Day 5 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 5... 

I completed almost all of yesterday’s goals but I failed to drink all the water (one glass short) or spend any time stretching. I am still surprised that I got so much done yesterday in six work blocks even though I didn’t do the easiest things. While on my walk, I wrote an entire Seattle-based pilot episode for my non-existing Adult Swim show to send along with my series proposal. It’s such a lofty goal but it is Plan A at this time so I at least have to try. If I don’t shoot my shot, I’ll always wonder. The show could potentially help ALL of my favorite artists have sustainable art/music careers so it’s a damn good ask.

Poorly lit set of @TheRingOfDOOM & Eddie's cardboard box apartment in Seattle.

Poorly lit set of @TheRingOfDOOM & Eddie's cardboard box apartment in Seattle.

The pilot starts out in @TheRingOfDOOM’s cardboard box house in Seattle with his roommate Eddie The Eight Headed Mink Snake who was the costar in my Sun Ra Tribute video I filmed in the desert (as seen below) last summer while attempting to figure out what I most want out of life. I completely realize that my iPhone videos are pretty terrible but I am learning a ton while also shining light on art, music, and doing the stuff that makes me smile. I’ve given up on the videos so many times over the last year because I know I’m bad at it but I gotta start somewhere and they are hilarious to make. When everything goes as planned, I'll be able to pay my ridiculously talented peers to make the videos pro-style.

Since the only Monday-Friday 9-5ish job I’ve ever held was a summertime camp counselor job in Lake Tahoe about fourteen years ago, all seven of the days of the week are work days. I’ve heard that Sundays are supposed to be for relaxing, showing your allegiance to organized religion, and/or watching sports but I’m gonna glue more water onto my 3D aquarium while half-watching movies from the library and YouTube videos about people who kick ass… again.

Current Library Score; love that you can leave the library with everything you want for free.

Current Library Score; love that you can leave the library with everything you want for free.

I keep reading things like, “the answer is always no if you don’t ask the question,” so I’m feeling inspired to start asking at least one improbable question every day. At the encouragement of @garyvee @timferriss and @chasejarvis podcasts, I’ve already asked some crazy questions. For example, I asked D*Face in an email if I could interview him while he was in town or when I go to London in a few months (no reply of course), I asked MF DOOM’s team if he’d like me to stop using his likeness and if it was okay to sell @TheRingOfDOOM zine I had just made (they asked me to send them the zine via email, no reply cuz it was my first zine and it sucked, still haven't printed), and I reached out to JR of the Faces & Places documentary etc. if he thought I should make a documentary instead of a series via DM on Instagram (no reply). The funny thing is that I remain afraid to ask the people in my own city who I already know to do the same thing. I 100% believe that interviewing local musicians in the woods and posting on YouTube could lead to bigger opportunities than getting paid less than $100 to play a small show in Seattle but I still haven’t reached out. The possibilities are truly endless if I dare to ask ALL the questions. *Note I have not added it to daily goals cuz I’m still scurred.

Could not be more inspired by Bobby Hundreds ⬆⬆⬆

My previous experience as a show booker under the guidance of a Superhero Talent Buyer taught me that you can make truly epic things happen just by tapping your fingers on a keyboard. The questions I have asked others via email in the past have brought thousands of people together. I couldn’t be more proud of the events I curated and the people I brought together via typing questions. It’s kinda funny that we can be afraid to tap our fingers on a keyboard. I’ve mostly worked with musicians in the past so reaching out to visual artists is new to me. Every to do list and/or collection of ideas I’ve made over the last few years has interviewing people written right at the top. I’ve circled back around to the idea of filming interviews with artists in nature on my iPhone every few months for the last five years but have still only interviewed one person. Maybe I’ll do it now because I told the internet about it… we shall see.


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all four blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     At least 2 x 90 minute work blocks on big water collage & others

7.     90 minute work block storyboarding Adult Swim pilot I’ll film shortly to send with my proposal



Aim – “Cold Water Music” 1999 – I’ve been addicted to this song for weeks now.