Day 1 of The Long Game... Still Optimistic, Much Less Delusional

Last year when I began my blog, The Delusional Optimist’s Guide To Achieving The I’mPossible, I felt the only quick way out of my five figure pit of debt was to make something truly epic happen. That remains true which is why I am still in debt a year later. Had I been at the top of my game, it may have been possible to simply swing from one adventure to the next and find money on the way but I was operating in survival mode and was unable to make the trip (or life) happen. Instead, when it came time to leave for my three month trip to Europe, I had only $50 and was a few weeks from developing pneumonia due to substituting coffee for food to save money (anxiety sandwich). Today I am still in five figure debt but since I started The Long Game of repayment last year, I’ve paid off almost $10K in combined credit card and car debt, happily live alone in a 164 square foot apartment, and recently purchased another ticket to London for May 2020.

Took this MF DALÍ collage for a walk.

Took this MF DALÍ collage for a walk.

It is true that squatting in my $300/month art studio for nine months had allowed me the perceived financial freedom to go on tours with rappers and follow my internal compass to NY and LA but ultimately, the extreme highs and lows of coming home from a rap tour to a place I wasn’t supposed to sleep was rough on my soul (that said, I would do it all again in an instant). On the plus side, my damaged soul helped me to step my art up immensely during the time I lived in the 100 square foot art studio. I will forever be grateful for the art journey but am well aware that I was unable to make the most of the opportunities I encountered while living there and I’m still in the process of letting that go.

Finally cut up this checkered floor I found in an 80’s photography magazine.

Finally cut up this checkered floor I found in an 80’s photography magazine.

For the nine months I lived there, I didn’t really reach out to anyone to network new music opportunities and was making most of my money working a super part-time catering job because I wanted to be able to go on last minute tours when asked. ALL of my attempts to make money flipping stuff on eBay at this time were a fail because my tastes are so obscure that no one wanted the weird stuff I had acquired… example, the eight headed mink stole I recently threw away because I was afraid to open the bag and look at it after it had been in storage for a year. On the plus side, I did make some truly weird TheRingOfDOOM videos with Eddie The Eight Headed Mink Snake before I threw him out and even made $35 profit off of a box of human teeth I found at a Goodwill Outlet. Even though I was in dire straits financially, I still paid all my bills on time until the debt relief program advised me to do otherwise. My credit remains intact even though I was not.

Tried to make this MF DALÍ collage move with stop motion but technical difficulties halted me in my tracks.

Tried to make this MF DALÍ collage move with stop motion but technical difficulties halted me in my tracks.

 I had initially thought that the roots of my financial despair were my ridiculously expensive car, capitalism, and overextending myself so that I could live alone. In hindsight, I now know that the real roots of ALL my despair are that I had yet to tackle my own traumas. It is true that the initial cause of my childhood trauma is not my fault but neglecting to investigate how the shame affected my life for so long is on me. After only a year of extracting lessons and examining my own behavior under my overthinking microscope, I’m already infinitely better at standing up for myself, recognizing when I’m being disrespected, and walking away.

Having once miserably settled for a life that other people thought I should live, I’m unwilling to settle ever again. One of the most surprising things about working toward one’s goals is realizing how many people are threatened by the thought of you succeeding. When you aspire to go beyond what they’ve settled for, it makes them uncomfortable and it comes out in weird ways. I once had a guy tell me that my ambition is off-putting to men and that it was likely why I was single. This is laughable for so many reasons but mostly because it is true. I’ve yet to have a relationship in which my partner does not try to discourage me from my living my best life. Being single for the bulk of seven years has helped me to shed most of the layers of bullshit the weak men of my past have burdened me with and to actually have the clarity to discover what my best life is. Now that I know what I want to do with my life, I’m avoiding real human connection so I can focus on me for the first time… I will find a balance eventually.


My latest non MF DALÍ collage.

My latest non MF DALÍ collage.

Now that I’ve found financial stability (still in debt but the end is in sight) and am emerging from survival mode, I believe that a delusional optimist makes a better story than it does a life and I’ve activated the patience required to accomplish something huge. I’m still happy that I documented my journey because I hope it can help others to tackle what is holding them back and move forward. Working in the music industry was one of the most rewarding experiences of my entire life and I do hope to work with musicians ‘til the end of my days but stepping away from the gig economy into the glamorous world of pizza delivery saved my life. Now instead of working 5-7 different part time gigs and coming up short every month, I’m able to make a living (and a savings account) at one job working less than 40 hours a week at a locally owned company that respects their employees. My work day consists of consuming art podcasts, audiobooks, and music in my own little mobile universe while driving around Seattle looking for more places to photograph. Working with younger people who do not yet feel trapped by the lives they’ve created for themselves is magical; they are not uncomfortable by the thought of me succeeding and encourage me every step of the way. I truly love seeing my stickers on their skateboards, water bottles, guitars, printers etc. It’s an ideal scenario in which I’d still be able to go on tour and have a job to come back to when the right offer presents itself. I could not be more grateful for this job and the opportunity to focus on my creative projects.

