I accomplished all of my goals for yesterday in six 90 minute work blocks. Woo! After looking into the Vice IGTV Contest, I realized that once again, using MF DOOM’s likeness is holding me back from pulling the trigger on too many things. I’ve been waiting to email the Gas Drawls team again until I finished my Adult Swim series proposal (add it to my daily goals maybe?) to ask if it is okay to sell @TheRingOfDOOM art. I am fully aware that many others profit from the use his likeness, even most likely the artist who created the ring itself, but since my end goal is to help artists make a living with their craft, I would feel douchey profiting from his likeness without permission. I’ve been procrastinating the launch of my newest character because it doesn’t fit in my pocket. After reading all the rules, I decided to make IGTV @TheRingOfDOOM movies anyway but not enter the contest.
Went to see the D*Face show at Treason Gallery, Shohei Otomo at Statix, and a few other galleries last night before coming back here to work on my own art. No photos taken because unless there’s room to put @TheRingOfDOOM on the ground and back away, I prefer to photograph art outside. I would really love to learn exactly how D*Face reached the point of five digit art prices because selling one piece of art at that price would fund my Europe trip, pay all my bills until I get back, and buy me some much needed dental work in Spain. Just throwing this out there… when I do get into the six-seven digit art sales, these pieces I’m making now will be $$$. Invest in living artists pretty please; we don’t have health insurance. Feel free to contact me to make an offer.
First layer of 3D aquarium collage under curing resin.
I finished the first layer of waves on the water collage AND poured a layer of resin on it as well as a few others shown above. Due to my limited space, I wasn’t able to get a good video of the resin pour itself but I decided to unearth an un-uploaded video I had fermenting on my iPhone and share that instead. The newly uploaded YouTube video includes the resin pour of @TheRingOfDOOM belt buckle I’ve been wearing every day. While museum crashing at the Hirshhorn in Washington DC with @TheRingOfDOOM, the security guard told me he liked my belt buckle more than most of the art in the museum; 🙌.
Today’s Goals
1. Drink 64 oz. water
2. Go for a walk
3. Stretch at least 10 minutes
4. One post on website
5. 2-3 Instagram posts per account; @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool
6. Add new water to resin projects (At least one 90 minute work block)
7. Go to Untitled; the art show of @acodd03 @leo.shallat @claude206 at @PhotonFactory and the Pirahna Shop Vice & Virtue Opening
8. 90 Minute Etsy Belt Buckle Work Block (haven’t done one since I started keeping track)
Art Show poster that is better than yours.
Song Of The Day...