. The only thing I’ve ever been sure about was that I wanted my life to be a good story so I quit the 9-5 and constructed the plan to make this trip happen at the crack of dawn. This two month adventure in Europe will be the best story I’ve ever told and the photos I will make will be some of the most beautiful my timeline has ever seen. I’ve heard that giving up on your big dreams happens more than a few times along the journey to success so I’m right on track. The six work blocks I completed yesterday were mostly spent on Spotify, my website, and collages.

Now that I have only 23 days until I leave for Europe, it is time to get down to business and start liquidating all the stuff that’s been sitting in my storage unit for a year and a half. Today I’ll be venturing to sift through my unnecessary belongings and put them up for sale. I have barely worn shoes in there I haven’t worn in over five years and endless other items that can help me to make this trip happen if I get them on eBay and someone actually wants to buy them.

VHS for a bundle deal on eBay.

VHS for a bundle deal on eBay.

 So on this day that would have been my Monday, I plan on focusing at least two (if not four) work blocks to listing stuff on eBay for a big sale that’ll end next Sunday. I won’t be writing about the big steps I take beyond eBay until after I do them so I can be sure I’m being about it and not just talking about it anymore. There are infinite ways to make money and I’ve hardly tried any of them. This is when things will start to get interesting, I leave in just over three weeks for two months in Europe and I can’t wait to show you how I make it happen. Stand by while I actually attempt the I’mPossible…


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     2-4 blocks of ebay

7.     Collage Cleanup Session

8.     Travel Section Website


Heart – “Straight On” 1978  I’ve had more than a few moments with this song over the years but now it is time to make it my anthem. It took me just over 40 years to figure out what I wanted to do with my life and I the only option I have at this time is to run directly towards my biggest dreams. The fact that the song was released the year I was born is a lucky coincidence.

Day 20 Of Delusional Optimist’s Guide To Achieving The I’mPossible

Day 20

The only goal I did not reach yesterday was to put any items for sale on ebay. My weak excuse is that most of the items I have at this time have failed to sell on ebay multiple times and that my attempts to flip stuff online ended up as a plastic tub of shit no one wants… like an R. Kelly cassette, or an Alaska commemorative spoon, or an eight headed mink stole. It should come to no surprise to me that I choose things (music, thrift store items) that do not make a profit but are awesome (Underground Hip Hop). Example, not a fan of Bieber or Grande but I love Taylar Elizza Beth and 10.4 Rog. Instead of eBaying, I spent time at the Laundromat and under Bezos’ Balls with @TheRingOfDOOM’s cardboard box apartment.

The sunset collage I almost didn't finish because I don't love the colors turned into one of my favorite pieces. I plan on turning it into a Spotifly playlist image so I can see it often.

The sunset collage I almost didn't finish because I don't love the colors turned into one of my favorite pieces. I plan on turning it into a Spotifly playlist image so I can see it often.

As I reach the end of all my big collage projects without any more large frames in my possession, I’m reminded that I still have around 50 small and imperfect thrifted frames leftover from #100DaysOfTheRingOfDOOMcollages. I much prefer making large pieces but as I say to myself all the time, I must use what I have. There’s lots of things I prefer to do, like eating at delicious restaurants and spacecruising to the ocean whenever, but if we always did what we prefer to do, we’d just be laying on the couch watching Netflix in a diabetic coma from too much ice cream and chocolate. I still would prefer to take photos of Street Art (and everything) in Paris than building a solid foundation out of hourly wages but if I don’t take actions towards large sums of money, they will not arrive.


Over the next few months, I hope to become as addicted to finishing stuff as I am to coffee. Sometimes when I find myself leisurely gluing tiny pieces of water, I think about the sense of urgency that kicks in when I’m working for others and I start gluing faster. I currently have 201 drafted blog posts on my old blogger site, a fully drafted Hip Hop Crossword/Activity Book, way too many hours of @TheRingOfDOOM footage, 80 belt buckle blanks, 50+ tiny frames, 20 blank reusable bags, 800 button blanks, 147 uncompleted To Do lists, thousands of photos to sort into books/zines, and more than one storyboarded iphone movie (among other projects). When I finish all this stuff, I get to see what I’ll do next but the procrastinator in me wonders if all these projects should be finished. For someone who got many A’s on papers written the night before they were due, it is way too easy to put things off when there is no deadline. The time frame created by my plane ticket to Europe (I still have it) on September 17 may have been permanently replaced with an 18 month timeline (at least) so the sense of urgency/panic has turned into a marathon instead of a sprint. I keep thinking about where I should be as a forty year old but then I remember that I must not give a fuck about shoulds; I must fine tune my goals so I can work my way through them.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     30 Minute Yoga YouTube Video

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Pour resin on current projects.