 Financial stability and health are step one; neither are a destination one can reach but if one never starts the journey, they’ll never even get close. Step two is now to maximize the potential of every day by utilizing my time as efficiently as possible. I’m not yet comfortable immortalizing my life goals on the internet because they are so lofty and I’m not yet working hard enough to make them happen. As many have shown us in the past, the quick route to success is usually unstable, short-lived, immoral, and undesirable. The most admirable and inspiring individuals have put in some serious time to master their crafts and are in a position to say no to money coming from unsavory people/organizations. This is why I couldn’t be happier to have put myself in the position to succeed the right way. The road to success and personal fulfillment is a long game but it’s the only game worth playing.


Rapsody “Cleo” (Produced by 9th Wonder) The way these two remade a classic is inspiring to say the least. Eve is already one of my favorite albums of the year and I know Rapsody is just getting going. When an artist finds a way to give art that has already made it’s mark on the world a new life, the results can be truly magical. I know I’m not the only one that felt this song pierced their soul in the best way the first time they heard it. As I’ve mentioned before, the connection between Hip Hop and collage is alive and well. Both mediums of expression provide an alternate contemporary reality for the art it is based on and helps us to see the world in a new way. I’ve only just begun cutting up Salvador Dalí’s art and I’m already stockpiling images from other legendary artists to cut up next.

DISCLAIMER: Many of my favorite people also use the phrase “The Long Game” but since I’ve been using it for decades myself, I decided to run with it.

Day 72 of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

As happens with life when one neglects to document events on a regular basis, so much has happened since I wrote last. Yesterday was my first physical therapy appointment after a meniscus injury that left me unable to walk for two and a half weeks. I’m happy to report that I’m almost walking normally again and that I’ll be returning back to my glamorous pizza delivery job tomorrow. This knee injury blessed me with the opportunity to clock out from my apartment manager job for the first time since October and help me to realize that even though it puts me in a good place financially, remaining on call 24/7 for part time wages is a total racket. There are infinite other ways to make money and I will seek them out while delivering the fuck out of delicious locally sourced pizza. As someone who has already declared that they’ll never again be a cog in another corporate machine again, working for the real estate industry was never going to last long.


This is the paragraph where I reveal my excuses for slacking the last few months…  I recently spent six weeks in the first relationship I’ve had since I got divorced seven years ago, procrastinated too much, lacked focus, and temporarily lost total hope of my creative endeavors (multiple times) so I have not completed as many of ninety minute work blocks as I hoped I would by July 10, 2019. I’m currently working through my 170th ninety minute work block of the year and have unearthed renewed motivation to barrel forth with this now likely impossible mission to complete 1111 ninety minute work blocks by the end of December 31. The plus side of falling behind is that every single work block gets me closer to the financial and creative freedom I’m working toward even if I don’t make it to my lofty goal.


Last night during a 90 minute block of internal/external organization, I came up with a plan to help me take action when I’m unsure of which creative endeavor to pursue at that moment. I wholeheartedly believe that all of my artistic pursuits are worthy (on most days anyway) and that if I move forward on them, I will feel like I’m making dramatic progress toward my goals and be even more inspired. I’ve split my work blocks into four different groups that I will (try) to take action on every day for the rest of the year. The categories are Analog Collage, Loud Daytime Art/Organization Projects, Photoshop/Computer Projects, and Writing Projects. If I wake up and already know which of my endeavors I want to work on, then I’ll jump into action but if I’m unsure of which project to move forward with, I can pull one of my ideas randomly out of its envelope and start on it immediately. If I feel like I don’t want to work on that project, it may be time to abandon it completely. Getting my Mary Poppins on and turning my daily routine into a game has already proven its efficiency at inspiring me to stay on task. Almost ALL of my big art ideas are in these envelopes so I’m looking forward to seeing which of my procrastinated projects I unearth next. I started this updated version of my life game just last night and already completed two collages and put in some work on a picture frame I’m collaging to look like it is made of wood.


