Day 9 Of Delusional Optimist's Guide To Achieving The I'mPossible

I completed all of yesterday’s goals in six work blocks but I still need to acquire/finalize a few of the props for the pilot. Can’t wait to finish it so I can move on to the next thing; which will be either finalizing my fully drafted Hip Hop Crossword/Word Search book or laying out a photo book to get internet printed… in addition to making more art of course.

Art under construction in my studio today.

Art under construction in my studio today.

So far I’ve gotten 20+ auto replies and 1 actual response from the Christies/Sothebys teams. A woman from Christies kindly let me know that they only deal in secondary art sales so they’re unable to work with me. Two things about that, that 100% sounds like they are rich people trading money who see that artists do NOT get paid for their art AND what if I sold it to a bunch of people on the street and bought it back a bunch of times? Would that work? My research has shown that an artist named Damien Hirst sold his art directly to buyers at a Sotheby’s auction so maybe they’ll go for it. I remain hopeful that someone will take the bait; at least I’m trying. It makes all the sense in the world to start at the top when possible. Even though I’m currently in financial straits, I love the idea of selling the art for the ACLU or a Seattle-based charity (but Pearl Jam is crushing that game right now) to raise awareness for the cause instead of getting paid. Even if I didn’t get a penny for selling the big piece, I’d hopefully be able to pay for some dental work with the smaller pieces. Anything is possible because I choose to believe it. We shall see what develops there.

Heading out into the world today to see some family and to check out Specs Wizard’s Art Show so I may not get as many work blocks in as I would like. My extreme night owl nature has me waking up late in the day but also working til 4am on my art. I’m on a different schedule than the rest of the world and I’m okay with that; working jobs in which you finish around 2:30-3:00 AM will do that to you.


Today’s Goals

1.     Drink 64 oz. water

2.     Go For A Walk

3.     Stretch at least 10 minutes

4.     One Post On Website… Shared (post on all blogs on Medium also)

5.     2-3 Instagram Posts Per Account @206liz @TheRingOfDOOM @MyDefOfCool

6.     Finish water layers on all projects and pour resin.



Sade – “Flower Of The Universe (No I.D. Remix)” 2018


Did you know that I spent four summers living in Alaska? I worked as a Barista/Busser at a Princess Cruise lines resort that drew people in with the view of Denali. My fourth summer, I lived in Talkeetna and worked as a pubtender at the bar the climbers would come to first thing after summiting Denali. I got to meet so many great people who had very different ideas on how to live life. I was never the same in the best way. 

Me behind the two room tent I lived in for a few weeks with a friend by the river in Talkeetna.

Me behind the two room tent I lived in for a few weeks with a friend by the river in Talkeetna.

I realized I lied when I said I’d never left my mark. This was written under the bridge at Mile 133.1 of the Parks Highway in Alaska circa 1999 with a tipless can of spray paint. I’d love to go back and see if it is still there.

I realized I lied when I said I’d never left my mark. This was written under the bridge at Mile 133.1 of the Parks Highway in Alaska circa 1999 with a tipless can of spray paint. I’d love to go back and see if it is still there.