Day 63 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 63

Feeling way better than yesterday and also more ready to tackle my first three goals… for real this time. I have never actually measured how much water I drink but I know it hasn’t been enough. I’m finally hungry again so I’m looking forward to eating all the things, like Kalbi Beef Tacos from Marination. Watching part of Lord Of The Rings did help refill my metaphorical vessel a bit because it was time I did not spend on social media. I wholeheartedly admit that I scroll too much because I like to see what is going on in the world and with the people I’m too in my head to hang out with. The current events with Kavanaugh and Queen Dr. Christine Blasey Ford hit extremely close to home and it hurts too much to see often. Trump and his cronies want us to be divided and sad and it is working too well. Terrified to know what they are distracting us from this time. Anyway, I must take a mini break from Facebook and Twitter (duh Liz) and only use it to promote my own projects for a bit. #justsaynotoscrolling


I’m currently researching how some of our favorite legends/stories began. Specifically, did Tolkien start with a map or a cast of characters or an outline, or did he just start writing? I wonder the same thing about J.K. Rowling, Alan Moore with Watchmen, and pretty much every comic book or series ever. Since Tolkein was an Oxford professor I’m pretty sure he must have already known a ton about the legends he placed in the series and would definitely not have just started writing. At first I wasn’t sure if I would find any useful use for my UW History Degree but some of my favorite authors were History Professors that weaved their historical knowledge in with Fantasy to create incredible results. At some point for school I read a Deborah Harkness (another History Professor) book about London’s Alchemy Community in the 16th Century called The Jewel House that was written so well that I could hardly tell it was a History book. After I graduated, I found the time to read her Fantasy book, A Discovery Of Witches, and I was hooked. I’ve always been curious about the origins of legends and was planning on further researching the topic more while in Europe. I studied King Arthur and I cannot wait to go to Tintagel Castle and Merlin’s Cave even though he is likely a purely fictional character like @TheRingOfDOOM. Fairies, elves, goblins, and other fantastical creatures are also rooted in Europe and I’d love to go take deep breaths in a place where they’re rumored to have existed. History is written by the survivors and sometimes even voted on by the elites of the time (Council Of Nicaea) and we may never know the stories of those who they squashed. The point of all this is I have already created so many elements of @TheRingOfDOOM’s story but haven’t put it all together yet. Over a year ago, I made a list of all the things I had already mentioned on his Instagram and it was six pages long. His story is very visual so it will definitely be a photo-graphic novel (I can’t draw and I want to keep working on my photography skills) and I truly can’t wait to see what I come up with next. Currently daydreaming about the layout of his home planet. It sure will be wicked awesome when I get my shit together enough to actually make this happen. Fortunately, we live in a time when I can publish it myself if I feel so inclined but I’d really love to work with Fantagraphics and/or another publisher with an excellent reputation. Anything is possible if I JUST DOOM IT.

Since I’m still recovering from the sickness and I’m hoping to be closer to full operating mode tomorrow for work, I’m not going to try to do too much today. I’ve never been good at being still and in general the more I do, the better I feel but sleep and relaxation is good, so I’ve heard. All I know for sure is that I drink enough water, eat three meals, and stretch for at least ten minutes, I will feel better tomorrow than I do today. I still have yet to finalize today’s @TheRingOfDOOM video but I have drafted so many over the last few years, these first ones will likely be me clearing out my iMovie to make room for the new stuff. Wonder how long it will take me to ask an actual person to be in one of his movies…



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Post today’s @TheRingOfDOOM video

7.     Go for a walk


DEPECHE MODE “The World In My Eyes”1990  Violator remains to be one of my favorite albums and this whole blog is pretty much about me wanting to show you the world in my eyes full time.

Day 32 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 32

Until last night, I had forgotten the feeling one gets when they watch one of their favorite artists purely as a fan. The last five years of working with musicians has been a beautiful experience that I plan to continue but the heartbreak of working for those who cannibalize music, musicians, music fans, and their own employees left a mark on my soul that won’t go away. Watching Rhye’s performance at Bumbershoot yesterday reminded me why I dove headfirst into the industry and why it’s important that I stay on my wonky path. Even though I was technically working the festival, for most of Rhye’s set I was able to stand in the fan area and get all swoony about a band I truly love. Mike Milosh has chosen his team well and I could not have been more impressed by the man himself. Here’s hoping I’ll get to tour with them someday soon. Since someone on the Rhye team liked my Adult Contemporary playlist promo image on Instagram a few days ago, we’re practically already best friends (LOL). That said, if you’re reading this Mr. Milosh, I’m actually very qualified to go on tour with you and I will no bullshit be one of the best tourmates you’ve ever had... or we could just date instead if you prefer.

Rhye onstage at Mural Amphitheater at Bumbershoot.

Rhye onstage at Mural Amphitheater at Bumbershoot.

One of the most valuable lessons I’ve learned throughout my entire life is the importance of knowing when to say no. Had I said yes to the first opportunity to work Bumbershoot, I would have worked at least a 16 hour day if not more and been a stressball. Oddly enough, I do strangely enjoy those long days but because I was patient and because I’ve kicked so much ass in the past, I ended up with less than twelve hour shifts in which my main task is to go to the photo pit in front of the stage and hand fans hats, shirts, and bags. Fortunately, this only takes a few minutes because fans want everything that is coming from the stage area, I am free to take photos right next to the damn stage, catch up with friends I haven’t seen in awhile, and watch Rhye.

A clown doing his thing on stage. Not a fan but it would be stupid not to photograph the dude.

A clown doing his thing on stage. Not a fan but it would be stupid not to photograph the dude.

