Day 15 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 15

After 14 days of writing about and working towards making my biggest dreams a reality, I have completed 79 ninety minute work blocks. That works out to 118.5 hours and almost eight and a half hours every day. Sure would be nice if I got paid for those hours but that is sadly not the world I have created for myself yet. Yesterday served as the get real portion of the blog (and my year); in addition to enrolling in a debt relief program, I also applied for 10-12 jobs. I now have two phone interviews lined up for today and one in person interview tomorrow. One of these jobs perfectly aligns with my long term goals and the rest would help me to fund my journey to achieving my goals. It will be interesting to see how that works out… stay tuned.

 @TheRingOfDOOM Collage For Sale In My Shop

 @TheRingOfDOOM Collage For Sale In My Shop

The reality of attempting a trip to Europe without credit cards has slapped me upside the head. Now that I’ve set myself on a course to be out of debt in 18 months, I’m feeling more inspired to spend the next year and a half building a strong foundation of self-sufficiency instead of photographing Europe from a metaphorical broken ladder hoping it works out. I have one remaining credit card issued by a credit union that I plan on using to buy food and finish planting the seeds I’ve already sprouted. For example, I’ve already purchased 20 black organic cotton reusable bags ready for printing whatever design I eventually settle on. I also plan on getting some stickers made for @TheRingOfDOOM because my Mom said she wanted to put one on her car. I’ve been wanting to print out some of my Street Art zines and leave them around the city for others to find but I should probably pay my bills first. Even though I haven’t brought any money in for over a month now (yikes), it feels good to know that I’m not multiplying my debt today for the first time in 3-4 years.

In yesterday’s four completed work blocks (I didn’t count applying for jobs or my long conversation with the debt specialist), I finalized two posts for my website, added more items to my webstore, and spent 90 minutes working on my resin art. I failed on both drinking enough water and Instagram posts; today is another day. I’ll be sending my August playlist out into the universe today, pouring resin, and also hopefully finalizing a Best Of Museum Crashing post for @TheRingOfDOOM to be released shortly. I’ll also send my Adult Swim series proposal on its way without the pilot because I have to at least try. I already have a twelve episode series I can send them, this pilot could be so much better if I could pay my talented Seattle friends to do their magic on it. My plan was to bring my cardboard box full of props to the foot of Bezos’ balls for filming but I’m scared of 147 things that probably won’t happen.  



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Send series proposal to Adult Swim as is with links to work I’ve already completed.

7.     Pour resin on current projects and work on sunset piece.

8.     Have two successful phone job interviews in one day.



The The – “This Is The Day” 1983   Every single time I hear this song, I get all explodey inside knowing that it could become true if I finally just go for it... but I'm still mostly just writing about finding the courage to just go for it. I was blessed to work at Tower Records in the years following the release of Empire Records, most of us felt this was pretty damn close to our reality. There are so many days of my music career that seemed like Rex Manning Day.



Did you know that the first large collage I made back in 2012 is 30”x38” is made from thousands of tiny pieces of paper on a piece of a broken IKEA shelf? This was where I first came up with the idea to use handcut photos of water to make large bodies of water etc. The sand is made of photos of sand, the tree trunks are made of wood photos, and the mountains are made of photos of snowy mountains. I do not like the end result of the piece and have treated it like shit over the last few years but I love that I experimented with so many unique collage styles while making it. While making this I was working full time at Whole Foods and was posting daily on the music blog that would soon change my life in the best way.
