Day 69 of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

Now that I am emerging from deep struggle mode, life’s possibilities are looking much brighter again. On the darkest of days, I forget that this is almost exactly how I hoped my passion for the music industry would play out. Yesterday I finally remembered that I intentionally wanted to learn as much about the industry as I could from the inside so that I could take that knowledge, go independent, and dismantle the gates blocking my favorite artists from getting the shine they deserve. The self doubt that withers my infinite potential at times can be dismantled by simply moving forward. It’s truly amazing what a good Hip Hop show can do to your brain (Clear Soul Forces, Def Dee, Specs Wizard, & Wizdumb at Vermillion). I won’t yet disclose the steps I plan to take down this road until they have already been stepped because as one of my wise mentors once said, “Be about it, don’t just taco bout it.” I would be doing the entire universe a disservice by not using the knowledge I’ve worked my ass off to acquire. I’m the most qualified person on the planet to take on this role and on my best days I can clearly see the path I’m laying out with every post, email, and conversation.

Failed attempt at a desolate skyscrape made with only Dalí’s clouds.

Failed attempt at a desolate skyscrape made with only Dalí’s clouds.

Since I’m not content to work/volunteer for any of the established music entities in Seattle any longer, I’m still hoping to fund my music ventures via my art somehow but I’ll play the long game on that one. It will be worth it to take the long route to fulfill my vision. Until then I will deliver the fuck out of delicious pizza while singing in the car to pay the bills. I am slowly chipping away at my MF DALÍ project but I’m losing steam because I can’t figure out how to make a desolate background with the Dalí images I currently have in my possession. Even the collaged sky I made with Dalí’s clouds looks way too extra for what I have in mind but I haven’t even tackled the clocks yet so I have a ways to go. I’d love to be able to push a button in my brain to initiate creativity but so would everyone. That said, it is amazing what can be accomplished if you just sit down and make something anyway. I did get a couple more stickers made featuring MF DALÍ art (and Ghostface Killah) and it is extremely rewarding to see them out in the world. I’ll likely put some sticker packs for sale soon but I still want more variety. Always wanting more…


My desire to travel has not been quenched and all of my plans to escape for day trips have been foiled by random apartment building shenanigans. I attempted to go to Portland to see the Sun Ra exhibit before it closed but a tenant lost their keys. I was bummed but instead I transferred the money I would have spent to my savings, car payments, and credit card. It has become apparent that I could likely satisfy my craving for adventure by interacting with other humans… truly the biggest adventure of them all. I could explore the entire planet and still be lonely at the rate I’m going but the wait will be worth it when I’ve surrounded myself with those who inspire me. @TheRingOfDOOM is cool and all but he’s a 3” alien fictional character and does not have the flexibility to hug.

Heading into a snowy evening of delivering pizza in Seattle. This should be a wacky adventure…



Def Dee feat. Stas THEE Boss & OCnotes – “In The House” Currently overplaying this because this trio amazes me. They all crushed it but this is the best verse from Otis I’ve heard in a minute. The whole EP is fire.