Other than meeting and working with a team that travels worldwide to video events, making actual money, and reconnecting with some of my favorite people in the world, I did not do anything I could count as a work block. Since I didn’t post anything on Instagram yesterday, my first work block wasn’t a full 90 minutes. I did not bring @TheRingOfDOOM with me yesterday but he was with me in patch form on my sweatshirt. Even though I’m pretty sure no one cares and some of my most popular @TheRingOfDOOM posts have been created while flexing the power of my credentials working music events, it seems tacky to photograph my fictional character while working. It is exactly this morality that keeps getting in my way but I’ll keep running with it. I haven’t even posted some of my most epic @TheRingOfDOOM moments because I worked too closely with the artist and their team to post a photo taken of them without asking their permission specifically. I have at least fifteen minutes of footage of @TheRingOfDOOM sidestage with Kaytranada and a few photos of him sidestage with Tyler, The Creator. Kaytranada once held @TheRingOfDOOM in his hand in the front seat of my car and told me that Madlib gave him the DOOM ring right off his finger (one of my favorite memories ever). I would only want to post a photo of @TheRingOfDOOM and Tyler if he was seriously fucking with the idea; oddly enough I do believe he’d think it was dope because he’s also a DOOM fan. These are the experiences that prevent me from settling on a job purely for the money. That said, I did let the catering company I sometimes work for that I’m available to work for the next two weeks so I can be guaranteed some fundage for my trip.

Ludacris doing his thing onstage at Bumbershoot.

Ludacris doing his thing onstage at Bumbershoot.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Blog Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Remember to eat.



Rhye – “The Fall” 2012  Like most of us, I incorrectly assumed that the older woman in this video was the singer of Rhye but seeing the magical intro of this song coming out of Mike Milosh’s mouth woke me the fuck up and instantly made me a superfan as written above. This song will likely always make my heart feel funny and I love that.

Day 26 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 26

I couldn’t be more excited about my renewed decision to make this trip to Europe happen. One of the things that changed my mind was the realization that the credit cards I wanted to take to Europe were maxxed out anyway so it shouldn’t have affected my decision in the first place. The credit union card I still have will work just fine once I pay it off with funds I’ve earned selling my art and surplus stuff. One of the jobs I didn’t get would have me working for the dark side of the music industry again so not getting that job is a blessing in disguise. The job I did work for a day and a half was at a weed store. Part of me was excited to have my foot in the door when vape lounge/music venues eventually come to fruition but mostly I realized that I do not want to be high enough to be good at that job or stay in Seattle at this time. While I do enjoy weed, I’m not enough of a smoker to be helpful to people searching out expertise. I did love the idea of serving marijuana instead of drinks because weed can cure cancer and alcohol causes whole lives to be ruined but I still don’t think its for me. The bottom line is that I did not like waking up knowing that I was part of the fixed system of minimum wage jobs even if it would eventually get me where I want to go. In the end, I just can’t see myself doing anything but getting on that plane in 23 days.

Clay utensils and cups/bowls for TheRingOfDOOM and Eddie, his eight headed roommate. 

Clay utensils and cups/bowls for TheRingOfDOOM and Eddie, his eight headed roommate. 

 On Monday, I plan on actually getting out into the world in person to speak with people who can help me sell my art and guide me in the right direction. I’m very much looking forward to getting feedback on my creations (good or bad) and can’t wait to see the look on people’s faces when they look into the water.

Thanks to yesterday’s visit to my storage unit, my studio is now filled with stuff I’m ready to exit my life. A lot of it is sentimental but owning it will not help me get to Europe. Yes I love my DVD collection but if it has been in a box in a storage unit for a year and a half, do I really need it? Will I even miss my copy of Romancing The Stone when I’m photographing castles in France? I really don’t think so. Those of you that know me well, know that I’ve been talking about getting rid of my car for years. Owning the car helped me to get a ton of great jobs that led to the best opportunities of my life so far but they never paid me enough to actually own the car. I even went so far as to live in it so that I could afford to keep it. Knowing that some of the most famous people in the world have been in my car does not help me make the payments. Even if it ends up costing me money to get rid of the car, it’ll be worth it. Of course I love it but the places I want to go these days are not reachable by car. My current plans for that are to research the pay off amount and then email the Subaru dealership and tell them my story to see if they want the car. If only some of the people who had been in the car could be used as selling points, it would be gone in an instant. An example of who has been in my car… Ariana Grande, Mac Miller, Logic, at least half of the Rhymesayers roster, Tour Managers of your favorite rappers, etc. This close proximity to fame is part of the reason I am unable to settle for a normal life. Would you want to get a 9-5 if the last jobs you had were touring the country spreading love and driving around the team of one of the most famous rappers in the world at a music festival? I’m more than willing to give up my Earthly possessions to grant myself the opportunity to follow my internal compass to Bristol and beyond. 

Owning Heathers on DVD won’t help me get anywhere in life. 

Owning Heathers on DVD won’t help me get anywhere in life. 

Once I start setting up my life to depart the country, there will be no other option than to go. I do not want the things that most people want and I am in a position to do things and go places other people can’t because I lack roots at this time. My pursuit of enough money to stay in Seattle has distanced me from the community so it feels like I have no reason to stay even if that’s not true. At this time, I’m feeling the irresistible pull of the world and freeing myself of stuff to make it happen feels awesome… even though I have literally sold nothing yet, not even art. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be facing my biggest fears to set myself up for success and I know it will be a much better story than if I had gone to work at a weed store five days a week.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     At least three work blocks of listing items for sale on Ebay

7.     Collage clean up session



Ibeyi - “Transmission/Michaelion” 2018   It takes me awhile to know what songs are about because I’m too busy loving the sound of it. Only later once I know all the words and find myself singing them aloud do I finally realize what it’s about. This song is just so damn beautiful, I had to share.