Day 54 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Day 54

My new job is pretty rad as far as jobs go. I’ll make good money in a short amount of time and get to drive around my really expensive jukebox listening to all my new favorite songs. One of the things I love about this company is that it is locally owned (not a corporation) and they treat their employees well enough for some of them to only have one job. Crazy right? What a concept. I also finally got my check from Bumbershoot so I can do crazy shit like pay my bills a couple weeks before they’re due like a boss. I might even do myself a solid and drive to the ocean on my next day off to take photos of my water art on the beach. I’d say the ocean has been calling me but it feels more like it has been yelling at me. I am not sure the exact location, nor do I really want to know, but my parents lived near the ocean before/when I was born so I was likely conceived there. Hmmmm.

I’m not sure if this sticker’s info is true but it sure seems right.

I’m not sure if this sticker’s info is true but it sure seems right.

I realized last night that Facebook edited scenes out of my latest @TheRingOfDOOM movie. They edited out the iPhone footage of the Lincoln Memorial and a few videos captured of the fountains near Washington Monument and replaced it with a still photo that says “end tyranny.”Hope that helps you get all the money you need for your collab empire with the government Zuckerberg! The top of my post (when I see it) says “your video is partially muted” but the sound remains the same; it is the visuals that have changed. I wonder if everyone else’s iPhone videos of the capitol are edited by Facebook/the man. The YouTube version that remains unedited by the man is much better. I knew Facebook was douchey but I didn’t realize it was at edit the content of your videos douchey.

Since Facebook won’t let me embed the video, here’s a link to the post.

Instagram has been tough lately because my camera roll is stale and I’m still in mourning about the photos that would have been. I do have a ton of great unposted photos but I can’t get better at my craft by posting old photos. I haven’t done much walking lately so it’s time to get back into it. I’m going to start #100DaysOfStickersWith206lizPartDeux because I still have tons of sticker photos. All the best people say that when it gets tough, that’s when you push yourself harder. The trick to refreshing my camera roll will be to try to experience my own city like I’m a tourist… tricky when there are memories at almost every corner but I got this.

I’m going to start popping up at local music events again this week because I miss everyone. My new work schedule has me off work at the perfect time to make it happen. Stoked to get so many shifts lined up already and also to know that I will now have a steady flow of money into my bank account; such a relief. I’ll be able to make my eventual Europe trip so much better by having actually money and not being in the middle of a lack-of-fundage panic attack when it is time to depart. Now I’m super excited at the thought of paying off all my debts and getting all that behind me. It seemed an impossible feat when I was hoping to make money selling $2.00 CDs on eBay and with my art but I’m all over this. It will take patience, working smarter, AND working harder.



1.     Drink 64 oz. water (I’m crushing this goal already)

2.     Eat three meals

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     Finish this blog

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Continued work on September playlist

7.     Take the art out of my trunk so there is room for pizza.

8.     Kick ass at work and make actual money.

9.     Go for a photo walk.



Alt-J – “Last Year” feat. Goldlink (Terrace Martin Version) 2018  I’m pretty sure I’ll be overplaying this for days. It’ll be one of the many stars of my soon-to-be-released September playlist.