Day 8 Of The Long Game - The MF DALÍ Grind

So much has happened since I wrote last is quite the understatement as usual. My laptop has turned into a constant spinning wheel of patience and I’ve been unable to use it as intended for about a year now. I remain convinced that I can manifest my millions just by creative use of my cell phone and focused hard work on the right projects. I was previously prioritizing getting my MF DALÍ book and a Street Art Photography book done but it was installing Adobe InDesign for the project that served to fill my computer to capacity. Now I’m focused on creating new MF DALÍ collages, making new videos for TheRingOfDOOM series, and documenting my art process so I can share it with others. I’ve been delivering Doordash for the bulk of the madness so I can keep my availability flexible for music tours when they pop up. My aversion to working for the evil empire has guided me toward working for the musicians directly and it’s the most fun thing possible even though it can be a lot of hard work on little sleep. I’ve got a tour coming up in December 2021 with Dessa and Thievery Corporation and I couldn’t be more excited for the adventure. 

I recently purchased 11 used Dalí art books from eBay and I’ve set myself up to have four copies of the same book so I can quadruple the images and give Dalí’s art an even weirder alternate universe. This isn’t a new development as I’ve been doing it from the start but my collages are bigger now (usually 11”x17” and 11”x11”) so it’s cool to have more colors in my palette that match exactly. I also like having more limbs for my collage characters. I’ve been creating the backgrounds for my art to serve as mini movie sets for my stop motion animation videos starring the Dalínian characters I’ve been cutting into existence. This means I have tons of collages with characters taped onto them until I figure out what story to tell. Recently, I came up with the Dalínian Time Spinners and gave TheRingOfDOOM his own time machine in the form of one of the soft clocks from the classic painting “The Persistence Of Memory.” TheRingOfDOOM is currently hesitant to use his time machine because he’s worried about getting trapped in a system of multiverses but only we know that so far. I left TheRingOfDOOM 00051 on a cliffhanger as he’d just picked up his time machine. I know I’ll gather all I’ve created for him into some sort of book or zine eventually but at this time I’m prioritizing other things I can do on my cell phone. It would be such a shame to not connect the dots and turn it into a project that can be held in my hands and shelved at the library. I’ve been procrastinating because there are no deadlines when you’re building your long term dream from scratch. 

My daily routine has been wake up, coffee, journal, get some of my 10,000 steps in and leave for Doordash. I don’t typically get much done after work besides eating but I’m working on that. On non-Doordash days, (I have too many if you ask my bank account) I rise, make coffee, journal, get some of my steps in, and start the day’s collage. I’m currently cutting up The Persistence Of Memory and making nine copies of it into an 11”x11” square because I don’t think I can fill an 11”x17” without changing the color scheme. I prefer to collage in natural light so the timelapse art videos look better and have been better about creating videos of my process. I’m going to start doing voiceovers on all the videos instead of stealing music so if my YouTube channel gets monetized, I’m good to go. I’m still far off from successful monetization as most of my videos have under 10 views but I’m grateful for the platform and the endless hours of entertainment it provides. Today is a Doordash day in which I woke up earlier than I would have set an alarm so I had time to spare before heading out for the day’s pursuit of cash… hence the blog post.