7.     Make at least one small framed collage and start next coaster set.

8.    Clean Cheeto rain out of cardboard box movie set and gather props needed for rest of the             scenes.

9.    Make tiny bowl of ramen out of polymer clay, resin, and actual ramen.

10.   Spotify work block

11.    90 Minute block sorting photos by city/artist for books/zines



Seinabo Sey – “Younger” 2014 Until Death Becomes Her turns into our reality, none of us are getting any younger so we may as well just DOOM it.



Did you know I have a YouTube playlist with almost 100 animated videos on it? I’ve had Animated Videos Part VII drafted since mid 2017 so it’s no longer fresh but like I’ve said before, one of the best things about music is that the first time you hear it, it is new to you. I will be finalizing a new post of more current animated videos soon. Here’s one of my favorites from the playlist that is best consumed on SmartTV or whatever device you have close to you.

Day 19 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 19

Yesterday’s long walk rejuvenated my excitement for my camera roll and also made me feel extra 40 (ouch). It’s been weeks since I went on one of my ridiculously long walks so I tried to keep it mellow but still ended up walking 6.5 miles. When traveling overseas or exploring a new city, I typically walk an average of 9 miles a day but confining myself to my art cubicle has made me out of shape. When I was at the bottom of Capitol Hill looking up, I suddenly remembered how hungry I was and felt the irresistible draw of the food I’d already purchased in my mini fridge. The photos I got amaze me and I have more than a few places in Seattle I plan on photographing in the very near future.

Almost completed 3D Aquarium collage. iPhone doesn’t know which layer to focus on. 

Almost completed 3D Aquarium collage. iPhone doesn’t know which layer to focus on. 

I may have finished my large 3D water collage. I’d love to keep adding layers forever but it is getting heavier and more expensive to create with every pour. Very excited to flex my newly acquired knowledge about how to keep the edges pretty but I have a ton of work to do to fine tune the pieces I’ve already completed. Grinding down epoxy resin with a metal file turns out to be one of those things best done outside so I’ll likely be sanding edges at a park near you soon.

There were five work blocks completed yesterday because I don’t count walking and taking photos due to loving it too much. I spent at least an hour rolling around on my foam cylinder willing my back to realign itself which likely will help me more than anything else I did yesterday. I was blessed to remember that I have an envelope of photos of flamingos so I’m a little more excited about my sunset collage. For the most part, I’m not into the dusty pastels of sunset photos but when flamingos are added, my genetically caused bobblehead of approval sets in. Since Sundays mean nothing to me, I have every intention of kicking more ass today than for the last five days.

Still under construction sunset collage...

Still under construction sunset collage...


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Add another layer to small resin projects and work on sunset piece

7.     Use my new Target Gift Card to purchase last of supplies for filming storyboarded video.

8.     Put at least five items for sale on ebay.

9.     Spotify work block



Quantic – “Time Is The Enemy” 2001  I discovered this song way too late but it has recently made it’s way into my currently overplaying rotation.



Did you know I made a @TheRingOfDOOM coaster set? The infinite possibilities of epoxy resin has me looking at everything in a new way. I have a few more coaster sets ready for art but I’ll always love my first (this does not apply to every situation) the most.

First @TheRingOfDOOM Coaster Set

First @TheRingOfDOOM Coaster Set

Day 18 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 18

Looking back over the previous days goals and seeing what I did or didn’t do is always a little uncomfortable when you have a strange aversion to finishing stuff. It’s a little too easy to finish the first five goals and feel like I’ve done something when that stuff is supposed to merely promote the rest of my endeavors. The truth is that it is extremely difficult to see the vision I had when blissfully rewriting fables for my yet-to-launch new fictional character at McCarran Park in Brooklyn a little over a month ago. Inevitably, what people want for themselves will evolve as they learn, grow, and get over their own bullshit but this fog is caused by my lack of money, all the reasons why I don’t have any money, and my unwillingness to face my social anxieties head on.

