Day 38 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 38

Today I was surprised to wake up and think, “ooo, what can I do tomorrow?” This could only be the procrastinator in me who is just afraid to start filming myself, or, the fact that I stayed up til 5:30am watching videos from two of my new favorite heroes, Casey Neistat and Peter McKinnon. If you’re paying attention to the YouTube nation, you have likely already heard of these two but I was blessed to find them while researching the Patreon videos of those who have successfully utilized the platform. I realized that I’ve been doing the world a disservice by NOT filming my adventures. I make it a point to do the most interesting stuff possible and always have more fun if I’m making something too. Great examples… the day I went to North Bend/Snoqualmie to film a Twin Peaks tribute with @TheRingOfDOOM and going on rap tours. Since I grew up in this area and we were always into free entertainment, I visited Snoqualmie Falls and the surrounding areas more times than I can count but the process of making the video made it a whole new experience.  


One of the best things I learned from two of my new favorite YouTubers is the beauty of B-Roll footage. Without really knowing what it means, I’ve acquired quite a bit of amazing B-Roll because I like filming weird stuff. Watching Casey’s videos in particular, helped me to realize that there is much to be gained by being brave enough to just film it all and that wearing sunglasses is more than okay. The life I will be living on this Europe trip will be both inspiring, beautiful, hilarious, and will show the world places they don’t often see. By showing them what I’m seeing and allowing them into my weird world, I may get closer to being able to afford food on the trip… so I must. Visiting Porto showed me the joys and financial benefits of exploring the smaller cities in a country so while I will be heading to London and Paris, I plan to spend most of my time in the cities that have gotten less press over the years. It may be the galleries and artists from the city that somehow found my Instagram but I’m feeling the call to Rotterdam and I can’t wait to figure out why. Other cities I have on my list are Bristol, Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Belfast, Stavanger, Copenhagen, Oslo, Madrid, Marseilles, Bordeaux, Florence, Naples, and everywhere else really. I couldn’t be more confident that my adventures will be weirder, and therefore way more interesting, than those who have gone before me only IF I’m brave enough to be myself in front of the camera. A 40 year old woman traveling with an MF DOOM based fictional character will probably make a very different video than a twenty-something influencer-type who wants to hit the clubs. Until I’m able to firmly grasp the assistance of a team, I get to explore myself as a filmmaker and continue to make the weirdest stuff possible on my own terms.

In the past, my creativity ran out almost exactly the moment I realized I’d be out of money in a few days and my @TheRingOfDOOM US TOUR stopped dead in its tracks approximately twelve hours into Texas as I was heading further south into areas where sleeping in my car at night would be way too sweaty to become a reality. Looking back on the still unused footage I’m realizing that the missing link is the B-Roll footage. I was so caught up on getting shots with @TheRingOfDOOM in it that I neglected to capture the scenery for the most part. Had I been vlogging at the time, my story would be so much different and it likely would have helped me stay on top of the depression that held me back at the time. Watching the sizzle reels of the videographers I worked with at Bumbershoot and the videos of Casey Neistat and Rob McKinnon showed me how far I have to go on this journey but as long as I can stay on top of my mindstate, I’m going to have a blast learning how to make better videos and my progression will be wicked awesome.

Last night at approximately 4:30am was when I decided I must go to the woods today for further reflection and to see what kind of footage I’m called to create today. After I finish this post and promote it, I’m heading to the woods for the first time in way too long to gather both my thoughts and also footage to set the scene of Washington as a whole for my Patreon video. It is not a new concept that the pursuit of money can halt artists in their tracks and that struggle mode prevents artists from maximizing their potential on a daily basis. I began to seek out financial stability outside of the music industry so I can afford to keep working with musicians and have every intention of using the platform I create to highlight the artists that inspire me. For the most part, the money issue has been why I’m a Delusional Optimist and not just an Optimist. I wholeheartedly believe that the universe will provide me with everything I need once I figure out what that is and to this day it has proven to be true. While there are many things at this time that would make my life easier and/or healthier; I have more than what I need to survive and am in a better position than most of the people on this planet in spite of my lack of health insurance, a stable income, food money, and a permanent home. We get to prioritize whatever we want in our lives and by choosing travel as my main priority, I’ve abandoned what normal people feel they need to survive in search of adventure and this is why I must show people my story and bring them along with me. The only way I will make this work is by allowing myself the headspace to develop this idea to its fullest.


1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk In The Woods and get some great footage

4.     Blog Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) - LISBON

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.      Further work on Lisbon post.

7.    Further work on freeing up space on my laptop and phone for new adventures. (I’ve spent many hours of the last few days on this boring but vital task).

8.   Make plan for exit of studio space and of the final footage I’ll get in the space for my Patreon video.



Chris Whitley – Big Sky Country 1991  This song has remained a constant in my life since listening to the song on cassette in the family Suburban on road trips through big sky country in the early nineties. I know from experience how many places in the middle of the US that are the perfect spot to play this song and am headed there today.