Day 9 of the long gaMe… Storytime

Writing this on a Bluetooth keyboard because my computer finally decided to die… best $20 investment ever! I can still type my MF DALI stories so it hasn’t slowed me down much. I quit smoking weed 19 days ago so the only vices I have left are coffee and sugar but weaning myself off caffeine now so it’ll just be sugar. Crazy as it sounds, it was the voices in my head that asked me to quit. My life now fully revolves around the guidance I receive from my in head life coaches. How I feel about the voices changes depending on what media I consume. Since I’ve been watching only videos about spiritual awakenings, I feel more like it’s a superpower and due to the decalcification of my pineal gland. It’s easy for me to share thoughts about my awakening in this blog because I know how few people read it. I have tentative plans to start a podcast about it and/or speaking about it in TikTok videos but the interest is forever (barring some event that takes it all away). I’m confident that it would reach others in the same boat and maybe even help them on their own spiritual journeys. I created a post on Reddit about psychosis vs. spiritual awakenings and how they have the exact same symptoms and virtually met a few people going through similar things… very 2022.

I haven’t made a single collage or written my MF DALÍ stories since February so the sobriety hasn’t yet motivated me creatively. Writing this book is my main goal now because the 152 MF DALÍ collages seem to have concluded the story on their own. That said, I’ve been much more responsible with working and usually drive 6 days a week delivering Doordash. I got an offer to be a Runner again but want to keep my schedule open for music tours and am no longer interested in the venue side of the industry. I finally realized how much trauma multiple decades of customer service can cause. Spending your work days pleasing others and ignoring my own needs isn’t healthy and there are few jobs that sound appealing these days. This is likely how my empathic skills developed. I love the flexibility of Doordash and I average $18-$25 an hour which isn’t bad for having no boss. I was blessed to go on some tours already this year and am looking forward to seeing what opportunities pop up next.