One of the biggest lessons I learned about myself over the last few years is that as much as I love touring with musicians, the ups and downs of tour life are extremely difficult to deal with. The camaraderie and love vibes of tour are so beautiful and amazing but then I get back to Seattle and remember that I have been working too much to be present in the lives of the people I hoped to be in the position to help. Then comes the realization that even though I’ve been studying how to best develop, promote, and support artists over the last five years, many of the artists I love the most do not want my help because I haven’t been part of their lives over the last few years. Going out on tour with such high quality individuals changed me more than I could have predicted and it immersed me into a world I want to be part of for the rest of my life but I need to learn how to make it sustainable.


I won’t be going into the details of what is happening with my job search for a bit but I did say NO yesterday to an opportunity to jump into a Tour Manager position that would have started today and lasted until mid-September. As much as I know I would have loved every minute of it, Underground Hip Hop tours don’t correlate with making actual money. There are exceptions (mostly where merch cuts and Square tips are involved) but it is time for me to figure out how to make a living so I can continue to work with artists who are focused on building a legacy instead of a bank account. Me being too broke to go to the dentist or have a permanent residence helps no one and this tour would have merely put off the inevitable. Typically, toward the end of the tours, panic about what will happen after the tour rules my thoughts and I’m not as nice of a human as I was at the beginning of the tour. Starting this debt relief program is definitely a step in the right direction but there are many more steps I need to take to be a healthy, financially stable human being. As I stumble to write this paragraph, I wonder if this decision will be added to my list of regrets. We shall see…

Detail of hand cut 3D paper collage waiting for its 7th layer of resin.

Detail of hand cut 3D paper collage waiting for its 7th layer of resin.

I could write about my internal debates all day long but it would get me nowhere. That said, now seems the best time to tell you that I only completed four work blocks yesterday because I went to my sister’s place to re-watch Encino Man for the 111th time and spent too much time checking in to see how many people are looking at what I’m creating. I must try to care less but all three of my Instagram accounts have gone up an average of 50 followers since I started writing about my journey 17 days ago. The two work blocks not spent on my website consisted of gluing yet another layer of water onto my collages. They’re finally getting close to being finished and I am simultaneously excited/nervous to see what I’ll choose to finish next.

Since Seattle is no longer smoked in, it’s not way too hot outside, and because I need it, shortly after I send this blog out into the world, I’m heading out on a ridiculously long photo walk. So many photos I haven’t taken yet…



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Go For A Long Walk and take tons of amazing photos

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Apply last layer of water to large collage and pour resin.

7.     Make final preparations for cardboard box movie so I can film it TOMORROW



Charlotte Day Wilson – “Work” 2016 Cuz it's gonna take a bit of work...





I didn’t know this so I’m pretty sure you didn’t either but writing stories about beings becoming friends who love snacks is not new to me. While looking through my collage paper collection, I found this story I probably wrote in elementary story about a rabbit that makes friends with his neighbors. My favorite part is that Hoot The Owl brought custard and Ted The Bear brought popcorn; I was so not into custard.


Day 17 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 17

These days my focus is all over the place because the money issue keeps delivering itself into my mental mailbox. At any time, I could become available to work the catering jobs again but my morality/ethical issues with alcohol are holding me back. Alcohol ruins peoples lives and I have never felt good about bartending even though it has helped me to pay my bills (sort of). I have zero desire to be a good Bartender but people keep offering me jobs doing it even though I still refuse to learn the exact differences between an Old Fashioned and a Manhattan. Despite my lack of knowledge about cocktails, I’ve still become a pretty good bartender. The gig economy of the music industry has forced me into doing so many things at once to stay afloat that I haven’t had the chance to master anything. If you’ve worked with me in the past or was paying attention to my five year journey through the music industry, you already know how much I (and the rest of the world) would benefit if I were able to focus on getting good at one thing that could actually help people. I know that it is up to me to decide what I want to master but money MUST come from somewhere.

