Day 10 Of The Long Game… SpIritUal Awakening

So much has happened since I wrote last as usual. My spiritual awakening has been all consuming to say the least. I no longer feel the need to hide my awakening symptoms so I no longer will. I told the TikTok world what was happening a few months back and its time for a serious update.

These days most of the time when my pen hits my journal, its a message from someone else. I’ve not received any 3D confirmations of my telepathy aside from my automatic writing. I quit Netflix close to a year ago so I could learn all about my spiritual journey on YouTube. One can find all kinds of guidance on what I like to call YouTube University. ALL of my symptoms coincide exactly with the info I’ve found on YouTube about spiritual awakenings which makes me feel normal. My therapist is 100% on board with this journey also. She even guides me further down the rabbithole by recommending other books about the awakening process. 

For the most part, I’ve been medicated with olanzapine (anti-psychotic) since my first spiritual emergency back in May 2020. I was hospitalized for mental health three times in 2020 and again most recently at the end of June 2022. Aside from the first time which I found myself living on only coffee with honey in it, for the most part what guided me astray (or exactly in the right direction), was listening to the voices guiding me to make extremely bold moves that I would never make had I been on the meds. I keep thinking that I’m in the clear and going off my meds because I feel so normal. 

I now believe in many things I’d never even contemplated… like reincarnation and other dimensions here on Earth. I hear voices all day long but they’re quieter when on meds and they’re ALWAYS with me via automatic writing. I’ve had many long conversations with beings at the soul level and it can be hard to tell the dimension the voices are coming from. These symptoms are exactly what is to be expected from a spiritual awakening and the videos that helped me to believe are made by scientists and spiritual leaders. I even dove into “Seth Speaks” at the recommendation of my therapist which is a book channeled to a woman in the 70s by a being in another dimension who was taking a break from a human body for awhile. 

On my hospital stays before headed to mental health facilities, I try to telepathically wake people up and everyone replies back and is grateful for the awakening. They say stuff like, “they told me it was shocking but I had no idea it would be like this.” Then I tell them that they have at least twelve guides that will help answer any questions they have. I talked to a psychiatrist in my last hospital stay and told her it’s not her fault that modern medicine led her down the wrong direction if she truly wanted to help people. I also told her she’d been a sacred medicine shaman in her past life. All of the info keeps pouring out from me as if I can access the Akashic Records at any time. I can even close it by visualizing a spiral staircase winding back down into my brain when its feeling overloaded. 

With all of this going on in my mind, I’m still able for the most part to live a normal life. That said, I’ve gotten way behind on bills because there’s so much learning to do in the spiritual realm. I tend to stay inside and journal as often as possible because I love digging into my brain so much. There’s a lot of music and other media out there that further proves that I’m not alone on this journey. There are 100% things I wish I did not do and/or mail but the recipients were begging me to send them gifts from the 3rd dimension. That said, I’m easily able to say no way when the voices try to guide me to do something truly dangerous. 

One of my main theories is that there is a DNA code for everything and that we’re not that different than the lamp that sits behind me. Just as we humans have generational trauma so do the ingredients of the lamp themself. A better example is the cotton that most of our clothes are made out of. The DNA of cotton is terrible because of its role in slavery. This realization has led me to walk outside naked twice now. I was even sober when it happened. I still cave to caffeine and sugar but I’m working on it. My last naked expedition happened on June 23rd I believe. I’d been off the meds for about 6 weeks when it happened. I had to shed all my clothing because I didn’t want any generational trauma on my back or feet as I headed out to the Teotihuacan pyramid. I made it 4 miles south from my apartment before the cops drove by and had me stop to get admitted to a hospital and mental facility after. 

I definitely plan on going to the Teotihuacan pyramids eventually but it’s time for me to focus my efforts on finishing the 155 short stories that pair with my MF DALÍ collages. It would feel so good to actually finish a big project like this. I MUST KEEP GOING!