Since the writing work blocks have been neglected the longest and have the potential take me directly where I want to go, I’ll be doing that block first thing after I chug a bunch of water, eat breakfast, do my physical therapy, get dressed, and take my vitamins. If I feel so inspired, I’m allowing myself the opportunity to do an analog collage block first thing instead because the goal is to start flexing my creative muscles first thing on a daily basis (writing or visual art). A few of the writing projects I’ll be drawing for are completing a blog post, updating my MusicVideoPedia bio, finalizing a music post, rewriting the About page on my website, rewriting another Aesop Fable so it is wholesome and inspiring, writing about one of my Alaska or Tahoeadventures, writing the story of a dream from an MF DALÍ project, artist interview research or action, work on TheRingOfDOOM series plan, complete a travel blog post, storyboard a TheRingOfDOOM episode featuring mini Galaxian game, and updating the home page on my website (and many more… hopefully soon on channel 444). I see no reason that my Netflix account should continue to be getting more action than my website; I’m not getting any younger.


The Loud Daytime Art/Organization projects include stuff like completing a resin pour, recycling/donating something from my storage unit, a ninety minute apartment organization/cleaning block, making a new clay character, new TheRingOfDOOM diorama, prepping more stickers to be mailed to magazines, fellow weirdos, and galleries, decorating my bathroom, painting something, going to put WD4D on my squeaky trunk, and repairing old art so it is show ready. It’s been a few months since I completed a resin pour so I’m looking forward to making more 3D collage weirdness; I’ll never get where Dustin Yellin is if I don’t glue! These louder projects prove most fruitful when attempted during daytime hours so I’ll be tackling these two before I go to my night job on a daily basis. The Analog Collage and Photoshop/Computer work blocks are much quieter so they’re more ideal for post-pizza shift endeavors.

Of the Photoshop/Computer blocks, I’m most excited to create more Spotify playlist images, update my website’s art gallery, complete a new MusicVideoPedia promo image, make new TheRingOfDOOM logo, continue to add videos to MusicVideoPedia, complete more Spotify work blocks, create an image for NON MusicVideoPedia, update my web shop, and to re-edit my Sun Ra video. When building an empire of weirdness, there is no finale to the computer work To Do list… every minute is worth it!


Of the four envelopes, the one most padded with ideas is the Analog Collage collection. The amount of unfinished but worthy collage projects I’ve left unfinished or are resolved to begin is uncomfortable and moving forward with them just may end up being what life is all about. A few of the collages I’m looking forward to completing are 30 minute landscapes, MF DALÍ images, bejeweled animal characters, aquarium collage, rap collage, random image file pull (examples… pink skies, outer space, blue, lips, water, mascara wands, chairs +++), creating a collage from one of many shelves of magazines/books, complete a tiny framed art piece, work on tiny 4 squared TheRingOfDOOM collage for Pike Place mini art show, more work on giant TheRingOfDOOM photocollage, covering round table top with green pieces to be resin sealed, collage made with one whole comic book, collage with Space Needle, and to start gluing images to my thrifted breadbox. Until I take action on my ideas, they’ll just be another item on an unfinished list… now is the time to just DOOM it dammit!


I’m looking forward to seeing how long this recent birthday will drive and focus my effort; it often has a similar inspiration push to that of New Years. As Douglas Adams (A Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy) revealed to us, the answer to the big life question is 42. Since I’ve just turned 41, this means I’m currently in my 42nd year on the planet which I’ve convinced myself must be the year in which I double down on my efforts to spend every single day working toward creating the life I want for myself. My 41 years on this planet so far have shown me that I will not be content to live a life laid out for me by tradition and that I must curate exactly the life I want to live or settle for a lifetime of suffering in the lower middle class.


Loyle Carner feat. Kiko Bun + Rebel Kleff - “You Don’t Know” 2019… rappers with accents for the win; always.

Day 58 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 58

Field trips are always a win. I drove to Cannon Beach, Oregon by way of Portland so I could get some Pok Pok Wings and a few photos at Burnside before making iPhone magic at the Goonies Beach. I have so many more photos to take in Portland; fortunately, I re-met someone at LoFi who can show me some of the best spots I haven’t found yet. I know I’ll be back soon; it is impossible for me to resist field trips and goldmines of Street Art.


I had forgotten how much I love being at LoFi for Stop Biting. When I got divorced, I went there almost every Tuesday for a few years because the place was always filled with the best humans. I remain addicted to being in rooms with people nodding their heads in unison. I knew I’d get a bunch of hugs if I went and I was right. It’s always worth it to go out into the world especially if you’re feeling down.