 @TheRingOfDOOM in Brooklyn w/ Squad Last Month

 @TheRingOfDOOM in Brooklyn w/ Squad Last Month

I found out today that I have another job interview on Tuesday. This is a job in which I would actually be able to utilize my music industry knowledge, my decades of customer service, and learn from people who’ve successfully worked their way through the startup world. Looking forward to meeting the team and seeing if they’re smart enough to see my infinite potential and aren’t intimidated by it.

The only goal I did not complete yesterday (only got four work blocks again because I spent too much time actively loving the new music I’ve found) was looking through my bin of items I failed to sell on Ebay and re-listing it all. What’s with this aversion to tasks that actually could make me money? I already know the answer (I just want to make art, eye roll) but this video that YouTube wanted me to watch explained it to me further.

I am 100% aware that my anxiety over reaching out to those who could help me the most has halted my progress towards getting to Europe completely. Knowing that I’ll keep getting better at making art every day makes it too easy to put off reaching out until tomorrow… every day. I have already learned that the best things happen when I leap out of my comfort zone but here I sit, alone in my tiny studio, writing about how I’m scared to ask for help instead of figuring out exactly what to ask for. I think too often about a Melinda Gates quote I’ve seen on a wall that claims we all have the same dreams. It would be nice if it were true but if you’re homeless you dream of things like a solid meal, a long term place to live, and regular use of a toilet. Only when all of one’s basic needs are being met can they dream of changing the world with art or being a travel photographer. If I can dream this big as a squatter with a mouthful of cavities and a heap of credit card debt, I can’t wait to see what I come up with when I have a significant balance in my savings account. I know I already have all the pieces of the puzzle, now I just need to put them together.

Above video created last summer while solo road tripping for over a month with a brand new credit card.

My favorite thing I did yesterday was spend just over an hour reorganizing and cleaning my studio. It’s like a whole new room. Deleting the Facebook app from my phone also felt pretty damn good (DEATH TO THE SCROLL!). Every time I write these I wonder if I’m releasing too much of myself into the world but then I remember that the people who inspire me the most have not only shared their truths publicly but also embraced them in awe-inspiring ways. Only by being 100% myself will I find those who will also embrace my weirdness. One of my favorite people I haven’t met reminded me yesterday that since I’m still unclear about what I hope to accomplish in this world, the rest of the world has nothing to invest in. Thanks to this wise man, I’ll be turning the homepage of my website into a declaration of what I would do if all of the sudden I had the funding to hit the ground running. Cue Arcade Fire’s “Keep The Car Running.” Stay tuned…



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Add layers to resin projects.

7.     Work on photoshop images for upcoming playlists.

8.     Spotify Block – Loving the slow build of using Reddit to promote playlists.

9.     Spend time getting to know my new metal file and 2000 grit sandpaper while polishing up the over-resined edges of my recent artwork.



Elements Of Music feat. Anderson .Paak + Blu – “Get Along” 2015



Did you know that I put together a Street Art music video last year? I made it with photos from my Europe trip (and a few US shots) and a song by Paces Lift & Ben Bounce called “Sol Walk.” I’m still amazed at how well the photos match the song but in the year plus since I made the video, I learned about disabling Ken Burns effect (brushes shoulder like a dumbass). The constant zooming throughout the video actually adds to the uncomfortable feeling you’re supposed to have when thinking about the state of our world today (DELUSIONAL OPTIMISM). The only stupid reason I haven’t made more of these is that I’d really love to be able to pay artists to use their music. It would be nice if I could pay the Street Artists too but I’m too busy arting to make enough money to do that.

Day 15 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 15

After 14 days of writing about and working towards making my biggest dreams a reality, I have completed 79 ninety minute work blocks. That works out to 118.5 hours and almost eight and a half hours every day. Sure would be nice if I got paid for those hours but that is sadly not the world I have created for myself yet. Yesterday served as the get real portion of the blog (and my year); in addition to enrolling in a debt relief program, I also applied for 10-12 jobs. I now have two phone interviews lined up for today and one in person interview tomorrow. One of these jobs perfectly aligns with my long term goals and the rest would help me to fund my journey to achieving my goals. It will be interesting to see how that works out… stay tuned.

