Day 22 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 22

Even though I only worked a half day, yesterday was my intro to the empty feeling one has after working 9-5. Needless to say, my original goals were pushed aside. I had previously forgotten I had added yoga to my to do list but I still have only just stretched. I didn’t drink enough water, or work on T-ROD movie, or work on a Spotify list, or post twice on Instagram. Lame. My first work block of the day is gonna be a little wonky for a bit. My goal will be to post my daily blog before I go to work so that when I get back to the studio, all I’ll have to do is work on my craft.

Today is already my Friday so after work today, I’ll be experiencing my first “weekend” in years that I’ll work all the way through. At this time, I’m realizing that I need to fine tune what my new plan is. Still gonna dream of a cash windfall (and take steps toward) so I can photograph the art Indian Giver is blessing Paris with as we speak and utilize the French I’ve been learning on the Duolingo app but in the meantime, I’m going to keep slowly building my foundation. Knowing that all my bills will be paid with one job (if I remain in this “living” situation) feels mostly good but I can almost visualize the photos I’d get to take in London/Paris/Copenhagen/Rotterdam and my heart hurts for everyone who would’ve seen them. Technically, I still have two years to accomplish my five year goal of getting paid to go to Europe.

Looking forward to developing a routine but it may not be time for that just yet. My favorite thing I DID do yesterday was to sign up to potentially make money with Medium and post a few of my best pieces on Reddit. It was super easy to make the change so we’ll see what happens with that.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     30 Minute Yoga YouTube Video

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.    Finalize plan of footage to capture in Seattle, gather props, pack bag

7.    90 Minute Collage Block



Ama Lou “Wire” 2018  The video Ama Lou released for this song is a three pack with "Wire" as the last song.