Starting a full week of work today but the shifts are so short that it will fly by. Haven’t heard back about the dog walking job just yet but for now the free time to write/create is awesome. I plan on kicking off a 100 day @TheRingOfDOOM video project soon because I know it’ll help me to learn and to start churning the videos out faster. I’ll also be posting another 100 stickers because if I don’t, the photos will ferment in my camera roll forever. Procrastinating for no reason other than it is my natural state…

I’ll be introducing some new characters in my next @TheRingOfDOOM video that crack me up already. I’m going to have to start doing voices for them soon because the limited text options on my iPhone’s iMovie are not cutting it. I’ll likely use a filter for some of the character’s voices so I can still do the whole thing myself. I love working with other people on creative projects but it goes so much faster if I don’t have to wait on others. That said, there are a ton of people I’d love to make videos with… soon.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Go to work and kick ass

7.     Make a video from the footage I got yesterday at the ocean.

8.     Finish September Spotify playlist


Everything Is Recorded feat. Sampha “Close But Not Quite” 2018

Day 55 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 55

Yesterday I worked, went to a show, and spent some time next to Lake Washington. After work, I went to see some of my favorite Minneapolis people at Barboza and got to hang out with one of my favorite rap friends. The best part about being around underground rappers (or any artist really) is that they can totally relate to the post-tour depression and the emotional wear-and-tear of putting your art into the world. Dessa was at the show too because she had her sold out book release event for “My Own Devices” at Third Place Books earlier in the day. So happy to know that woman! Her new book is amazing and it’s extremely helpful to hear/read stories about women that have worked towards their dreams and made them a reality. I have so much love for everyone I’ve been on tour with.


My favorite thing about this job is that it is the easiest possible version of all the driving jobs I’ve had in the past… and I make more money doing it. The customer interaction of a pizza delivery is usually less than one minute and it’s awesome seeing how fast the tips add up. The fact that I don’t have to learn a new skill to be good at this job will help keep my brain open for all the video projects I’ll be kicking off soon but am still procrastinating for some reason. Still haven’t heard back about the dog walking job but it’ll be nice to have time to go on photo walks and make stuff before AND after I go to work. This one job will earn me more than enough money to pay my bills, live in a place with roommates, and to save some money… in only 4-5 hours a day. Triple bonus, I don’t have to serve drunk people!

Tomorrow I’m going to pilgrimage to the ocean. It always helps me to focus my ideas and another plus is that it gives me time to catch up on the podcasts of my favorite people. It’ll be a day in which I eat all my favorite foods and test drive the September playlist before I release it. All of my playlists are road trip tested before I post them; if a song comes on and I’m like, “what the fuck is this,” I know it’s gotta be deleted. That’s usually when it becomes obvious that I’ve added the song just because I like the person and/or they are from Seattle. That Alt-J/Goldlink song I posted yesterday really does it for me. As I write this my Hip Hop playlist has 96 followers. Most of them are due to a Reddit win; but I think the rad playlist image I made with a photo of Outkast from an old Fader magazine is part of the reason it’s kicking ass. I have a bunch of new Underground Hip Hop mixed in with the classics and now has over 670 songs and growing almost every day. Here’s hoping some of the underground artists actually get to see some fundage from the list.

The thing about quitting coffee is that it helps me to realize where my energy is coming from. When I drink coffee I have a ton of energy, when I don’t I seek that fuel from the actual nutrients I need to survive. I haven’t had any caffeine withdrawal headaches and it has been a week since I quit. Usually by the time I finish my blog, I’m no longer sitting but instead poised as if I’m ready to start a race at the edge of my seat because my coffee has kicked in and I’m ready to fly. Now I feel more like I’m ready to take a nap. The thing about the giant can of coffee I had been working on for the last two months is that I never measured the coffee, I just put a bunch in there and poured water over it; recipe for jet fueled panic attacks. I have quit coffee at least four times over the last five years and it gets easier to quit with every relapse because it makes me feel so crazy inside that I must quit. Time to finish the writing portion of the day and move on to the next…



1.     Drink 64 oz. water (I’m crushing this goal already)

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Add 20+ more songs to September playlist so I can test drive it tomorrow and delete the weakest links to get the playlist to 111 songs.

7.     Pack bag to bring to the ocean. Supplies for photo shoot etc.

8.     Go get a new Discover Pass so I’m ready to roll tomorrow.


Gavlyn “Already Know” feat. Dizzy Wright & Jarren Benton (Prod. By DJ Hoppa) 2018