Day 3 of The Long Game... Progress

I’ve been focusing all my intentions over the last few years on discovering exactly what my thing was so that I could build the tools I’d need to run right towards it. Once I fully committed to my long-deliberated goals and started actually setting up my life for a lengthy adventure, I met one of the people that inspired me to be the light in my own life... and now we get to go on this adventure together. There are so many more synchronicities in play with our upcoming collaboration... I won’t go into them here but 2020 is looking to be the most excellent year of my life so far because I’ve exited my cocoon and have started to meet people that believe in me and my creations. Two art nights in and I’ve already set this epic journey into motion… I’m a little intimidated to go back tonight because life happens so fast when it’s not happening solely contained inside one’s own brain. 

Currently selling my latest creation on eBay at a very low price as an experiment… guessing I won’t get to look at it for much longer.

Currently selling my latest creation on eBay at a very low price as an experiment… guessing I won’t get to look at it for much longer.

One of the best things about attending the art night (and recently on my #MFDALI trip) is that I discovered I’m able to make my collage art in the presence of others. It has always been a solo journey but now that I’m seeing the reactions of people when I start with 2-3 images and turn them into one right in front of them… I’m realizing more people would enjoy seeing my art in action. Tons of places have live painting or drawing events but live collaging could work too! There’s so many things to cut up and/or create with in this life, it feels irresponsible to do anything else with my days. My vision for TheRingOfDOOM and my own creativity is huge and will create opportunities for millions of people when I get it all together. 

I hope to inspire everyone I meet (or sees my content) to seek out what their own Plan A is. Most of us stop daydreaming when we reach some form of stability because we’re afraid to not have what everyone around us has but once you start releasing the bullshit, the rest starts falling into place. In order to gift myself the opportunity to create while traveling, I’m leaping into leaseless freedom again. I’ve been extremely grateful to have the time to get back to me (and conquer my debt) while in this 164 square foot apartment but I’ve allowed being rent poor to feel like a cage long enough. Even though this micro studio has felt huge at times (knee injury optimism), when my lease renewal arrived… I just couldn’t sign up for more time in this place. Since I moved in, I’ve had a list of cities I will be visiting soon on my wall as a reminder of why I’m alienating myself in this tiny apartment… I’m so close to the end of my debt relief program, I can already feel my foot on the gas pedal of my life and honestly, I’ve already left the metaphoric garage. 


I’ve decided to grant myself the opportunity to move forward with my big ideas and have already made great progress over the last week with my endeavors as a full time artist. I stopped timing my daily endeavors once I realized that the things in this life that will fulfill me the most (human interaction) may not be officially classified as art “work” and I’m grateful to have arrived at this realization yet again. Thanks to my experimentation with many productivity techniques, I’ve been finishing more things than usual on a daily basis and it feels awesome. This past Saturday, I even completed the #GaryVeeChallenge by creating well over 64 pieces of unique social media content in one day. I actually doubled it and completed closer to 128 because once you get going, it’s hard to stop (I lost official count at 100 but kept going for 3 more hours).


I’m currently making daily Wunderlists to track my water and food intake, art promo posts, and all the tiny things that must be done in a day if one is adulting their way to a career as a healthy full time artist. When this blog is posted, it will be my 19th completed task of the day. Most of the items on my list are easy like finishing a glass of water but I also already did laundry today and now that it’s over, it’s a win. In the past couple days, I’ve completed the first seven parts of my art timelapse video for my School Of Athens (Raphael painting) remix. I’ll likely be finishing the collage in part 8 and then I’ll be turning it into a longer form YouTube video and sharing the f*** out of it. I’ve posted the first 7 parts on TikTok already to my tiny audience of bots and have gotten a small but encouraging reaction.

Looking forward to sharing with you what I do next…


Snoh Aalegra - “Peace” 2019 So much of this life is a mind game. Our perspective and gratitude has the power to transform every single day into beauty if we’ve found peace in our minds. I’m grateful to have found my own peace so I can save my own life from stagnancy and move forward.