You ever get so dehydrated that you dream in Dalían desert? In the days leading up to this dream, I had been spacecruising a nearby triple mooned planet supercharged on coffee and had forgotten that water is the key to this life. I could have taken the portal to a more-hydrated planet but I was having so much fun making turns down the sand dunes that I didn’t even think of it.
In my dream, I was making sand angels to loofah my outer layers of clay and I could hear someone whistling the ice cream truck song. I thought it must be a figment of my imagination but as the sound got closer, I could smell chocolate and raspberries in the thick air. I’d never seen an ice cream bicycle delivery vehicle before and I was very impressed by the fragrant floating freezer. The vendor approached and greeted me with the standard universal greeting used by intelligent beings everywhere but Earth so I knew I was in for a treat.
My mask’s translator had interpreted the menu for me and I instantly knew Raspberry Sky Ice Cream was in my future. This vendor was from a planet where the use of magic was more commonplace and was often used in digestifs to enhance the evenings of those who consumed them. He informed me that this ice cream would guide me on my path in life and lead me to my next destination. As soon as we made the transaction (I paid in collage art as usual), he bicycled away and I started blissfully devouring the dessert. As I took my last bite, my eyes started to play tricks on me as expected from the trippy treat I’d just eaten. Raspberry pink skies rolled in and the sand dunes started dismantling themselves slowly, weaving their way directly toward the spot I’d recently been sand-angeling as if they were carrying something to me in the ripples. I tried to pretend I wasn’t intimidated by the large waves of sand heading toward me so I just sat there and smiled a stiff clay smile under my mask hoping for the best. Shortly after the moving sand dunes dropped off an empty water bottle at my feet, I woke up and took the portal to a planet known for its plentiful and drinkable spring water.