The Long Game Vol. 11

As usual, so much has happened since I blogged last. These days I’m focusing on figuring out how I want to offer myself to the world for employment when I’m not on tour. The wear and tear plus gas prices make Doordash an unreliable source of income and I’ve been attempting to network myself into a music video career. It seems a great fit for my current interests and skills and I’m in the middle of making a quintet of music videos for a friend’s EP that’ll look good in my internet portfolio. I’ve got some other options for dinero on deck but I’d hate to announce something that is still up in the air.

My spiritual and mental health journey has been eventful as usual and I’ve had to ask for more help lately than I’m used to. A wise billboard once quoted that “even the greatest soloist can’t do it alone.” The patience required to Doordash all day is off the charts and fortunately it is one of my strengths. I’ve got a couple tours on deck a few months out and it’s giving me a bright spot to look forward to as it is my favorite way to earn a living.

I’ve made two new TheRingOfDOOM videos lately. The first is mostly an MF DALÍ adventure and utilizes a bunch of stop motion animations I’ve made already.

The second and most recent TheRingOfDOOM video was made with handcut images from two identical Jacques Cousteau books.

Sending love to you all and hoping you all reach for help and guidance when you need it… or maybe even before you really really need it for better chance of success.