 @TheRingOfDOOM Collage For Sale In My Shop

 @TheRingOfDOOM Collage For Sale In My Shop

The reality of attempting a trip to Europe without credit cards has slapped me upside the head. Now that I’ve set myself on a course to be out of debt in 18 months, I’m feeling more inspired to spend the next year and a half building a strong foundation of self-sufficiency instead of photographing Europe from a metaphorical broken ladder hoping it works out. I have one remaining credit card issued by a credit union that I plan on using to buy food and finish planting the seeds I’ve already sprouted. For example, I’ve already purchased 20 black organic cotton reusable bags ready for printing whatever design I eventually settle on. I also plan on getting some stickers made for @TheRingOfDOOM because my Mom said she wanted to put one on her car. I’ve been wanting to print out some of my Street Art zines and leave them around the city for others to find but I should probably pay my bills first. Even though I haven’t brought any money in for over a month now (yikes), it feels good to know that I’m not multiplying my debt today for the first time in 3-4 years.

In yesterday’s four completed work blocks (I didn’t count applying for jobs or my long conversation with the debt specialist), I finalized two posts for my website, added more items to my webstore, and spent 90 minutes working on my resin art. I failed on both drinking enough water and Instagram posts; today is another day. I’ll be sending my August playlist out into the universe today, pouring resin, and also hopefully finalizing a Best Of Museum Crashing post for @TheRingOfDOOM to be released shortly. I’ll also send my Adult Swim series proposal on its way without the pilot because I have to at least try. I already have a twelve episode series I can send them, this pilot could be so much better if I could pay my talented Seattle friends to do their magic on it. My plan was to bring my cardboard box full of props to the foot of Bezos’ balls for filming but I’m scared of 147 things that probably won’t happen.  



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Send series proposal to Adult Swim as is with links to work I’ve already completed.

7.     Pour resin on current projects and work on sunset piece.

8.     Have two successful phone job interviews in one day.



The The – “This Is The Day” 1983   Every single time I hear this song, I get all explodey inside knowing that it could become true if I finally just go for it... but I'm still mostly just writing about finding the courage to just go for it. I was blessed to work at Tower Records in the years following the release of Empire Records, most of us felt this was pretty damn close to our reality. There are so many days of my music career that seemed like Rex Manning Day.



Did you know that the first large collage I made back in 2012 is 30”x38” is made from thousands of tiny pieces of paper on a piece of a broken IKEA shelf? This was where I first came up with the idea to use handcut photos of water to make large bodies of water etc. The sand is made of photos of sand, the tree trunks are made of wood photos, and the mountains are made of photos of snowy mountains. I do not like the end result of the piece and have treated it like shit over the last few years but I love that I experimented with so many unique collage styles while making it. While making this I was working full time at Whole Foods and was posting daily on the music blog that would soon change my life in the best way.


Day 13 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 13

While I did get a lot done yesterday in six 90 minute work blocks, I was all over the place with the goals. Failed on the water goal but I did have tea and juice (lame). No actual walk or ten minute block of stretching; I prefer two minutes at a time in between work blocks but my body would likely prefer more. Completed all the website and Instagram posts and shared on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Medium, Pinterest, and Vero (not sure if Vero is working out for anyone). I spent more time than I thought I would working on an upcoming music post; once I start down the rabbithole of internet digging for music, I seem to find better stuff the longer I look. Still trying to figure out how to package 40+ music videos for easy consumption but they’re all too good not to share. It may or may not be The New Hotness Vol. 13 as a continuation from my old website; time will tell. I did not pour resin yesterday because I spent two 90 minute work blocks gluing water on the big collage instead. While it would be nice if it was already done, if I pour the resin earlier in the day, I get more done on the next set of collages (sunset) while it is drying. I’m in full procrastination mode on filming the series pilot. I prefer to work on video projects when I don’t have the option to make resin art. Since I have a little over a month until I leave, collage time is precious… <--- Excuses. No official Spotify work block but I was able to add some songs to the new playlist that I discovered via YouTube. My food situation is currently on point though (brushes shoulder).

@TheRingOfDOOM shortly after surgery; scarred but recovering nicely in his cardboard box apartment.

@TheRingOfDOOM shortly after surgery; scarred but recovering nicely in his cardboard box apartment.

