Day 4 of The Long Game... Moving Out

Even though I’ve officially retitled my blog as The Long Game, I remain as delusionally optimistic as ever. The Long Game of working soul-less hourly jobs to pay for a tiny box to live in and keep unnecessary objects feels like poison these days now that I’ve had a taste of a more fulfilling life. I’ve already rented a storage unit and started moving my belongings to their new padlocked home. I am leaving for my next adventure with my travel buddy on New Year’s Eve. Before I lock all my art away for the winter, I’ll be having an end of the year sale for a couple days in case anyone failed to get rad local art gifted to them this holiday season. I plan on making a video commercial for this sale as one of the many ways I’ll get over my phobia of appearing on video.


A few days ago, I was able to do my first TheRingOfDOOM wheatpaste at the Pike Place Market Art Wall with the assistance of a new friend… after finding out that this was 100% legal, I just HAD to do it. There’s so much potential with pasteup art, I seriously can’t wait to see what I do next. It was rad to learn how to create the art that has inspired me so much and to see it photographed by others. At some point I WILL get to create a collage that will be scanned, turned into giant sticker form, and permanently attached to the side of a huge building… tell your friends.


Another one of my favorite things that happened recently is that I left TheRingOfDOOM collage art at Pike Place Market and posted a short video about it on my Instagram story and TikTok. The Instagram story went mostly under the radar as usual but as I write this, the TikTok video of leaving my TheRingOfDOOM collage with him on garlic toast surfing through asparagus has already reached 28,300 pairs of eyes, has 4,775 likes, and has earned me 300+ followers. I realize that this is a very BS 2019 statement but it is another piece of proof that GaryVee knows exactly what he’s talking about. TikTok is NOT just for the children.


I’ve completed a couple MFDALI pieces in the last few weeks but I’ve been more focused on creating art that is fully mine. The first of which was a pink/purple 11”x17” analog collage made with my extensive collection of magazine cutouts. I even completed a time lapse video of the creation process and shared it on my IGTV and YouTube channel. I really love being able to look back on how I made something because it comes together in my mind like a predestined puzzle I’m assembling one piece at a time. The response for this collage was so great that I’ve already granted permission for a Seattle-based musician to use the image as album art and completed five more color based 11”x17” collages to make a set of six (pink/purple, green, orange, blue, red, and black/white). 

The inspiration for the color pool project came shortly after I completed an analog collage using multiple images of Raphael’s School Of Athens painting. After staring at the mild colors of classic art for so long, I wanted to drown in hot pink paper for a few hours. The School Of Athens collage time lapse video was the first time I used iPhone’s iMovie app’s voiceover feature and it was way easier than I thought it would be. The completed video can be found on my IGTV, YouTube, and below. 


Looking forward to sharing more details about my upcoming adventure when the time is right… stay tuned.