Day 27 Of Delusional Optimist’s Guide To Achieving The I’mPossible

Day 27

Waking up knowing it’s time to prep to leave the country feels good. I know there is a lot of work to do but I love that stuff. Every time I go through the many items in my storage unit, I look at it through new eyes. Like most of us, I have tons of stuff just sitting in boxes in storage because I like them just enough to keep them. For me this is mostly media; aside from kitchen stuff, the bulk of my belongings are boxes of CDs, DVDs, books, and magazines. Previously, I made a rule for myself that I must either use it or get rid of it. This is how I ended up starting to collage so it has been working out well. I do love my book collection but I’ve already read all those books. They make me smile when I look at them but when everything goes as planned, I will not have a bookshelf in the US to put my books on. When you move as often as I have, it really makes you question why you’re keeping all this stuff. I still need a few more days to consider letting go of my CDs even though those have been boxed up since before I moved most of my belongings to a storage unit. The books and CDs remain in my storage unit for now but I have started to put cassettes and DVDs up for sale. I’ll be bringing them somewhere local to try and sell them if eBay doesn’t work. If you're interested in seeing what I have for sale, HERE's the link to my shop.

I'm selling a 5x7 canvas print of @TheRingOfDOOM's first photo on eBay. I've posted over 700 photos since this was taken. 

I'm selling a 5x7 canvas print of @TheRingOfDOOM's first photo on eBay. I've posted over 700 photos since this was taken. 

Speaking of moving, I’m the type of person that only owns items that fit inside my Subaru that I can carry myself. I did this on purpose so I could move from place to place without the assistance of others. This is a metaphor for my whole life which is why my plans for the next few weeks are so scary. I’m hoping to sell some of my large pieces of art to help fund my Europe trip but I also have plans to start a Patreon. I’ve been researching what works and what doesn’t and I think I have some ideas on how to make it work for me. It’ll be an interesting process throughout which I will learn a lot about myself, but I will get that going in a few more days.

It’s looking like I’ll be moving out of my studio in the days before I leave for Europe so I don’t have to pay for it while I’m gone. If I do that AND release my car, I’ll be in a much better position to not only pay for my trip to Europe but to potentially stay for longer. The more things I let go, the freer I feel.

R&B cassingle six pack for sale on eBay.

R&B cassingle six pack for sale on eBay.

Yesterday, I completed 7 ninety minute work blocks. I did not go for a walk because I felt inclined to just keep going. Three of the blocks were spent listing items for sale on eBay, two on website/Instagram, half a work block on sanding resin collages, and the rest on Spotify. I quickly learned that grinding epoxy resin down isn’t something I’m yet able to do for 90 minutes in a row. Right now it’s basically sawing at resin with a metal file for long periods of time. Here’s hoping that by the time I get buff enough to do that for 90 minutes straight, that I’ll have already finished cleaning up all my collages. The tape method I learned from Reddit will save me too many hours to count. I’d like to polish up my big collages before I bring them somewhere for evaluation so I won’t be heading into town until that is completed.

Since I turned off the Instagram notifications and deleted the Facebook app from my phone a few weeks back, I’ve been better at using my time wisely. Now that I have items for sale on eBay, it’s hard to stop myself from looking at what is selling. Out of the 40 items I have listed, two have bids so far. If they don’t cancel their bids, I will have made $6 so I’m totally crushing it.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     10 Minute Stretch

3.     Go For A Walk

4.     Two Posts On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also) – 2-3 blocks

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     At least two work blocks of listing items for sale on Ebay

7.     Collage clean up session x 2

8.     Block of Lisbon travel write-up

9.     New collage work block on ugly striped canvas



Everything Is Recorded, Sampha, Ibeyi, Wiki, Kamasi Washington – “Mountains Of Gold” 2017  This combo of artists amazes me.