So far this month I’ve completed 67 ninety minute work blocks. That is 100 and a half hours of work towards my biggest life goals in twelve days. That works out to be only 8.375 hours per day. It may seem like a lot or a little, depending on who you are, but I know how much time was wasted in between work blocks so I plan on doing even better this week. Still not officially hustling. I made a few potential daily timelines to see how short my breaks would have to be to fit in more work blocks. I’m shooting for 8 work blocks (a new personal record) today so I will try skipping the walk and actually doing a short yoga video instead. My food restock yesterday has made it so there really isn’t anywhere I need to go today... unless of course I get crazy and leave to make the video.

As of today, I’ve only sold two pieces of my own art. Both were zines and one was sold to my sister and the other to a friend. I’ve got a long way to go if I hope to have a sustainable art career but I know I’m on the right path… just gotta keep creating and sharing. Finishing stuff and putting it out into the world feels more awesome than procrastinating; must cement this into my brain.


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

4.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

5.    Pour resin on all projects and work on sunset piece -1-2 blocks

6.     Add more items to website store – 1 block

7.     One work block organizing studio to make room to stretch

8.     One 90 minute clay work block to make props/new character etc.



Snoh Aalegra – “Sometimes” 2017  She released a video for the track a couple weeks back but the song originally appeared on her album FEELS last year.



Did you know that this show with Astro King Phoenix, ZZ Top’s Drummer’s Drum Machines Manager’s Band, and Dex Dynamite Saga (Dex Amora, J’Von, & Zuke Saga) is one of the achievements I am most proud? It was one of the first shows I booked for The Crocodile Back Bar in 2014. The large version of Mad Max’s poster was stolen out of the light box, it was that dope. While small shows are fun and a great way for artists to work on their live performances, I don’t want to book shows until I can offer the musicians large amounts of money.


Day 12 Of Delusional Optimist’s Guide To Achiving The I’mPossible

Day 12

I did pretty damn good on my goals yesterday but did not complete them all. The one goal I did not even attempt was to go for a walk; I got more done as a result. I had a few false starts on 90 minute work blocks in which I got distracted researching the people who are liking my work on Instagram and other social media sites. Once I realized that I actually had some followers on Spotify that weren’t related to me, I felt the urge to spend more time making playlists. These days there is such a thing as getting paid to be a pro-style playlister.


One of the videos my inspirators posted lately reminded me that it is more than okay to go all in on the things I’m already good at. Still wanna finish this damn video but I should not neglect the things that come easily to me. I’ve been making playlists since dubbing songs from the radio onto cassettes in the 80’s and making collages feels more like putting together a puzzle these days. Thanks to my decades of playlisting, my Mom can recognize Phife Dawg's voice when she hears it; priceless. Whether you know it or not, my good taste in music is likely why you even know who I am. Sending the music blog I started in 2009 to the right person eventually led to working alongside the most famous musicians in the world and curating events in which artists are able to perform in front of an audience for the first time. Even though filtering through new music can be painful, it is always worth it when gems are discovered. Finding a new favorite song is one of the best feelings in the world.

I did get five products for sale on my now fully functioning website shop yesterday. It makes the most sense to cut out the middleman early if it works out (I just don’t feel like an Etsy person). Squarespace does charge a 3% transaction fee but I don’t see a way around that just yet. The process inspired me to unearth the zines I’ve completed and print some out. They’re just awesome enough not to be too embarrassing and I’m more than okay with showing my progress. I’ve completed three 100 Day Projects over the last couple years which would also make great zines/books if I actually put them together.




Today I’m going to make resupplying myself with healthy food my number one priority. I tend to go the cheapest route possible but that usually ends up being pasta. Creativity will get me everywhere when it comes to that one.

Since tomorrow is another Monday, I’m gonna get back into using my alarm clock. I’ve been allowing myself to sleep as much as I want but I can sleep on the plane to Europe on September 17. My natural bedtime is around 4:30 AM so eight hours of sleep has me waking up after noon. Feels weird to set an alarm when I’m my own boss and I have nowhere specific to go but self-discipline will get me everywhere… plus I love weird stuff. Not sure yet what my wakeup time will be but there’s no reason I shouldn’t be able to work on my projects for at least 12 hours a day if I use my time wisely. I definitely spend too much time checking all my social media sites in between work blocks because I love researching what posts people like the most.



Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Resupply Food

7.      Finish water layer and pour resin

8.     Get everything ready to film pilot tomorrow

9.     Another 90 Minute Spotify work block



Charlotte Day Wilson – “Nothing New” 2018  Her song “Work” from 2016 is the cut too. This will definitely be on my upcoming August playlist but it has also been added to my Give Slow Jams A Chance playlist; linked below.

Charlotte Day Wilson - "Work" 2016



Did you know I have a thing for time lapse videos? One of my favorites is this video captured while driving across the super long Astoria-Megler Bridge in Astoria, Oregon.

Day 11 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 11

Detail of 12 layered @TheRingOfDOOM 3D water collage.

Detail of 12 layered @TheRingOfDOOM 3D water collage.

Completed almost all of yesterday’s goals; I failed to drink enough water and didn’t formally stretch even though it’s easy. I’m loving the resin projects I have under construction but I can’t wait to see what I make next. While I do love the end result of multi-layered water, gluing tiny pieces of paper on the same board does get a little tedious. Since I’m using what I’ve got and trying to not buy more art supplies, the art I make over the next week will likely go through a few phases. For example, I absolutely love making art with space striped skies but I’m almost out of space stripes so I had to move onto moonscape skies. I love the way the moon sky art is turning out but I only have a few photos of the moon left. Currently in possession of just enough sunset photos to make one piece so whatever I make next will likely be something completely new. I will probably always come back to the water and will continue to search through the many boxes of old magazines I have to make it happen. It’s definitely time to reach out to a local art professional to ask if my art is as good as I think it is; I’ll love it no matter what they say but reality must rear its head eventually.

I’m not loving these colors but every piece is hand cut from a magazine photo from a sunset. Had to see what it looked like... detail of a piece still under construction.

I’m not loving these colors but every piece is hand cut from a magazine photo from a sunset. Had to see what it looked like... detail of a piece still under construction.

During my research about selling art, I came across a video that said the biggest mistake artist’s make is not having a shop/store on their website. Seems like a no brainer but I realized I do not have my art for sale anywhere. While I do have an Etsy page for my water belt buckles, patches, and zines, none of my non-wearable art is for sale anywhere. I’ve wanted to have an art show for quite awhile but reaching out is hard these days (even though it’s really just tapping fingers on a screen or having a conversation). I’m also still making the art I’d want to have in a show… excuses.

Today Sub Pop is having a 30th Anniversary concert at Alki but I will not be in attendance. I love what they have built and overflow with respect for the artists performing (Shabazz Palaces is #1 in my book) but I much prefer to work at these kind of events. I know my time would be better spent working towards my lofty goals and taking care of myself.

I did reach out to two Seattle entrepreneurs about working for them yesterday and I would sincerely love to see that happen. I let them know about my Europe plans so they’d know in advance that I plan on leaving for two months. Even though I must work towards an art career right now, I also must eat and pay my bills; it’s a thing. There are more than enough hours in the day to work for another and to work for myself. Few things are better than working with a great team toward a common goal, here’s hoping that works out.


Throwing this out there… if I received a job offer that would allow me to live alone in Seattle, keep my car, have health/dental, pay off my debts, finally buy some new clothes, and still be able to afford food, I’d seriously consider putting off the Europe trip until a later time. It’s kind of crazy that those things are extravagant in Seattle for a UW graduate. Even when I worked every day for others, I still didn’t make enough money to live and prosper in Seattle because I have chosen to work in the low-paying music industry. I am fully aware of the mistakes I made that kept me from being profitable and would do (almost) all of it over again the same way cuz I learned so much. I would 100% go on tour again (with the right artists) at a moment’s notice because that is the end goal of all this selling art business anyway.


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Work on resin projects

7.     Set up the store on my website with at least five pieces.



Stimulator Jones – “Soon Never Comes” 2018

This song is also on the Stones Throw playlist I created to pair with the S.T. word search you haven’t seen yet. My love for all things Stones Throw runs so deep that I’d drop everything to move to LA at a moment’s notice to work on their team. I once drove all the way to LA from Seattle to attend a Release Party for their documentary, Our Vinyl Weighs A Ton because they’re that awesome.


Did you know I made a macro music video for Damon Albarn’s “Everyday Robots” with footage of an ant hole I captured on my iPhoneSE? It is my second most popular upload to date because of a Reddit win. My most viewed is the footage I got of @TheRingOfDOOM up front at a Joey Badass/Schoolboy Q show.